Collecting What?! #14 - Jose Alvarez (Director of Design at Illumination)
Jose is currently the Director of Design at Illumination, the studio behind Minions & Despicable Me. He was the Senior Designer at Jakks Pacific and the man behind the World of Nintendo line. Passionate Nintendo fan and amazing human.
Instagram & Twitter - @toysoldierz18
Collecting What?! #13 - Char2000 (Director of Photography, Miami Heat Videographer)
Joelle aka Char2000 is a self taught DP who owns his one company and has worked with some of the biggest Hip-Hop/Rap artist and Brands.
Collecting What?! #8 - Cornboy (Four Horsemen Studios)
H Eric Mayse aka Cornboy is Co-Owner and Designer of Fourhorsemen Toydesign. The studio is responsible for a plethora of toys made by companies like Mattel, Hasbro Pulse, NECA - N.E.C.A, Sideshow Collectibles, Super7 and many more. They also make their own toys which have been very successful.