Multi ideas media ultra modern Hi-Tech Audio studio- visual studio in its main office complex in Benin City, Multi Ideas Limited is a Multimedia and Entertainment Company. Multi ideas media ultra modern Hi-Tech Audio studio- visual studio in its main office complex in Benin City, Edo state, are one of the best available in Africa. Our gadgets are top of the range and our production crew and person
nel are well experienced professionals. Picture quality and sound output are set for redefining the media and entertainment industry. OUR SERVICES:
Film and movie production
Advert production –TV
Commercials, Radio jingles, e.t.c
Radio drama
Pre-Recorded radio/tv programs me. Tv show / program me
Production and packaging
Soap opera production
Music production
Recording studio (Audio & visual)
HD Editing suite
Documentary production
Event planning and management
Event coverage – (wedding Anniversaries Agms, conventions, conference e.t.c)
Music mastering and finalizing. Live studio recording
Rehearsal studios
Production equipment Rental
Brand management
Public relations
Talented, experienced and highly motivated professionals in the industry. Our Equipments are top of the range, which gives us edges us over others include:
PROFESSIONAL AUDIO STUDIO: Powered by a TASCAM-M-Audio Technology. It’s a combination of America music technology, through a TASCAM mixer board, and the protocol sound technology .the combination enhances sound production for music, radio jingles, radio drama, film /movie sound treatment, creating of sound effect, voice-overs e.t.c with our TASCAM mixer board and m-audio2626 card, we are able to record 48 channels of lives performance, right there in our studio. FOCUSTRIE machine, which naturally treats audio, takes care of the noise and distorting ambience to get crystal clear sound production. MASTERINGN machine, called FINALIZER, albums are mastered and finalized with this. This process is where the whole tracts in an album is boosted, well-compressed and levels are balanced. MICROPHONES: AKG and Audio –Tech microphones that ensures clarity and debt of sound production are used. VISUAL STUDIOS: HD post production studios with editing suite configuration for best performance in the packaging of documentaries TV shows, TV commercials, soap opera, home videos and feature films. We deliver productions with clear pictures and good sound. Blue ray: Enables recording of the actual HD format on a DVD or a blue ray disc that gives the best quality of productions from start to finish without quality – drop. Other equipment are:
Professional HD Cameras – Z7, P2, XDCAM, etc.
40 crane
Tracks and dolly,
Minijib, car mount,
4 and 8 band kinoflo and
800watt ARRL Lights,
Location audio mixers
radio mix
Boom mic
Visual mixer