To both honor the world’s greatest handgun and keep its owners, present and future, abreast of the latest G***K news and models, Harris Publications, in partnership with G***K Inc., proudly presents the 2013 G***K Annual. Featuring profiles of 13 G***K-using LE departments and spec-ops units, shooting tips from G***K pro competitors, true-life glockimonials, in-depth looks at G***K’s newest guns a
nd accessories, including the 30S .45 ACP, and a complete G***K buyer’s guide, the Harris Annual is the definitive source for everything G***K in 2013. That's the length end-to-end of the G17 9x19 autopistol, the world's first successful polymer-framed, self-loading handgun. Since winning the 1982 Austrian governmental trials, the G17 and its variants have come to arm the armies and law enforcement agencies of 49 countries, including roughly 2,000 PDs in the United States alone. It'd be easy to regale readers with a laundry list of adjectives describing the G***K autopistol's unmatched reliability, accuracy and ease of use. But the point can be made more succinctly by citing a single figure: 5,000,000. That's the number (as of 2007) of G***K autopistols that since 1983 have been purchased by military personnel, LE officers and everyday self-defending citizens. As the saying goes, they can't be wrong. The revolution won’t be televised—but it has been documented. Read all about it at, or pick up a hard copy at major bookstores nationwide. Like the millions of G***K owners worldwide, you won’t be disappointed.