Buffalo UK is a fast growing youtube radio station dedicated to sharing new music from up-&-coming artists to the world of house and alternative music lovers. It provides subscribers with an experience to hear all sorts of different artists and experimental sounds. Founded in February 2013 by a 21 year old Graphic Arts student in the South of England, Buffalo was launched to share/showcase a lifes
tyle of exploration and adventure, helping us realise how music can be the route of inspiration and imagination, both visually and audibly. In April 2014 buffalo launch a subproject labeled the . The Roots Project was and still is a platform in which Buffalo created to support up-&-coming artists and producers. The project was devised to control all in coming track promotion requests. This movement changed the way the station worked and from that day Buffalo have solely focused on it’s relationship with new music, removing it’s similarities from other YouTube based promotors such as, MajesticCausal, TheSoundYouNeed, SubSoul, La belle Musique and many many more. Despite reaching over five hundred thousand channel views in one year, Buffalo seem to insist on continuing to feature small low light artists. Personally I believe this is ultimately a healthy decision with the music industry in mind. Most recently Buffalo have started to create mix tapes as part of an experimental project, exploring different ways of sharing music - https://soundcloud.com/buffhq/sets/buffalouk-mixtapes. The search for new music on SoundCloud has also taken a turn as buffalo now own a (moderated) promotional community page where artists can post new releases - https://soundcloud.com/groups/buffalouk. As Buffalo proceeds to grow it’ll certainly continue to share many more new producers. It’s story is far from over. Forget reality and become part of Buffalo’s story today:
Subscribe » http://goo.gl/fdV7Mt
SoundCloud » http://bit.ly/RYmSAG"
✖ https://twitter.com/buffhq
✖ https://soundcloud.com/buffhq
✖ http://buffalouk.tumblr.com/
✖ http://instagram.com/buffhq
✖ http://buffalouk.bigcartel.com/
Buffalo Tee - http://goo.gl/sAzjq6
✖ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBuffalouk