Share Your Good Media

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Share Your Good Media A social media marketing and consulting solopreneur that helps expose your business and gain an online presence. For those who lack time or experience.

I help small businesses and solopreneurs doing good in the world build trust, affinity and authority with their audience by offering social media marketing and consulting. MARKETING
My digital marketing services, using Facebook and Instagram, are for you if:
You are a Do-Gooder, making a difference in the world, and you want another do-gooder, me, to work with your marketing because you know there

is a greater chance that I get you and my marketing practices are more in line with your values. You write the content, it’s more authentic this way. People that are attracted to you, not some slick sales copy. I will use my strategy skills to get your content in front of the right people that genuinely need your services. CONSULTING
I offer online consulting helping with:
Marketing strategy
One to one training
Niche discovery or refinement
Facebook and Instagram Ads and targeting
Any other social media brainstorming you may need. By the hour or half hour. MY STORY
At Share Your Good Media, I come to work every day to solve the problem of how to make social media easier for today’s busy small businesses. This company was started because I knew several business owners that didn’t want to spend a lot of time on social media. They wanted to create their products, have more time for their customers, or spend more time on research and development. In other words, my mission is to take care of your social media so you have more time to do the things you love about your business. I am PJ Harris and I am from Sequim, Washington. I have over 20 years business management experience and have been helping nonprofits, friends and colleagues with their social media since 2008 and a social media manager for four businesses before I started my own business. I’m a Scifi/Fantasy geek and loves travel, dancing and communing with the natures. Why do I do this?
* I do this because I want to help you share the good that you have to offer.
* I want to help make the businesses I work with succeed and prosper.
* I want social media to be easy for my customers.
* I believe that the more I help you shine the better our world shines.
* I believe that the more diversity and creativity there is the richer our lives become.
* I love connecting.

20 years experience in business management
10 years experience in social media. Founded Share Your Good Media 5 years ago.

Authenticity,  service, and experimentation are some of the keys to successful outreach. Learn some of the tips to help ...

Authenticity, service, and experimentation are some of the keys to successful outreach. Learn some of the tips to help you on this journey.

You might be posting on social media about your business, or emailing your friends, and still… few people respond back with enthusiastic support. What’s going on? Before I share some advice in this article that can generally apply to the variety of people reading this, I should mention that I ha...

 Image by Jack Lucas Smith

Image by Jack Lucas Smith

You know your business shouldn’t make false promises on social media. Let’s explore the side effects of exaggeration and...

You know your business shouldn’t make false promises on social media. Let’s explore the side effects of exaggeration and the alternatives.

Many people think they have to make big, miraculous, outrageous promises to get new clients from their social media marketing. Actually it’s the opposite, at least if you actually care about helping people.

You know the saying, “If it’s too good to be true…” There are a lot of skeptics out there, myself included, that are turned off by lofty promises.

And for those rare people with hope still in their hearts and souls, it is mucho bad karma to take advantage of their trust.

Instead, realistic promises and grounded ethical content wins everytime.

Some may think that this ethical strategy will take longer. That depends on many factors. The good news is that you will have a slower turnover of disgruntled clients expecting one thing and getting another.

In some cases, like certain licensed health practitioners, they are banned from making ANY promises. In that case, you can let people know that you can help them with challenge X. The key word is “help.”

I believe the lower the risk you are offering from the beginning, the greater the chance they have the time and information to decide that they are the right client for you.

What is lower risk? It's a lovely little low cost, low time spent, short samples of actually helping them. This gives them a more realistic view of what you offer. It can be placed on social media, downloaded, on your website… Just to name a few examples.

Just think how easy it would be if most of the people contacting you were already sold because they see the value of your offers and services.

I offer some examples of high pressure sales tactics people should stop practicing on social media followed by the optio...

I offer some examples of high pressure sales tactics people should stop practicing on social media followed by the option of more ease and affinity:

👎Stop bombarding people with messages like: "Why haven't you bought yet? This offer won't last forever!"
👎Stop playing on emotions by making people feel guilty or fearful if they don't make the purchase: "Don't miss out on this opportunity; you'll regret it later!"
👎Stop using phrases that manipulate their emotions or exploit vulnerabilities: "You deserve the best, treat yourself now!"
👎Stop persistently trying to sell even after they've clearly expressed disinterest or declined: "I can offer you a special deal, just reconsider!”

Forget the hard sell—it's not the secret sauce for success in purpose-driven service businesses. Instead, let's focus on a more genuine approach that fosters understanding and trust.

Share the essence of your offerings on your business's social media, website, and newsletters. Give folks the chance to grasp not just what you do, but also how you relate to their challenges and the methods you use to assist them. Cast these information nets wide across all your marketing channels.

When people engage with you through these avenues, the trust they build is real, not coerced. They either become your clients or they don't—no arm-twisting involved.

During that crucial first meeting, ditch the pressure tactics. Present your offerings and then ask if they feel informed enough to decide if it's a good fit. As Tad Hargrave wisely puts it, "Don't overcome objections; defuse pressure."

By avoiding the hard sell, you'll see fewer clients jumping ship because they discover your service isn't what they thought. Embrace a cleaner, more mutually beneficial business relationship. It's the way forward for businesses that prioritize authenticity over manipulation.

Don't worry if you haven't reached "expert" status in your field just yet. You still have every right to share your view...

Don't worry if you haven't reached "expert" status in your field just yet. You still have every right to share your views and wisdom publicly!

Ever catch yourself sizing up against others in your field? Maybe peeking at what your colleagues, mentors, or even total strangers are up to? Are they more articulate? Do they seem to have it all figured out?

Well, here's the scoop – none of that really matters.

Don't buy into the idea that you're doing the world a favor by keeping a low profile. No one sees things quite like you do. Your perspective is like a rare gem, and it's worth sharing.

I'm willing to bet you know a thing or two about your passion that many folks don't. Those are the people who will be tuning in – not just the so-called "experts." Trust me, the big shots in your field are busy doing their own thing; they're not losing sleep over what you're up to.

There's a whole bunch of people out there who could benefit from what you've got to say. So, don't dim your light. We need you to let your freak flag fly.

Embrace your uniqueness and answer that call. Let it tug at you. Thanks for being awesome and stepping up. I appreciate you!

Join me in ending the year with some reflection and creativity:  from  on In...

Join me in ending the year with some reflection and creativity:
from on Instagram

Free, step-by-step guide to write a poem that captures the heart of your 2023... even if you've never written a single line of poetry.

Let's talk about something shady in the world of social media and marketing business content creation– false scarcity. P...

Let's talk about something shady in the world of social media and marketing business content creation– false scarcity.

Picture this: you're scrolling through your feed, and boom! Limited edition, only five left, act now! Sounds urgent, right? Well, not so fast. Turns out, this sneaky strategy plays on our fear of missing out, creating artificial demand that's as real as a unicorn.

So, what's the deal with false scarcity? It's like telling everyone the hottest gadget is flying off the shelves when, in reality, there's a stockpile in the back. It's making a big deal out of something to push people into signing up or buying in a hurry. Not cool, right?

Then there's the whole exclusive vibe – making it seem like your offer is rarer than a double rainbow. But after the purchase is complete, the hype bubble bursts, and disappointment kicks in. Trust takes a nosedive.

Let's be real – the line between smart marketing and shady moves is getting blurrier. False scarcity might score a quick win, but it's like building a house on shaky ground. Authenticity is the name of the game for a solid brand-consumer relationship.

Businesses need to ditch the smoke and mirrors, embrace transparency, and keep it real in the world of digital hype. A false sense of urgency is unethical.

In the grand scheme of social media, let's set the record straight: authenticity wins. Brands, take note – it's time to ditch the fake scarcity and build connections that last. Trust me, your customers will thank you for keeping it real.

What is one important way to make our content more calming for our reader’s nervous system?Don’t use clickbait titles, m...

What is one important way to make our content more calming for our reader’s nervous system?

Don’t use clickbait titles, misleading headlines to entice clicks, only to deliver content that doesn't fulfill the promised value. I will introduce to you a few examples of clickbait titles, followed by why they are maddening for your viewers and unethical, concluding with some alternate practices that are more trustworthy and soothing.

1. "You won't believe what happened next!!! 😱"
2. "SHOCKING revelation about [someone or something]!!!"
3. "Unlock the SECRET to instant wealth 💰"
4. "This ONE WEIRD TRICK will change your life!"
5. "Breaking News: [False Headline] EXPOSED!"
6. "10 Things They DON'T Want You to Know!"
7. "You'll be AMAZED by the results of this magic diet!"
8. "Watch this video before it gets deleted!!!"

These previous titles are considered unethical and jarring on the senses for several reasons:

👎Misleading Content: Clickbait titles often mislead users by promising content that is exaggerated or entirely false, creating a discrepancy between expectations and reality.
👎Exploitative Nature: They exploit human curiosity and emotions to attract clicks, preying on the natural desire to discover something surprising or shocking.
👎False Advertising: Clickbait titles can be seen as a form of false advertising, as they lure users in with sensational claims that are not substantiated by the actual content.
👎Manipulation for Engagement: Clickbait is often designed to generate clicks and engagement without providing meaningful or relevant information, contributing to a culture of shallow and deceptive online practices.

In essence, these titles prioritize short-term gains using shock value for engagement over honesty, transparency, and the long-term trust of the audience. Ethical content creation aims to provide value while maintaining integrity.

✔️Use language that highlights the value or benefit readers will gain from engaging with your content.
✔️Be genuine and give users a clear idea of what to expect.
✔️Capitalizing entire words or using excessive punctuation can be perceived as sensationalist.
✔️Opt for a more balanced and professional presentation.
✔️Don't rely on exaggerated promises.
✔️While it's acceptable to evoke emotions, ensure that it aligns with the content's tone and message, avoiding manipulative emotional appeals.

By adopting these practices, you contribute to a more calm, transparent, and respectful online environment, fostering a positive relationship with your audience.

How I Help My ClientsI help purpose-driven service solopreneurs (Coaches/Consultants, Health Practitioners/Healers, Arti...

How I Help My Clients

I help purpose-driven service solopreneurs (Coaches/Consultants, Health Practitioners/Healers, Artists and other Creatives) with their social media and marketing. Read the next few slides to see examples of where my clients need help in their business journey, starting from a new business all the way to someone who has been in business for a while, to know if we are a good fit:

“I have no social media account or experience.”
I help people with new businesses create and get started and develop practices that make social media sustainable for them all the while using effective, ethical and authentic methods so it won’t feel so yucky.

“What content should I post?”
I offer consulting on skills and tips that will make content creation easier, more successful and true to their values all the while helping them to clearly communicate what makes them different in the overwhelming noise of modern media.

“How do I create content?”
There are some pretty great tools out there to make content creation easier and creative. Bringing in our creativity can make content creation more fun, thus more likely we will stick with it. I can show you how to use these tools and save time.

“My content is not reaching enough people.”
Many believe if they reach more people with their content this will help find more of those that need their services. This is true and I help folks learn how to do this. OR I can help their content reach more of the right people for them as a service I provide.

“I have tried boosting posts and nothing came from it except for a few likes.”
Boosting posts is not very effective for marketing. I can show you a better way or I can provide this much better service for you.

“I want help with digital marketing, Facebook ads, and/or Instagram ads.”
I can help you with learning how to run ads to your posted content. Or run the ads to your own created content for you. We do this by using the Ads Manager by Meta program. It might feel intimidating and I am there the whole way. Many people get the hang of it and many don’t even want to spend the time learning. I got your back either way.

“I've been running my own ads on Facebook and/or Instagram, and I'd like to see how I can improve the process and results.” We can go over your Ads Manager and content together and I can give you some easy tips to take your marketing to the next level.

I believe to be successful in marketing and hold true to our values of service, we need to let go of the focus of pressing for the sale. Instead, it’s important to be very clear about our offer and allow our content to sift through and find our real clients that need our unique support.
This can all be possible with my guidance and services. I invite you to explore with me if this would be a good fit. Please use this link:
to explore that possibility with a Zoom chat.

Why I Use Memes for My Business Social MediaUsing memes on your business social media may seem unprofessional to some, a...

Why I Use Memes for My Business Social Media

Using memes on your business social media may seem unprofessional to some, as they could be perceived as lacking credibility and potentially leading to misunderstood messages. However, I believe it's all about finding the right balance.

The key is to align memes with your business's tone. Whether you're fun and lighthearted or serious and contemplative, there's a meme out there that can match your professional vibe.

Selecting memes that reflect how you interact with clients and perceive your industry can offer followers a delightful glimpse into your mindset. People appreciate this insight before deciding to work with you, as it helps build a connection and establishes a sense of rapport.

Authenticity is crucial when incorporating memes into your social media strategy. Avoid using this tool for manipulative purposes and focus on genuinely expressing your brand's personality.

Even controversial memes can be powerful if handled with care. They provide an opportunity to filter for your true clients, communicate your beliefs openly, and showcase how you differ from others in your field. Approach such content with compassion and tact, ensuring that it fosters understanding rather than discord.

Memes can be a valuable asset in humanizing your business and connecting with your audience. When used thoughtfully, they contribute to building a genuine connection with your followers. So, find those memes that resonate with your tone, embrace authenticity, and let your unique voice shine through.

Creating a Positive Online Environment for Your Business Social Media: Respect for OthersTreating everyone with respect,...

Creating a Positive Online Environment for Your Business Social Media: Respect for Others

Treating everyone with respect, regardless of their different beliefs, is a crucial practice to embrace when managing your business's social media presence.

I firmly believe in expressing our theories, philosophies, and beliefs, even if they happen to be controversial, as long as it aligns with your personal comfort level for transparency.

This openness allows us to delve deeper into our understanding of our professional field.

Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that not everyone will necessarily grasp or agree with what we share. In such situations, it's vital that all our communications with these individuals remain respectful.

I'd encourage you to approach these conversations with an open mind because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and level of understanding. Plus, you might learn something, too.

When discussing differences, always do so kindly and respectfully, demonstrating empathy for any emotions you may have inadvertently triggered. Remember not to attempt to coach or fix someone's feelings; let them have their unique experiences.

In the unfortunate event that someone becomes rude, combative, or even exhibits inappropriate behavior, it's best not to engage with them or stoop to their level. Blocking such individuals is the most effective way to handle trolls.

In conclusion, maintaining respect and civility in your interactions, even when faced with diverse beliefs or controversial topics, will contribute to a positive and constructive environment on your business's social media platforms.

It's a practice that not only reflects well on your brand but also fosters a deeper understanding within your professional community.

We all want to sidestep the scrolling black hole that can eat up our time while we work on social media for our business...

We all want to sidestep the scrolling black hole that can eat up our time while we work on social media for our business. I’ll show you a little trick.

You're looking to handle your business's social media without getting lost in the endless scroll. I hear you. It's easy to fall into that trap. The average person spends about two hours daily on social media, so staying focused on business can be a real challenge.

Enter Meta Business Suite – a game-changer and it’s free. With this tool, you can handle your business accounts on Facebook and Instagram without ever really being on those platforms.

I am going to explain the basic steps so that you get the theory. There are lots of in depth instructions you can search for out there on how to complete each step.

You'll need a Facebook account. If you don't have one yet, create a personal account. It's a must for setting up a professional page. But here's the trick: keep your personal account on the down-low. No friend requests, maximum privacy. This way, it's all about business on your professional page.

When setting up your professional page, doing it on a computer is the smoothest way. Bookmark Meta Business Suite – it's your golden ticket to managing everything without directly going to Facebook.

Now, for your phone, get the Meta app but keep Facebook and Instagram off your home screen. That subtle move helps dodge the habitual tap that usually gets you spiraling into the social media vortex.

This approach is your ticket to freedom. You can respond to comments and messages without ever getting caught in the time-sucking apps of Facebook and Instagram. It's all about staying productive and focused on your business without getting lost in the scroll.



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Friday 08:00 - 16:00


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