In America we like options, so it's only fitting that the new KSquare book, "American", created by Gene Lass and 4 other Americans, should have more options than ever before.
If you don't have a huge budget, we have the Kindle edition for as little as 2.99. That's even better if you have Kindle Unlimited, where you can just read it, no additional cost. NOTE: If you do get it on Kindle, PLEASE READ IT! Authors don't get paid from the Kindle fees, we get paid by the number of pages read.
Next, for those of you with a little more budget, but not a lot of interest in art, or perhaps you're colorblind, we have the Black and White print edition. You can hold the book in your hand, if you see one of the creators they'll sign sign it for you, all the poems are there, but only the cover is in color.
Or, finally, if you want the full experience, for roughly half the cost of a hardcover book or a fraction the cost of a tank of gas, get our Deluxe Color Edition for just $14.99. Some of you are artists, some of you know artists, and if you've read my books before, you know that I only work with talented people. You'll want to see the work of Dawn Dusk, Michele Rivera, Carl Huck, and Jennifer Hatfield Davis the way it was meant to be seen. You won't be sorry. We guarantee, at least once as you turn a page, you'll say, "Holy crap is that awesome. That's amazing!" We did it at probably 3 times each time we went through the book.
For the first time the writer has teamed with multiple artists on the same book, each of them inspired by the poems within. The poems and art are all built on a theme of life in different areas of America, and what makes us all Americans. And each of the artists lives in a different state. Featur...