INSPIRE and the Letters therein have taken me an extraordinary period to put together. As far back as age sixteen I was blessed to have met some amazing, intelligent, smart and beautiful women, and I knew one day I wanted to tell you directly of same lessons I have Learned under what conditions I have learned them. My Life has been short, taxing, vexing and sad. HOwever today I believe life loves
the liver of it. I ave dared to try many things, sometimes quivering, but courageous, still. These Mothers, sisters and friends have been some of my greatest influences, so it was very important to share with you, what they shared with me, on my journey to becoming me, a child, A MAN, a STUDENT OF LIFE.These lessons which I have found useful are not words of advice but mere stories. I will not tell you how to use them, for I understand my children, that you are intellectual, resourceful, creative and imaginative, and will use them as you desire. INSPIRE the perfect day are accounts and anecdotes of growing up, unexpected crises, a few poems, some light stories to make you laugh and some to make you meditate or even cry. These ladies in our weekly " women of focus: feature who gave me the honor of sharing their lives even for a minute meant me well, taught me valuable lessons, and others who have intended me ill and, have given me ample notification that my world is not expected to be ice-cream, in the end it all made me wiser stronger. I have made many mistakes and no doubt will make many more. When I haven seen pain in love, when I have found mu uselessness has caused displeasure to me and others, I learned to accept responsibility and to forgive myself first, then to apologize to anyone injured by arrogance. Since I cannot un-live my past, and repentance is all I can offer God, I have hopes that my heartfelt apologies were accepted. No one has control over the events in your life, but you have control over yourself and how you deal with things. Therefore I know you can decide not to be reduced by your past demons. A dear friend told me, "be in relentless pursuit of excellence"; in doing so I beg that you to be sun- shine in someone's dark cloud. Do not be complacent. Make every effort to change things you do not like, but have strength to accept what you cannot be changed. If you cannot make a change, change the way you think. Remember everyone returns to their place of comfort. Never end any conversation negatively. I speak to you all, and as I go I wanted to say this, her is my offering to you. INSPIRE the perfect day. D'Anthony Charles