We are in the final hours of our PILGRIM: A Medieval Horror Deluxe Illustrated Edition! With art by Filipe Pagliuso, Tyrone Le Roux- Atterbury, Anthony Ventura, a host of rewards, Mork Borg campaign, soundtrack and more, you don't want to miss out!
Link is in our bio!
#horror #kickstarter #projectwelove #ttrpg #boardgame #art #medieval #fantasy #fiction #folklore
There are just 24 hours left to pick up your copy of Pilgrim: The Deluxe Illustrated Edition! Featuring 21 original illustrations by Tyrone Le Roux-Atterbury and Filipe Pagliuso, you don't want to miss out!
#artwork #Deluxe #darkfantasy #Horror #fantasy #fiction #crusades
Join us on an Odyssey of Horror. The Illustrated Edition of Pilgrim: A Medieval Horror is LIVE on Kickstarter for 2 more days! Don't miss out! Link in bio!
##medieval #medievalhorror #gothichorror #lovecraft #cosmichorror #books #kickstarter #art
Pilgrim is a theological nightmare setting Dietmar, Razin, and their companions on a journey of religious, cosmic, and folklore inspired horror. Join us on this Odyssey, live right now on Kickstarter! Link in bio!
#horror #kickstarter #projectwelove #medievalhorror #books #fiction #kickstarter #booksofhorror
Find out what horrors dwell within the temple in PILGRIM: A Medieval Horror. The Illustrated Edition is LIVE right now on Kickstarter! Link in bio!
#horror #kickstarter #projectwelove #medievalhorror #books #booksofhorror #fiction #SFF
Join Dietmar and his companions on an Odyssey of Horror. Live now on Kickstarter!
#horror #kickstarter #projectwelove #medievalhorror #medieval #booksofhorror
Join Dietmar and Tomas on an Odyssey of Horror. The Illustrated Deluxe Edition is currently LIVE on Kickstarter!
#horror #kickstarter #books #medievalhorror #projectwelove #booksofhorror #audiobooks
Balaam and Silensus make up just two of our band of merry pilgrims, making their way from Jerusalem to Antioch! You can find out more about these saintly mules in our PILGRIM Deluxe Illustrated Kickstarter campaign! Live right now! Link in bio!
#horrorbooks #kickstarterbook #art #medievalhorror #mule #booksofhorror #pilgrim
The Deluxe Illustrated Edition of Pilgrim: A Medieval Horror features 21 incredible illustrations, including 9 by master character artist Filipe Pagliuso. We are LIVE on Kickstarter. Link in bio!
#horror #medieval #art #kickstarter #medievalhorror #projectwelove #illustrations #audiobook
The Deluxe Illustrated Edition of PILGRIM is LIVE on Kickstarter! Link in bio!
#medieval #horror #crusades #kickstarter #art
Our catalogue of Medieval Horror is available with the PILGRIM Deluxe Edition Kickstarter campaign! Currently live! Check the link in bio!
#horror #books #kickstarter #medievalhorror #booksofhorror #projectwelove #medieval
Pilgrim: The Illustrated Deluxe edition is LIVE on Kickstarter! Link in bio!
#horror #books #medievalhorror #booksofhorror #kickstarter