Build Book Buzz with Sandra Beckwith

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  • Build Book Buzz with Sandra Beckwith

Build Book Buzz with Sandra Beckwith By creating training programs and sharing resources that take the mystery out of key book marketing tactics, I teach authors how to reach more readers.

I teach authors how to reach more readers by creating training programs that take the mystery out of key book marketing tactics and by working one-on-one with them so they get over, under, or around book marketing and sales roadblocks or obstacles. I’m the author of three traditionally published and two self-published books, including one that was a best-seller in its Kindle category for a nanosec

ond. I started my career in public relations after getting a journalism/public relations degree. I’m no longer a public relations practitioner (I lost the fire in my belly for that), but I have received the Silver Anvil award – the Oscar of the public relations industry – and several other national and regional awards for publicity excellence. My experience promoting my own books has landed me on “The Montel Williams Show” as a guest expert, on “CBS This Morning,” on MSNBC, and on several national cable TV shows including “Home & Family” and “Crook & Chase.” I’ve been featured in most major dailies including USA Today and The Wall Street Journal as well as several newspapers in other countries, in major magazines including the National Enquirer and Woman’s World, and on hundreds of local and national radio programs that include “Whad’ya Know with Michael Feldman.”

On TV talk show sets, I’ve sat next to Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus author John Gray (who wrote the foreword to my first book), comedian Rita Rudner, “Cathy” cartoonist Cathy Guisewite, and actor George Segal. I’ve been selected to speak at conferences that include Book Expo America, the American Society of Journalists & Authors, the UW-Madison Writers Institute, Author U, and many others. What’s more, this site has been recognized for excellence by the Association of Independent Authors, the Alliance of Independent Authors, and I work a lot because I love what I do, but even I know that you have to step away from the screen and recharge. I’m lucky to live in a quaint little Erie Canal village that has sidewalks and streetlights; I can do a one-hour walk that takes me alongside the canal on the towpath and past the library (so convenient!) and many beautiful Victorian homes with front porches and glorious gardens. I also enjoy reading fiction, eating gluten free (no choice – celiac disease!), sleeping, and laughing with friends – but not necessarily in that order.

[Writer Wednesday] I’ve heard that some eat the placenta after childbirth, but doesn’t this seem a little extreme? 🤔🍼

[Writer Wednesday] I’ve heard that some eat the placenta after childbirth, but doesn’t this seem a little extreme? 🤔🍼

It’s always been hard to get your book discovered, but with the growth of self-publishing, it’s even more difficult. UNE...

It’s always been hard to get your book discovered, but with the growth of self-publishing, it’s even more difficult.

UNESCO estimates that globally today, 2.2 million new titles are released every year.


In today’s saturated market, understanding how readers discover books can make a significant difference in your success. The more you know about this, the better able you are to focus your efforts in the right places.

Today’s article is your guide to understanding how readers discover books so you’re better able to get yours in front of them:

[Writer Wednesday] And Post-its. So. Many. Post-its.

[Writer Wednesday] And Post-its. So. Many. Post-its.

You know that you can sell more books when someone buys them in bulk. One of the best ways to make that happen is to fin...

You know that you can sell more books when someone buys them in bulk.

One of the best ways to make that happen is to find an organization or business to “sponsor” your book.

Learn about the range of sponsor opportunities and how to make one (or more!) happen for your books in this helpful guest post.

Do you write or illustrate children's books? The 5-day Children's Book Mastery Summit starts Monday, and you can watch e...

Do you write or illustrate children's books? The 5-day Children's Book Mastery Summit starts Monday, and you can watch each day's sessions for free for 48 hours. I'm speaking Monday on one of my favorite topics, the 3 easiest ways to get children's book publicity.

If you need more time, you can upgrade to a paid "premium" level with my affiliate link here. But if you're selective about the sessions you want to see, then prioritize time time to listen while you're eating lunch, cooking dinner, exercising, whatever, you might be able to get what you need in that 48-hour window. Get all the details at my link, register, and get ready to learn!

Attend this FREE online event and go behind the scenes with 25 world-class children's book and self-publishing experts to learn the A-Z of being a successful self-publishing children's book author.

[Writer Wednesday] It’s SO hard to resist a good indie bookstore, isn’t it? I bought 5 books in 2 indie stores last week...

[Writer Wednesday] It’s SO hard to resist a good indie bookstore, isn’t it? I bought 5 books in 2 indie stores last week. 🤪

Ahhhh, August.It brings with it the last 11 days of the 2024 Summer Olympics and the dog days of summer.For many Norther...

Ahhhh, August.

It brings with it the last 11 days of the 2024 Summer Olympics and the dog days of summer.

For many Northern Hemisphere families with school-age children, it’s back-to-school shopping time.

August is also when many in Europe enjoy holiday time off. The same goes for the U.S., where people take advantage of a typical business slowdown before things kick back into gear in September.

August also offers lots of quirky and unexpected holidays and occasions you can use to have more fun than usual with your book promotion. Here are 27 of them, a link to more, and ideas for how you can use them to promote your book.

So this is kind of fun -- romance books ship free on Bookshop right now! That's where I buy print books because this onl...

So this is kind of fun -- romance books ship free on Bookshop right now! That's where I buy print books because this online bookseller shares profits with indie bookstores. My account is linked to my local indie, and I love having another way to support them!

An online bookstore that financially supports local independent bookstores and gives back to the book community.

[Writer Wednesday] At least 70%!

[Writer Wednesday] At least 70%!

“I wish I had known that before I self-published my book.”It’s a common author lament. Maybe you’ve said it, too.Nearly ...

“I wish I had known that before I self-published my book.”

It’s a common author lament. Maybe you’ve said it, too.

Nearly everybody has a story about something they learned after they started the self-publishing process. For many, the discovery came too late to save them time, money, or trouble.

That doesn't mean you have to make the same mistakes, though.

Hoping to help new authors learn from the experiences of others, I asked self-published authors, “What do you know now about self-publishing that you wish you had known when you started?”

In today’s article from the archives, I share what they told me. Click through to discover:

What wonderful news for romance writers! (gift article)

What wonderful news for romance writers!
(gift article)

Bookstores once shunted romance novels to a shelf in the back. But with romance writers dominating the best-seller lists, a network of dedicated bookstores has sprung up around the country.

[Writer Wednesday] Does that last sentence make the request ironic? 🧐

[Writer Wednesday] Does that last sentence make the request ironic? 🧐

I’ve lost track of the number of authors I’ve heard from who waited until their e-book was available on Amazon or they h...

I’ve lost track of the number of authors I’ve heard from who waited until their e-book was available on Amazon or they had boxes of printed books stacked in a corner before they started thinking about book promotion.

Only when they’re ready to start accepting money for their page-turner, how-to, or memoir do they start to think about who might buy the book and how those people will discover it.

Don’t make this mistake.

You want to start laying the groundwork for the most intense activity around a book launch long before your book goes live on retail sites. Today’s article outlines nine things you can do early for the payoff you want later.

[Writer Wednesday] Welcome to my nightmare. 😱 (Scott Metzger Cartoons knows how to terrify!)

[Writer Wednesday] Welcome to my nightmare. 😱 (Scott Metzger Cartoons knows how to terrify!)

My recent newsletter subscriber survey revealed that many authors struggle with the technology required to succeed as a ...

My recent newsletter subscriber survey revealed that many authors struggle with the technology required to succeed as a writer today.

For example, I know from that survey and one-on-one conversations that the technology involved with starting an email list and newsletter is a roadblock for many.

I also know from my own experience that you can incorporate technology into your workflow without (a) understanding how it works, (b) setting up the helpful systems yourself, and (c) your head exploding.

Today’s article offers six ways you can go over, under, or around those tech roadblocks holding you back.

[Writer Wednesday] This REALLY speaks to me! 😁 How about you?

[Writer Wednesday] This REALLY speaks to me! 😁 How about you?

According to a Written Word Media survey, 53% of indie authors work with a professional designer on their book covers. T...

According to a Written Word Media survey, 53% of indie authors work with a professional designer on their book covers. The data isn’t surprising because in terms of return on investment, covers remain one of the most effective book marketing tools.

Why is a book cover so important today? How will designing it yourself work against you? How can you find the best designer for your book?

I've got a great guest blogger answering these questions in an information-packed article with a message all authors need to!


I'm doing a happy dance because I just discovered that earlier this year, SelfPublishing(dot)com named Build Book Buzz one of the top 25 writing websites for writers! Whoohoo! Link in comments!



Some people are really good at cleaning up and clearing things out.They routinely make room for new items by donating, r...

Some people are really good at cleaning up and clearing things out.

They routinely make room for new items by donating, recycling, or discarding items they don’t wear or use anymore.

And still others vow to reduce the number of Facebook groups they participate in so they have more time for other activities.

Does that describe you?

If you need to spend less time in online discussions, my (only slightly tongue-in-cheek) article detailing 13 ways to get kicked out of a Facebook group might be for you! Read it here:

One of my goals as an author and marketer is to reduce the amount of time I spend on marketing tasks because honestly, I...

One of my goals as an author and marketer is to reduce the amount of time I spend on marketing tasks because honestly, I'd rather be writing. That's why I'm quick to embrace tools that give me templates so I'm not always starting from scratch.

Canva is one of my favorite social media image-creation tools, but even when I use the site's templates as a starting point (which is all the time ...), it still feels like I'm spending too much time pulling together the pieces in the right way. (I have no design instincts!)

That's why I jumped on MockupShots several years ago. It does all this for me in seconds -- literally seconds! I just log in to my account and P**F! I'm looking at hundreds of options -- what you're seeing here is just what fills my screen before I start scrolling. Then there's even more of them! I can also search for specific backgrounds and create GIFs, video, and animation. It's a powerful and easy-to-use tool.

I love it, so I want you to benefit from it, too! And now you can get it a 70% discount for just a short time. At just $67 for lifetime access, it's the lowest price it's ever been. There's a money-back guarantee, too, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try, right?

Use my compensated affiliate link to get the discount and save yourself time and money (other tools cost more and don't offer lifetime access) while you have fun creating images and videos that will help you sell more books!

[Writer Wednesday] Truth.

[Writer Wednesday] Truth.

It’s getting harder and harder for children’s book authors to schedule school visits.With shrinking budgets, growing pre...

It’s getting harder and harder for children’s book authors to schedule school visits.

With shrinking budgets, growing pressure to squeeze in more curriculum, heightened safety rules and regulations, and increasing demands on teachers’ valuable planning time, many schools simply choose not to go to the trouble.

Fortunately, though, they’re not the only way to get lots of little eyes on your book!

Today’s guest post from children’s book author Chelsea Tornetto details eight alternatives that could turn out to be much better options for you and your book. Get all the details here.

[Writer Wednesday] This is definitely an inconvenience. 🤨

[Writer Wednesday] This is definitely an inconvenience. 🤨

Authors often ask me, “Should I hire a book publicist?”My first response is usually, “Can you afford to hire a book publ...

Authors often ask me, “Should I hire a book publicist?”

My first response is usually, “Can you afford to hire a book publicist?”

Authors are usually shocked when I tell them what an experienced book publicist charges.

They’re surprised again when I tell them that the fees come with no guarantees. And yet, as a former publicist, I’m a big fan of them — the good ones, that is! (And there are lots of good ones out there.)

A good book publicist can take you places you’re afraid to go on your own.

Not everyone is clear on what they can and can’t expect from a book publicist, though. Today’s article details what you need to know about working with one.

One of my absolute favorite author tools is on sale for the lowest price ever, just in time for your summer book promoti...

One of my absolute favorite author tools is on sale for the lowest price ever, just in time for your summer book promotion plans! ✨ Use MockupShots to magically place your book in everyday settings that resonate with readers, whether it's in a beach bag, next to a vase of flowers, or in the hands of someone who looks like your ideal reader.

Create social media images, GIFs, videos, memes, cover reveal images, and more for the unprecedented sale price of $67 for lifetime access. 😲 Use my compensated affiliate link to get that discount, but don't wait! The sale price is available only for a limited time. (And tell your friends!)

"Even as industry sales were slow in 2023, membership in the American Booksellers Association continued its years-long r...

"Even as industry sales were slow in 2023, membership in the American Booksellers Association continued its years-long revival. It now stands at 2,433, more than 200 over the previous year and nearly double since 2016. Around 190 more stores are in the process of opening over the next two years, according to the ABA." Wonderful news for book lovers!

The independent bookstore boom continues. Even as industry sales were slow in 2023, membership in the American Booksellers Association expanded strongly.

[Writer Wednesday] 😁

[Writer Wednesday] 😁

I love when someone I follow shares their favorite tools and resources in a blog post or podcast episode. I nearly alway...

I love when someone I follow shares their favorite tools and resources in a blog post or podcast episode. I nearly always discover something I can add to my arsenal.

Maybe I can offer you an “aha!” or two by sharing the favorite writing tools I use day in and day out, too.

A couple – like the mug warmer on my desk to the left of my keyboard – are things I use so much I take them for granted. Others are tools I use weekly, rather than daily.

But they’re all resources I’d panic without – every single one of them. Please share the favorites you use in a comment on the article so we can all get ideas from you, too!



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