We at AsktheIdiots.com scour the world in order to bring the best idiots to answer your burning questions. (Disclaimer: If you actually are burning, you probably should dial 9-1-1 or your other local emergency number and get help instead of waiting for assistance here.) Currently among our regular contributors:
- John AlCraft: Pantologist
- Dr. Mr. Brooks: Half of a team of web-schooled medical d
- Dr. Mrs. Brooks: The other half of a team of web-schooled medical doctors
- Fitness Bob: Gym instructor between jobs
- Nicola Delbruck, Ph.D.: BioGeographer skilled in Science!
- Dr. Neil Hasen: World Wide Net pioneer and developer of the forward slash
- Kitty Ann Rubin: Bright Futurist
- Ross Wilson: Just an artist, man
- Scholar 51: Personal information redacted
Who are we? AskTheIdiots.Com is a satirical website that follows news and popular media to report on the latest crazy things in the world. It also has a host of fictional characters that write fictional advice and blogs. We advise against actually following that advice. Following an idiot’s advice, fictional or real, is a good way to get yourself hurt or imprisoned or your reputation permanently dirtied.