Doordarshan Girnar is Gujarati language regional channel of India’s public service broadcaster Prasar Bharati. Now popularly known as DD Girnar, this 24x7 channel telecasts a bouquet of entertainment and news. At present DD Girnar is run from Doordarshan Kendra located at Drive in Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad and caters to 93.8% land area and more than 97.4% of population of Gujarat. DD Girnar channel
has been successfully doing its duty to the nation since May 1, 2000 by disseminating fair, balanced and objective news as well as to bring quality programmes to Gujarati viewers. Informative, educative and entertaining programmes touching the lives of people from a variety of themes such as education, health, rural development schemes, national integration, communal harmony, water conservation, women’s empowerment, child welfare, welfare of minority and deprived sections of society etc are covered in DD Girnar channel. Doordarshan set up began on March 15, 1976, as a part of the SITE Project of Space Application Centre, ISRO with installation of 1 KW transmitter in PIJ, Kheda District. The studio used to function from the ISRO, Ahmedabad premises, while the administrative office was located in the Polytechnic compound in Ahmedabad. Regional Gujarati News Unit commenced its operations in 1977. Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad came into existence on October 2, 1987 with limited reach and programming hours at the present location at Thaltej, Ahmedabad. The regional language uplinking started on December 30, 1992. DD Metro channel was set up on May 1, 1994. Doordarshan Kendra Ahmedabad has two tier services - terrestrial transmission from 0600 to 0900 hrs & from 1500 hrs to 1900 hrs and Satellite transmission round the clock. The Satellite transmission simulcasts the programmes terrestrially from 0600 to 0900 hrs & from 1500 hrs to 1900 hrs. Regional News Unit (RNU) broadcasts a total of six news bulletins in Gujarati per day at 0845 to 0900,
1100 to 1115,
1300 to 1330,
1600 to 1605,
1900 to 1930
2030 to 2100 hrs
and six news headlines of 2 minutes duration each at 1200, 1400, 1500, 1700, 2000 and 2200 hrs in form of News Digest.