This is a Survey of Expats living around the World. Information collected will be used to improve life for all Expats. Some of the questions will provide research regarding the effects of inflation on Expats around the World.
Here's a link to the survey - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvLRWK3lMiQ9x7zX4udbGCEeja0RuJMTjXtedIO6FnuFizyQ/viewform
In addition to helping improve life for fellow Expats, we will transfer a 100 euro digital Amazon gift card (or the same amount in your local currency) Thank You Prize to 4 lucky participants. Completed survey participants are automatically entered in the lucky draw which will occur within 7 days of the Survey closing (30 April 2023). Winners will be notified immediately after the drawing. Winners will receive a total of 3 emails (to the email address which they entered in our survey). These emails will be sent from [email protected] and it will confirm they are a random lucky draw winner. They will be sent with a minimum of 24 hours spacing. If a winner fails to respond within 24 hours after the third and final email being sent, the prize will be forfeited. AngloINFO will then draw another random lucky draw winner until all 4 prizes have been distributed. The 100 euro Amazon gift card Thank You Prize will be emailed with no charge to the winner(s). Each participant can only win one prize. The Lucky Draw will end after 4 prizes are distributed. In addition, the winners agree to have their name and their region published as a winner of the Lucky Draw prize,
About the prizes:Each lucky draw winner will win a digital Amazon gift card worth 100 euros or the equivalent in local currency. This will be emailed to the lucky draw winner(s).
Thank you for your participation.