Our custom audio and video production & post-production services include:
AUDIO: analogue-to-digital transfers (audio cassette, LPs), voice & dialogue editing, sound clean-up & restoration, and mixing for film, podcasting, and streaming. VIDEO: analogue-to-digital transfers of consumer, industrial, and broadcast videotape formats; PAL-NTSC standard conversion & digitizing; traditional & experimen
tal editing; digital format rendering. SPECIALTY VIDEO SERVICES: cinematography using 1970s & 1980s B&W and colour tube & CCD cameras; footage degrading & glitching (bouncing digital footage to and from tape-based analogue formats & vintage signal processors, and vintage & glitchy video cameras) for art projects, performance & music videos, and commercial productions in need of analogue-based layers for custom visual effects. Unique gear includes both contemporary software and the use of vintage tube and CCD cameras, consumer & broadcast video processors, vintage character generators spanning the 1970s – 1990s, and an eclectic collection of test equipment, monitors (CRT oscilloscopes, waveform & vectorscopes), and audio visualizers & colorizers. For more info, please message via Facebook. Website, Blogs, and Gear Samples: www.bigheadamusements.com
Instagram & IGTV Shorts: https://www.instagram.com/markrhasan/