Launched in December 2013, Lavender Wolves Literary journal's primary focus is to enlist the services of faithful contributors who pride themselves on creative intellect. These contributors have an undeniable reverence for artistry, and we seek to promote the premier voices within the literary realm. Our mission is simple: to adequately provide exposure for established and emerging voices who wish
to promote their material on a platform. At Lavender Wolves Literary Journal, we aren't concerned with credentials. We care for all types and kinds of poetry and we don't simply publish due to ones prestige, though we always welcome decorated authors if they submit incredible pieces. The more credentials you have, the more critically we observe your material. The lesser known, the more critically we observe your material. We just want to be moved and inspired by the writers who submit. Your visceral catharsis plays a vital role in determining whether or not pieces get published, and it is an absolute essentiality to produce meaningful works that forces the reader to think about the pieces and/or stories. Producing quality works is the indicative component which drives this literary journal and despite being founded recently, we take quality work seriously. We will not publish work just to satisfy our readers. We will not settle for less when we possess the ability to reach for more. Think along the lines of Allen Ginsberg or Edgar Allan Poe and not just some recent college graduate who demands publication because their friends and colleagues believe their work has merit. Bottom line: Put everything into your poetry and stories. Your heart matters, and we want the love for it to be expressed in your work, at a quality capacity.