Listen to Curanderias O-OO3 by Dorian Wood
at O-OO.EARTH { The Planetary Agency for Supernatural Immersion }
"Dorian Wood revels in challenging the artist-audience separation, using subject matter informed by their own perspective as a nonbinary person of color and an autodidact. Their work has been showcased in concert halls and performance spaces around the world, including The Broad, REDCAT, Museo Nacional Del Prado, the City Hall of Madrid and Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris in Mexico City. "
Listen to Curanderias O-OO2 by Micaela Tobin
at O-OO.EARTH { The Planetary Agency for Supernatural Immersion }
"Micaela Tobin integrates voice with ritualized gesture, ancestral memory, and amplified object-symbolism to empower the Filipino diaspora and challenge colonial stories and systems. Performing primarily under the moniker, “White Boy Scream,” Tobin dissects her operatic voice through the use of electronics, oscillating between extreme textures of noise, drone, and operatic sound walls."
Emotivo Discurso Inaugural de la Exposición Creación en Movimiento durante el 3er Encuentro de Jóvenes Creadores a cargo de Malitzin Cortes { CNDSD } en compañía de Dora Bartilotti .
---- No dejen pasar la oportunidad de ir al Colegio de San Ildefonso este fin de semana, que la muestra de Jóvenes Creadores tiene obra muy potente de todas las categorías, incluída también Concepcion Huerta - representando ellas 3 - el primer grupo de Nuevas Tecnologías!
Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación #FONCA 17.12.2021
Colegio de San Ildefonso FONCA
Felicidades a todxs lxs creadorxs!
Tatsuya Nakatani @ 2220 Arts + Archives | Los Angeles 291021
JD Zazie, Joke Lanz & Mat Pogo :: 16.06.2021 @ Au Topsi Pohl Berlin
JD Zazie & Joke Lanz :: 16.06.2021 @ Au Topsi Pohl Berlin
Curated by Mat Pogo
JD Zazie ::: 19.06.2021 Berlin
Curated by Markus Schwill ( Ohmnoise )