from my book "The Vine Keeper" . . featured at the 2015 KOSOVO International Poetry Festival in Rahovec.
They would have a King
and the Lorde said unto Samuel . . . “it is not thee that thy children reject, but it is I. It is I who brought them out of Egypt and through the desert, yet still they worship all else.”
we squander our life
as we wander
with wonder
through our desolations
the sands of the deserts
of our barren lives
rise to greet us
to parch the lips of our Souls
and bring forth our thirsts
that can not be quenched
yet we drink not
we erect Temples of Madness
with idols who have no power
and we come to love them
their falsehoods
instead of the Source
of our Gifts
the Hand that made us all
our proverbial Moses
bade us to listen
but the noise
and subterfuge
of our lives
and our short lived jovialities
drowns out the whispers of truth,
yet she whispers still
to those who hunger
for the spirit
of word actualized
and the children dance
by their own delusions
their self-created Hell
for which they beckon
my unstilled grace
for salvation
from the Demons
they have invited
into their homes
now rendered
but a house
a house of ill repute
whose roof
can not stop the rains
of their anguish
they pray for One
who would lead them
through their endless landscapes
and their wilderness’
filled with their own misery
but they listen not
to their own hearts
that they may discern
the Fair Way of Love
they travel the road
of a living perdition
content to embrace
dreams of that madness
that has infected their consciousness
with an incurable want
a incessant desire for “Things”
which can never be satiated
my children want a leader
a King
someone to save them
from their woes
and one whom they can blame
when these very same woes
revisit their abodes
and sit at their tables
and spoil the meal
and lay ruin
to the mirth
their misguided lives
embrace in their
askewed perspectives
i shall answer their prayers
in My Own Way
My Own Time
and i shall endure them a King
first hand
a leader who too seeks
to find “The Way”
and the ransom the King asks of them
is that of the valor of their Sons
and the innocence of their Daughters
and the Virginity of their Hopes and Dreams
of a better way
and they, my children
when the burden
becomes more than what they can bear
they will turn unto me
offering supplications and praise
that i might hear their calls
and their prayers
i will let them drink
once again
from the fountains of my spirit
where unblemished
pristine waters
they may be refreshed
in the know
that it is not i
who have forsaken them
but they turned their face
away from that of thine own
they did not seek My Face
and i shall show My divine presence
the full splendour of My Glory
in the smiles of their children
and the warmth of their hearts
their compassion
and their tenderness
towards one another
i shall reveal unto them
that Gift which they in their blinded way
they never saw
for their eyes were darkened
with lusts of self-understanding
i shall whisper
to the hearts that long
for the answers to life’s riddle
that in the middle of where thou dwells
where all is sacred
i dwell
there Am I
the King you sought
I Am thou . . . and Thou Art I
They would have a King
this and other offerings are available at :
and the Lorde said unto Samuel . . . “it is not thee that thy children reject, but it is I. It is I who brought them out of Egypt and through the desert, yet still they worship all else.”
we squander our life
as we wander
with wonder
through our desolations
the sands of the deserts
of our barren lives
rise to greet us
to parch the lips of our Souls
and bring forth our thirsts
that can not be quenched
yet we drink not
we erect Temples of Madness
with idols who have no power
and we come to love them
their falsehoods
instead of the Source
of our Gifts
the Hand that made us all
our proverbial Moses
bade us to listen
but the noise
and subterfuge
of our lives
and our short lived jovialities
drowns out the whispers of truth,
yet she whispers still
to those who hunger
for the spirit
of word actualized
and the children dance
by their own delusions
their self-created Hell
for which they beckon
my unstilled grace
for salvation
from the Demons
they have invited
into their homes
now rendered
but a house
a house of ill repute
whose roof
can not stop the rains
of their anguish
they pray for One
who would lead them
through their endless landscapes
and their wilderness’
filled with their own misery
but they listen not
to their own hearts
that they may discern
the Fair Way of Love
they travel the road
of a living perdition
content to embrace
dreams of that madness
that has infected their consciousness
with an incurable want
a incessant desire for “Things”
which can never be satiated
my children want a leader
a King
someone to save them
from their woes
and one whom they can blame
when these very same woes
revisit their abodes
and sit at their tables
and spoil the meal
and lay ruin
to the mirth
their misguided lives
embrace in their
askewed perspectives
i shall answer their prayers
in My Own Way
My Own Time
and i shall endure them a King
first hand
a leader who too seeks
to find “The Way”
and the ransom the King asks of them
is that of the valor of their Sons
and the innocence of their Daughters
and the Virginity of their Hopes and Dreams
of a better way
and they, my children
when the burden
becomes more than what they can bear
they will turn unto me
offering supplications and praise
that i might hear their calls
and their prayers
i will let them drink
once again
from the fountains of my spirit
where unblemished
pristine waters
they may be refreshed
in the know
that it is not i
who have forsaken them
but they turned their face
away from that of thine own
they did not seek My Face
and i shall show My divine presence
the full splendour of My Glory
in the smiles of their children
and the warmth of their hearts
their compassion
and their tenderness
towards one another
i shall reveal unto them
that Gift which they in their blinded way
they never saw
for their eyes were darkened
with lusts of self-understanding
i shall whisper
to the hearts that long
for the answers to life’s riddle
that in the middle of where thou dwells
where all is sacred
i dwell
there Am I
the King you sought
I Am thou . . . and Thou Art I
They would have a King