Closing Soon . . . W.A.R. II . . . too much blood.
Don't be left out.
W.A.R. 2 ~ We Are Revolution
Too Much Blood
This anthology is about the aspects and many faces of WAR, and its devastating effects on our humanity . . . on conscious, spiritual, emotional, physical and cultural levels. We are striving to make a strong social commentary that perhaps can aid in effectuating change in global policies and propensities of our governments, justice systems, media, corporations and other institutions and interests to alter their mindsets toward uplifting humanity instead of destroying it.
Submission Guidelines
Any submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be rejected.
Timeframe: September 1, 2024 – October 15, 2024
What to Submit: 1 Poem
Bio of 50 words or less
Picture of the Poet
Poem’s Theme: A conscious revolution and the need for change
Too Much Blood
Poem’s Specifics:
1. Poet’s full name must appear under the title of the poem.
2. Poem must be edited before the submission.
3. The poem must be sent as Word (or word-type) attachment; not as email text.
4. The poem must be emailed to
[email protected]
Upon publication, the volume will be available for a FREE Download as well as available for print sales.
This project is fully underwritten by:
Inner Child Press International
'building bridges of cultural understanding'