Some exciting Dad Different news and updates!
We have some exciting news to announce! Take a listen! Thank you for the support!
Ep17: Raising Boyz to Men
It’s no secret that this world needs fathers who will commit to leading young boys who will tomorrow become fathers, husbands, and leaders of their own. Our boys WILL become men someday. Let’s do our part to ensure we building them strong.
As a child of a single parent (Single Mom) I couldn’t write this without a big shout out to the single moms who are raising strong boys to become men. We wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
The Late Kobe Bryant said “I would have five more girls if I could. I’m a ‘girl dad.’” There’s definitely something special about raising daughters. It changes you. Being a protector to them is a job never done. I love raising girls and love it even more that I get to do it with the most caring, loving partner a father can ask for.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Check out this video I made when we bought baby Amelia home.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Experiencing loss is never an easy thing. My wife and I experienced two miscarriages before our Amelia. We’ve never really opened up about. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and we decided to sit down and share our experience and let so many others know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Ep14: When You Feel Like You’re Failing
“Failure is not an option.” We’ve all heard that one before. But it seems that feelings of failure is something that “comes with the territory”. As a father you may feel like you’re failing in your role as provider, leader, and all the things that come with being a father. But why do we feel this way? In this episode I talk through some things that I do when those feelings begin to creep in. I know my kids and family deserve better so, failure IS NOT AN OPTION.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Ep13: Are You Winning? How Fathers Can Set Their Families to Win
Being present is the first on many wins we give our families. But there is so much more we can do even before becoming fathers and husbands. Processing your past is one of them. Understanding the hurt and pain you’ve gone through not only heals you but prepares you to be the best husband, father and leader you can be.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Ep12: Fatherhood Favorites
In this episode I share some things that I enjoy about being a father, and fatherhood in general. Among the learning and growing, my favorite is just having fun. They say children will age you but to those I say you’ve taken your job too seriously. We can raise strong children and families AND have fun in the process.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Ep11: Faith, Family, and Fatherhood (Pastor Tom Neary)
This week I am excited to introduce my very first guest on the podcast. Pastor Tom Neary (@tomn1613) is a pastor, husband, father, blogger, podcaster and more. Listen as we talk through Faith, Family, and Fatherhood. Also hear his testimony and how he became an unlikely Pastor.
Check out more Pastor Tom’s Ministry:
Blog: Pastor Unlikely
Podcast: Come Let Us Disciple Podcast
Church: Calvary Catonsville
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
What does legacy mean to you? As a father, husband, and leader to your family what is it that you want to leave behind? Cars? Money? Houses? Though nothing is wrong with any of these things, legacy certainly goes beyond that. I lost a dear brother of mine last year and his death has left me thinking about legacy. Tune in and hear the legacy he left and what we as men can do to begin leaving legacy.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Ep9: Intentional Fathering
Ep9: Intentional Fathering
Many wins in life come to us when we are being intentional. In parenting and being a father it’s no different. I’ve learned that when I’m not on “autopilot” and simply waiting for the major moments I am more present. Let’s get off autopilot and be intentional and present.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.
Go SEE someone about your past brother! Before you step into the role of father and husband, process your past. @kierandthem dropped some gems in his video that went viral and I spoke on some of the these things in the episode. Take a listen and don’t underestimate the value in PROCESSING YOUR PAST.
Tune in to the Dad Different Podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify every week. Link in bio.