Steadiness is Faithfulness – What God is Looking For
Though all the children of Israel came out of Egypt, only the steady in their walk with God made it to the Promised Land – many perished in the wilderness because of their unsteadiness.
Abraham blessings are a result of his steady walk with God. Steadiness shouts faithfulness and to such blessings are guaranteed.
Challenges/trials come to test out steadiness. Stumbling blocks, hindrances, trials, never stray a steady person. In his walk with God, challenges did not stray Job, and after being tested, he was approved and promoted.
But to the unsteady, challenges take them out of God to the world or to their own ways. How many people have you seen or heard that when challenges came to test their faithfulness, they ran away from God, to even abusing and blaspheming Him?
Time also tests our steadiness, our faithfulness in God. It took Abraham years to be blessed by God. Took many years for Moses to go deliver the Children of Israel. Time tests everyone’s faithfulness in God.