Are you a fan of "In Search of the Dead"? If so, we are hosting a paranormal investigation with medium Richard Oliver at our museum on Saturday 8th March! His first event, just after Christmas, was incredible--you don't want to miss this one! Book your tickets now: https://bookwhen.com/rowtonsmuseum/e/ev-ski6-20250308190000
~~ Paranormal Investigation ~~
📅 Saturday 8th March
🕘 7pm - 1am
🎟 £59
Rowtons' Museum is very excited to announce, after the success of his investigation after Christmas, the return of special guest Richard Oliver for yet another evening of paranormal investigation! Richard is a professional paranormal investigator and psychic medium with 20+ years experience. Not only that, he is a close friend of museum owners Erik and Laura, someone they've had the pleasure of working with closely for many years.
Penuel Chapel has a long history of supernatural activity, including reports of great white light beings and angels responsible for acts of supernatural healing. There is also a lantern-bearing apparition frequently seen on the chapel gallery, a ghostly little girl, and shadow figures that move about the main corridor. Many anomalies have been experienced in the building, including lights on and off, bangs, footsteps, spooky whistling and humming! In additional to ghostly reports connected to the building, the museum is home to unique paranormal objects, including relics from notorious paranormal locations around the world, incl. the Amityville Horror House.
- Tour of the museum and artefacts
- Access to all public areas including: 2 storey 800 seat chapel, Victorian seance parlour, schoolroom, paranormal laboratory, basement and graveyard
- Investigation with Richard Oliver and museum owners, Laura and Erik Rowton
- Use of ghost hunting equipment
- Modern tech experiments and traditional seance techniques
- Ouija board (optional)
- Lone basement vigil 🔦 (optional)
- Refreshments included
- Over 18s only
- Strictly no alcohol / drugs / drunkenness
- No heavily pregnant ladies
- See website for full Terms and Conditions
📍 Rowtons' Museum, Penuel Chapel, Priory Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1NE