Pinupcomix is about the love of Comics old and new with a bias to Pinup’s & Heroines from the Golden Age of comics right up to modern contemporary interpretations of the genre. Using multimedia techniques we try to make the work more appealing for modern viewing, on a computer or mobile device, but have no pretence to imitate or copy traditional animation, but more a halfway house between “static
images and a film format”. We are a ” Band of Brothers & Sisters”, working together to bring you good old fashioned entertainment available free to view with the hope that you will embrace our endeavours and purchase from us, Merchandise, Books and Artworks, which is are our sole form of income. Without your support this way of providing affordable entertainment will not survive for very long, so we are counting on your enthusiasm and “pocket money”. Our Artists come from all over the world and in the initial stage Pinupcomix is presented in an English speaking format; other languages are anticipated in the future if demand is sufficient. If you feel you could contribute to our line-up of participating Artists, do not hesitate to contact us for consideration. [email protected]
With regards the Golden Age Comics (all Public Domain), we have modernised their appearance but have left them as close to the original drawings as possible and in each case one of our Artist’s has created his or her interpretation of that character for our Merchandising and Artworks. For some it should be pleasing to re-visit some of their memories and for others it will allow them to appreciate the talent that was prevalent more that 50 years ago. The music used in the “short’s” (short motion comic) is all public domain material unless specified in the credits. Here again we are very interested to hear from musicians who would like to contribute their talents and provide us with their sounds, do not hesitate to contact us for consideration. [email protected]
Viewers can expect new “short’s” every week, which are all listed on this website by character. We have also created a page, for you to keep up with news, chat with our Artists and participate in our “Caption Competition”, where there are some fabulous prizes to be won.
Paul Grisar
Owner of the only Gallery in Europe devoted to Pinup Art.