LOGON LOGON is the online magazine of the Golden Rosycross. A non-profit organization


The Heart of Science and the Science of the Heartok
Science follows two major currents in its development. Both have their roots in the heyday of Greek philosophy, in which the great philosophers were also scientists.

Already at that time two fundamentally different approaches crystallized. One was phenomenological and had observation and sensation as its basis. One of the great representatives was Aristotle, who has influenced science until today mainly in medicine and biology with their systematization of form and function. In addition, with representatives such as Plato and Pythagoras, the mathematical-abstract observation of research content developed. It has its origin in perceptions and views of a spiritual kind.

Platon wrote shortly before his death the dialogue Timaios. In it he represented that the world was created due to number, ratio and geometry. The creative God works in his arranging activity quasi as geometer and mathematician. Thus, for the one who follows this activity, the interplay of experiment and mathematical description comes to the fore. For a theoretical assumption an experiment must be found, which proves the mathematical formulation. A modern example is quantum physics and the theory of relativity, which came into being in this way.
Image: rainbow-kitti851 auf Pixabay CCO

Axioms, rhythms and the beloved anarchyTao, the divinity and the light of life, the cosmic Christ, knows only one law: t...

Axioms, rhythms and the beloved anarchy
Tao, the divinity and the light of life, the cosmic Christ, knows only one law: to give all creatures, all waves of life, the opportunity to pass through their allotted development.

Until they find themselves in the fields of the Infinite, consciously and without doubt.

Our destiny is to recognise the opposites correctly,
firstly as opposites, but then as poles of a unity.
Hermann Hesse

1 Laws?
Life functions more or less automatically without us knowing what the laws are. laws are; the heart beats, the lungs draw in air and give it back again in a clever rhythm, our bodies function more or less, and if they do not do so or are restricted, they regenerate themselves or we will support them in doing so. ­­– The more unconscious we are, the less we have to worry or can worry about; nature works, somehow; bumpy and creaky, but it works, just somehow.

Only when we observe nature, the stars, the seasons, the rhythms of the moon and then begin to make connections with our perceptive mind, then we recognise – often as a happy intuition – laws that are formulated by those who are called to do so. The physical, chemical and other laws of nature that have been established over the course of time, we can recognise as a mirror of universal laws or the grand law on the level of matter.Finally Tao is the grand law, the divinity and the light of life, the cosmic Christ, knows only one law: to give all creatures, all waves of life, the opportunity to pass through their allotted development until they find themselves in the fields of the Infinite, consciously and without doubt; until they awaken in the great Oneness; in the fields, in the infinite spaces of light that has its origin in itself.

The force through which all this becomes possible is Love. The first intention that lies in love is called life, constant becoming, development. And that could be seen as the first law, the fundamental axiom of the universe. From this derive some universal axioms or laws, universal rules of the cosmos, so that the will of the Logos for revelation can be fulfilled. This is the order that is laid as a seed in our hearts – the plan for dying and becoming.
Image: galaxy-Lumina Obscura auf Pixabay CCO

“All the heavenly treasures and hidden mysteries that have not been discovered for generations will be made known during...

“All the heavenly treasures and hidden mysteries that have not been discovered for generations will be made known during the Age of Aquarius.” ✨ Curious? Check out our homepage to read the full text!

Where can we find our way out of the cave today, when the world affairs become a medial major show, a flickering ghetto,...

Where can we find our way out of the cave today, when the world affairs become a medial major show, a flickering ghetto, in which all the disasters have a double character of dismay on one hand and entertainment on the other? ✨Come find out more at our article “Art and awareness as a journey into ourselves – Part 5”

And yes, we can laugh and live and just be happy!

And yes, we can laugh and live and just be happy!



The number seven plays a special role in probably all cultures. In the Rig Veda, the oldest Hindu scripture, it is writt...

The number seven plays a special role in probably all cultures. In the Rig Veda, the oldest Hindu scripture, it is written: “The seven sages form seven paths. On one of these the desolate mortal can come.” The „seven sages“ represent seven cosmic rays that connect man with the divine.[1] Genesis tells of seven days of creation, the prophet Isaiah names seven spirits of God (Is. 11:2), Paul lists seven gifts of grace (Rom. 12:6-8). The Book of Revelation speaks of “seven spirits […] before his throne” (Rev 1:4), and in a vision John experiences the cosmic Christ standing in the midst of “seven golden lamps” and with “seven stars in his right hand” (Rev 1:12-16).
We all know about the “seventh heaven” to which we feel elevated in special moments of life, and which is in the strongest possible contrast to “normal” life. Paul writes that he was once taken up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2).

The knowledge of the seven rays is ancient. They bow down to us and we can let ourselves be seized by them. Then a sevenfold path of steps is formed upwards, on which the soul is transformed. The rays, we learn, are present in the entire universe, they pe*****te all bodies of material and ethereal nature and produce a flow, starting from the Ineffable, through the suns and planets to man and further into the kingdoms of nature to what is fossilised. They are the creatively active “hands” of the primeval cause.

Alice A. Bailey wrote A Treatise on the Seven Rays in several volumes[2], from which we would like to present some basic ideas. Going deep into the subject can awaken the sensitivity for the spiritual divine basis of our world. The rays can create a resonance in us because we have a deep correspondence to them, yet in a still largely undeveloped potential.

These rays enter our solar system from the Spirit Sun (Vulcan). In their interaction they bring forth the Word, the revelation of the divine energy. Each of the rays contains all the others within itself and multiplies them in its own way, so that altogether one speaks of 49 degrees of vibration.
Image: earth-Arek Socha auf Pixabay CCO

“Have sunshine in your heart …“ – How heart disorders can ariseIn many cases, heart disorders have psychological causes....

“Have sunshine in your heart …“ – How heart disorders can arise
In many cases, heart disorders have psychological causes. In its reactions, the heart shows an intelligence of its own. It is the “vessel” of our feelings – and it is ennobled to become the temple of our immortal soul, the meeting place with the eternal spirit.

Already Paracelsus recognised in his „vertical world view“ of hermetic thinking: “Just as the sun acts on the earth, so the heart acts on the body.”

Just as humans themselves, their heart is also multidimensional. The heart is the centre of our microcosmic being. It is the physical life engine of our organism and at the same time it is the vessel of our emotions – and is ennobled to become the temple of our immortal soul, themeeting place with the eternal spirit. Under the mask of personality hides our true essence, which we experience best when we go deep into our own heart.There we sense who we really are.
Image: heart-of-stone-Dimitris Vetsikas auf Pixabay CCO

Sintra initiation well, Portugal.

Sintra initiation well, Portugal.

Investigate all things and hold on to what is goodIn today’s changing world, many people feel rushed and insecure. Depre...

Investigate all things and hold on to what is good
In today’s changing world, many people feel rushed and insecure. Depression occurs at all ages, including young people. Many are looking for a way out. What is all this for? And is there a way out?

Much has been said and written about the Canadian singer-songwriter, writer and poet Leonard Cohen (1934-2016), about his special voice, his charismatic personality, and the large number of beautiful songs he wrote throughout his life. A successful life and reason for satisfaction, you might think. But he also suffered from depression all his life. And he spent his life trying to heal from the mental pain he experienced. Some say they hear it in the melancholy timbre of his voice, dark-melancholic, and in his lyrics, poetic and in many cases confrontational. He knew this himself, his latest album is not without reason entitled ‘You want it darker?’

In a 1964 speech he propagates:

Search in every conceivable way, research using s*x, drugs, fasting, but use everything as a means to seek God, to experience the perfection of the universe.
Photo: by visualsoflukas on Unsplash CCO

The Dial is OursThe answer to a question lies within.Are we tuned in to answer it?What is a dial? We know of a clock fac...

The Dial is Ours
The answer to a question lies within.
Are we tuned in to answer it?

What is a dial? We know of a clock face dial, an indicator of spatial time, of day and night. We also know the tuner, the old-fashioned radio k**b which allowed us to determine to which wave-length we wanted to listen. Nowadays we know the electronic tuner of our TV or computer and other technological instruments. And there is the compass dial with a pointer to indicate direction. All of them are pointing to something that pertains to the earth, something invisible to the eye yet nevertheless directing our attention. Keeping us advised, keeping us connected, keeping us bound to the planet on which we live. We consider them perfectly natural, we have a lifetime of connection .

But what of the spiritual realm that surrounds us, a realm that in itself we cannot see, just as we cannot see the forces of the visible earthly realm. As humanity explores and develops, more and more we know that something exists other than what we can perceive with our physical senses. By utilising technology we can become aware of the evidence of other forces, other powers, and likewise we can become connected.
Photo: by NEOM CCO

Love and Light for all.

Love and Light for all.

For a person who is seeking spiritual revelation it is vital to grasp this most miraculous thing: the reflection of the ...

For a person who is seeking spiritual revelation it is vital to grasp this most miraculous thing: the reflection of the highest fire in one's innermost being.

Fire in the Heart – A look into the depths of the Russian soul
„The syllable „ur“ points to the root of light in fire. Since unimaginable times, this radiant primordial ground has attracted the hearts of peoples.“ [1]

„Truly, the path of the Spirit must be trodden by human feet!“ [2]

In her work Fiery World, Helena Roerich, the founder of Agni Yoga, refers to the element of fire as omnipresent, most creative and most life-giving force. She notes that human consciousness is preoccupied with many empty and insignificant thoughts on fire, thereby missing out on the most miraculous things. For a person who is seeking spiritual revelation, however, it is vital to grasp this most miraculous thing: the reflection of the highest fire in one’s innermost being. Can this reflection be felt? Can a human being decipher the mystery of the fire in their own innermost being?

Must I leave it all behind?Departure“Leaving in 5 minutes …..” sounds over the PA system.At last. Finally. The long-awai...

Must I leave it all behind?


“Leaving in 5 minutes …..” sounds over the PA system.
At last. Finally. The long-awaited moment!
A suitcase, packed to bulging point, sits beside me.
Crammed with seemingly essential items.

A challenge.
I am on ground level – the departure gate/lounge is on a higher level.
No escalator, no lift, only a narrow flight of stairs, teeming with people going nowhere.

“Departing in 4 minutes ….”
The suitcase is too wide, too heavy to negotiate the stairs.
Too many people coming and going.
I need to lighten the load, unburden.
Assess my situation.


On which train will you travel?“All Change …..”There can be no doubt now that the world, our planet, our home, is underg...

On which train will you travel?

“All Change …..”

There can be no doubt now that the world, our planet, our home, is undergoing considerable change. But are we, the inhabitants, willing to follow that change?

“All change …”. The announcement rings out throughout the length of the train, through all the carriages. A change is being called for, a change to bring us to another destination. The travellers stir, move restlessly, many of them heeding the call and slowly gathering their luggage. Willing to obey the call, confident that a change is not only called for but vitally necessary. They have reached the destination set out for at the beginning of the journey, reached a new point of departure. For some it is through satisfaction, all their needs and aspirations have been met and they can readily move on. Others, for whom the journey has not been so happy, so fulfilling, are more than ready to try a different journey. They have gathered their belongings together as well and are preparing to leave the train.

Image:Fausto García-Menéndez on Unsplash CCO

Is longing already connectedness? I believe it is. The object of longing is not yet in the time and place where I am at ...

Is longing already connectedness? I believe it is. The object of longing is not yet in the time and place where I am at the moment, but that can still change.
Is longing already connectedness
It is true that the object of longing is not yet in the time and place where I am at the moment, but that can still change. What is time? And what is space?

Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) says:

The drop laments: How far from the sea I am!
The world’s sea laughs:
In vain is your sorrow!
We are all one – we are God –
Only the tiny dot of “time” separates us. [1]

When you was once in love and you did not yet know what the other person felt, I sometimes felt such a deep pain of longing for the beloved. Yet at the same time I knew with absolute certainty: this longing is such a strong magnetic bond. It goes from my heart to his heart, even if he doesn’t know it. And the current of time pushes us towards each other, and you had the absolute certainty that we would be together someday. And so it was.

All those feelings you had then, I can transfer one-to-one to my relationship with God. There is this absolute longing for knowledge and the feeling of oneness with him.
And there is also this magnetic bond that connects me to him and gives the certainty that this oneness is already there, although you cannot always feel it. I am the drop on its journey to the ocean of the world, with the absolute certainty that only time separates us.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life, the loneliness of the mind accompanies me, contemplating the nothingn...

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life, the loneliness of the mind accompanies me, contemplating the nothingness, the nowhere.

Experiencing the Sacred – Is there a longing in Nature?
One day I noticed that something happened:

I love the dark hours of my being,
in which my senses deepen.
From them comes the knowledge that I have space
to a second timelessly wide life.[1]
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

Another poet, Georg Trakl, writes:

In the lonely hours of the spirit
it is beautiful to walk in the sun,
along the yellow walls of summer.
Footsteps sound softly in the grass. But the son of Pan always sleeps
in grey marble. [2]

When I let texts like these resonate within me, my senses expand. And I feel: there is a “space in me for a second, timelessly wide life”.

Down on the soul's ground, where all life is eternally silent,I can see the true dreams, like air, rising from water's d...

Down on the soul's ground, where all life is eternally silent,I can see the true dreams, like air, rising from water's depths.Somewhere deep within me I have remained a child,working in the soul spaces can love these dreams
The spirit of the earth
The spirit of the earth is something like an idea behind this planet. Seen from space, it is like a beautiful pearl, on whose surface, however, the destruction by man is already visible in many places. Actually, from the outside, the planet is a harmonious whole, and yet there is so much tension in its history and development. In the books of Hermes Trismegistos, a collection of texts that probably date from the beginning of our era, there is the book of Poimandres. He instructs Hermes about the cause of the origin of the world. Poimandres is a focal point that can flare up in a person’s consciousness, connecting his two sides. Two sides, time and eternity, whose contradiction and tension could not be greater. At the beginning of this book, it says:Saying this, he changed his appearance, and in an instant, everything was immediately opened to me. I saw an endless vision in which every- thing became light – clear and joyful – and in seeing the vision I came to love it. After a little while, darkness arose separately and descended – fearful and gloomy – coiling sinuously so that it looked to me like a (snake). Then the darkness changed into something of a watery nature, indescribably agitated and smoking like a fire; it produced an unspeakable wailing roar. Then an inarticulate cry like the voice of fire came forth from it.

But from the light… a holy word mounted upon the (watery) nature, and untempered fire leapt up from the watery nature to the height above. The fire was nimble and piercing and active as well, and because the air was light it followed after spirit and rose up to the fire away from earth and water so that it seemed suspended from the fire. Earth and water stayed behind, mixed with one another, so that (earth) could not be distinguished from water, but they were stirred to hear by the spiritual word that moved upon them.

Life is made of moments. But, in the sparkle of the sacred, how to describe what eternally flows and at the same time is...

Life is made of moments. But, in the sparkle of the sacred, how to describe what eternally flows and at the same time is static?
The Sacred Instant
In the olden days, films were made of frames, small pictures that flowed on a spool in the projector, forming images that moved. To edit them, it was enough to use a box cutter over the celluloid strip to cut out unwanted scenes, or keep very desired and censored ones – as in Cine Paradiso, by Giuseppe Tornatore, with a soundtrack by the unforgettable Ennio Morricone.

But, and how to edit the film of the Art of Real Life, with its alchemy that drives us to real self-knowledge, to the yearning for liberation, which makes our self-surrender to the transcendent, to surrender to a new consciousness that leads us to complete perfection? Editing requires good judgement. How to evaluate each scene experienced without watching the full movie?
Furthermore, one must remember that there is time and eternity. The measurable and the immeasurable. At what time do they meet?

Every day, we are all dragged along by the line we create: a line of no return, finite and deadly. Memory records the past, imagination peeks into the future. And us, we stay in the middle.

Suddenly, watering the garden, a glint of water on a petal opens up a universe. “Butterflies and birds take flight: cloud of flowers” (Bashô) (1). The scintillation is in the air, in seconds. Impossible to capture. The movie of life runs by, in the projector of time. We want to stop the movement, to stop life forever in that frame. Impossible.

The old paradigm says that the heart pumps the blood around, but the really accurate meaning of the heart is that the he...

The old paradigm says that the heart pumps the blood around, but the really accurate meaning of the heart is that the heart receives the blood, listens to the blood and then lets it flow out. The heart is an organ that’s listening.' Charles Eisenstein
With heart and soul
In esotericism blood is seen as the bearer of the soul. We know from experience that our state of mind translates instantaneously into the changing chemical composition of our blood. And vice versa. Blood repeatedly flows through the heart and lungs and through our entire body. A mechanistic view sees the heart as the pump, complete with inlet and outlet valves, that pumps the blood around. A more nuanced view of heart, blood and body makes one see the blood as an organ, a living organism in dialogue with the heart and body. Like the soul. Dialoguing is the transmission and exchange of content.

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of his birthday a symposium about Skovoroda was held in December 2022, in Chris...

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of his birthday a symposium about Skovoroda was held in December 2022, in Christianopolis, a German Rosicrucian conference centre.
Grigorij Skovoroda – 1722-1794 – a Ukrainian Socrates
There were two Ukrainian speakers and one Russian/German speaker, with the cooperation of youth members of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, who performed Skovoroda’s play ‘Narcissus’ [1].

For Skovoroda it was about a very concrete spiritual path, for living knowledge, for the development of the ability to discern and about the consequences of this knowledge that he wished to transfer to all those who were open to it. He opened the hearts of the people – not in the least with his music, but also through his profound talks, understandable for anyone.
Probably no one has ever heard of him in the Netherlands, but in his own country he is a legendary figure, by far as famous as here with us Spinoza or Descartes. In many cities there are statues of him; on the bank note of 500 hryvnia his image is printed and in Charkov a university is named after him. At the same time he is a controversial figure: according to his biographer Dmitry Tschischewsky in the thirties of the previous century:

In the at least 250 works written about him, there are no less than 250 different viewpoints about Skovoroda.

Nowadays at least five thousands works have been published about him, in the Ukraine, Austria, Australia, England, Armenia, Brazil, Hungaria, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Italy, Canada, Moldavia, Poland, Rumania, Servia, Slovakia, United States, France, Czech Republic.

Because of his modest and loving nature and his deep understanding for human nature, but especially because of his sincerity, he touched the hearts of innumerable people, helping them to learn to listen to the inner spirit spark.


The Soul in the Tension Between Time and Eternity
Soul today
The soul is able to build up a great tension. With one pole it can be firmly connected to the earth and with the other pole it can be firmly anchored in the “nameless”. It is then like a tree rooted deep in the earth with its crown reaching up to the sky

The soul survives in a shadow world
Even thinking about the soul is like entering the nameless. In the modern world, the nameless is an abstract force that pe*****tes more and more into people’s consciousness. In ancient times, it was an intuitive magical world that slowly became forgotten and it became an unconscious world with the beginning of modern times.

A scientifically rational view of life developed, in which the rationally tangible and the intellectually comprehensible became the standard for truth. The soul survived in the realm of fables and fairy tales, whose soul worlds became the basis for modern youth literature. In German youth literature, a special form has developed in recent decades with a mixture of fantasy, fairy tales and myths that adults also like to read.

We all feel that the world is full of evil and danger, and we often wish we could do something to liberate our existence...

We all feel that the world is full of evil and danger, and we often wish we could do something to liberate our existence and make the world a better place.
The Phoenix and the Basilisk
“The Hymn of the Pearl” describes a story in which the protagonist, a prince, is sent by his parents to Egypt to retrieve a pearl, a precious jewel closely guarded by a huge dragon – a serpent. The young prince arrives in Egypt, finds the dragon in a dark labyrinth and, ready for a difficult and dangerous battle, challenges the monster. However, he is not prepared for the kind of fight that will be imposed on him. Because the dragon does not engage in bodily combat but hypnotises the prince with its gaze and forces him into a completely different kind of fight, the dragon brings him into illusions in which the prince appears to have entered the fight. As he has come here to fight, he fights against everything and everyone, dealing blows left and right. To the dragon’s delight, he injures himself, as the energy put into the blows bounces off the walls of the dark labyrinth and inflicts more and more suffering on the prince.

The prince does not realise that he is not fighting the dragon at all, but he is fighting himself. For the more he engages in this battle, the more he wants to anticipate the dangers threatening him, the more he gives the dragon room for manoeuvre. The dragon puts various illusory situations before his eyes, forcing him to invent ever greater dangers for himself.

Regardless of our level of comprehension about karma and fate, can we truly give a new direction to life? Or do we need ...

Regardless of our level of comprehension about karma and fate, can we truly give a new direction to life? Or do we need to be eternal slaves of a path without an exit?
Fate, Karma and Life
“My effort to preserve myself is useless;
every day I am my complete breakdown:
and I watch the decay of everything,
in these mirrors without reflection.
Obstinate voice that is calling me in the distance,
lead yourself to me”

Cecília Meirelles
What is fate? What is karma? Is there a difference between them? And what is life, apart from karma or fate?

People usually associate fate, or what they call karma, with something unavoidable in their lives. It’s why they look for fortune tellers. By “reading their fortune”, it is believed that they will not be surprised by the fatality of fate. They want to be prepared for what awaits them ahead. This is because it is common for all of us to plan to get somewhere, to follow the corridor that we think is right, but suddenly we are faced with a blockage that forces us to look for another option, we arrive at an unforeseen place, or we are left wandering around without making any progress. It’s like we’re in a labyrinth from which we can’t find a way out.

After many of these experiences, which usually are bitter, we are overcome by fatigue from such a circular and painful race, and finally we begin to wonder what is behind these repeated attempts that keep bringing us down. Is it fate? or perhaps chance?

Image: Michael Gaida on Pixabay CCO

Who can reach out for freedom but the ego. And the alter Ego is freedom!Unexpected Mutual AidCan one be free and selfish...

Who can reach out for freedom but the ego. And the alter Ego is freedom!
Unexpected Mutual Aid
Can one be free and selfish at the same time?

This is a question that sounds like an exam subject that you might find directed at philosophy students. Many philosophers have examined this issue, but only controversy has prevailed.

A seven-year-old tells his parents: “Let me do what I want!”

A teenager adds: “But leave me alone at the end, I’m free!”

A banker and a supermarket cashier agree: “We are prisoners of the consumer society, but we have no choice”.
A multi-recidivist prisoner sighs in his jail: “I just want to be on the other side of these bars”.

A Buddhist monk, after spending years in a monastery, confesses: “Man is a prisoner of his senses, he can only find freedom by abandoning his ego”.

A centenarian, on the verge of death, concludes: “Free at last!”

We all aspire to freedom, and yet we are forced to admit that we have limits, be they physical, intellectual, technological, financial, or dreamlike. And of course, not everyone is accepting of this situation. Some are happy with it, others are not. But we have all experienced, at one time or another, a state of freedom. A state where boundaries have blurred. Our ego is less pervasive in these moments. It fades, but does not disappear. So now three things remain: freedom, limits, and the ego. But the more permanent one is the ego.

Image: by Steve Johnson on Unsplash



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Welcome to LOGON - the online magazine of the Golden Rosycross.

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LOGON might be for you.

Like a view from a mountaintop, LOGON explores a new perspective of the development of the human being and the changes in the societies of the 21st century emerging in art, science and religion.