If you knew my dad, you’d know he was quite the character. He wouldn’t let a conversation go by where he wouldn’t crack some nonsensical joke that you couldn’t help but laugh at. The man had to joy of the Lord in him through and through. Well, on Thursday night (5/25) I got to see my dad and crack some jokes with him. We had a joyful visit at the hospital though he wasn’t feeling well, we had a great time sharing laughs and joyous moments. On Friday (5/26) around noon I went back to see him knowing it would be one of the last times, but it turned out to be the last. When we arrived, he was already on his way to see Jesus. At 9:38pm I said goodbye to by dad who raised me to be the man I am. He was the most resilient person I have ever met, battling so many illnesses, disabilities, and difficulties throughout the greater part of his life. The beauty now is that he is healed. He is running around in celebration of that! He no longer is hurting and I rejoice in the name of Jesus for that! Thank you, Jesus for the gift that my dad was to me and to each person he ever said “behave yourself…don’t bother it’s no fun!” to. I pray that he continue to make people laugh in heaven as he did here on earth. Thank you, Jesus for Shawn Mains.