Dave jumping fail
Dave trying to jump onto a pipe and failing miserably. W/ Seb Janice Duperron Terriah and David Wanat.
Was going through my phone and rediscovered a video of my nephew Eric acting like Godzilla and smashing a sand castle. I know it has nothing to do with my channel but it’s cute.
Decisions decisions
I'm most likely gonna go with Sam B or Purna for my next Dead Island run, but you guys can decide who you would prefer me to play as. I have finished it 4 times at least once on each of the four main characters Logan, Purna, Xian and Sam B.
Coon Super
The Super attack of the Coon in Southpark the Fractured but whole.
Tree part of Death
This part is still annoying, unfortunately at the end Gears 4 crashed but I hope its enough proof to Chris I was able to get through it without dying on Hardcore Solo. Personally maybe its my imagination but it seems to go a little slower solo than in coop. I could be going crazy though... :)
Lightning part of death
Technically this video took two tries to record. the first time I died in seconds and thought I can do a lot better. So it aint pretty but I got through the Lightning part of Death in Gears 4.
Loki got the Fox
Reinstalled Skyrim mostly to include the last creature I want for my Bethesda creatures vid, was playing around making sure the game is running well after all these years and ran into a Fox.
So you can say in a way Loki finally got revenge on that damn Fox :).
Raiders vs turrets in Nuka World
Fast Traveled back to Nuka World to finish off on my Nuka world settlement and found it to be under attack by raiders. Possible Raider turf war?
Super Mutant Warlord vs too many turrets
I love the rocket turrets expecially for defence from tougher enemies, you got to be careful to not place stuff that the turrets can destroy since its a pain to repair everything.