Aloha Healing Women Radio

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Aloha Healing Women Radio Aloha! Welcome to Aloha Healing Women Radio. My new broadcast will focus on holistic approaches to h

This web- based broadcast revolves around my spiritual insights into the world of holistic practices. It provides both old and new wisdom and draws heavily from my published books. It will include Dream Time Radio, Healing What's Eating You Radio, and Beyond Radio. DREAM TIME RADIO
Based on my book Dream Analysis Handbook we will be delving into the unconscious world of dreams and helping you unde

rstand the language and meaning of your dreams. We extend an invitation to our listeners to interact with our programs by emailing us your dreams so we can interpret them on air. HEALING WHAT'S EATING YOU RADIO SHOW
Well we have so much to share already from my book, Healing What's Eating You book but we are going to keep exploring Holistic Health practices by inviting people from all over Hawaii and the world to share what they have learned on their healing paths with us. Our listeners will be invited to speak with me and my guests during most shows. BEYOND RADIO

BEYOND RADIO will expand your consciousness beyond your present life situation. This radio show draws from my books, "Talking To The Living And The Dead - Soul To Soul Communications" and "Experiencing Life After Death- A Soul Journey". We will be featuring some exotic souls from our ecstatic Puna Paradise and other interesting beings who have some amazing insights and visions from BEYOND. This could easily be the most exciting radio show ever as we are not just highlighting subjects or people that the world in large might think bizarre or unusual. Now we will be shining light on those subjects and people who actually live and work in the realm of BEYOND. All of these books can be purchased as a PDF by following this link:


Kalana Hypnotherapy Level One is the best way to improve your counseling skills for those in
the holistic, mental health and social services fields or add to your career as a yoga instructor, mediator, parent or spiritual guide. This course Includes basic hypnotherapy techniques, ethics and setting up your practice and networking with other professionals. You will be able to accomplish six unique guided visualizations upon completion. You will have four fifteen minute private consultations with myself or my staff to help you with any issues or questions you might have during the course. You may also purchase additional consultation time by appointment. You must pass a video interview and exam to complete the Kalana Level One Certification. For quality and integrity control, only those participants who have achieved the Kalana Level One Certification will be allowed to use our web connections site and proudly display our Kalana Certificate both on line and real time. You will be able to study at your own pace and apply for the certification interview by appointment when you feel you are ready to do so. Please go to your web site for more information at or email me at [email protected].
We will be holding live classes in Hilo, Hawai'i this fall. Level One will be held Oct.17 through Oct. 21, Level Two from Oct. 24 to Oct 28 and Level Three from Oct 31 through Nov. 4.
Mahalo and looking forward to helping you to help others. Aloha Keala Vai Noel.

The Kalana Level Three Certification must be preceded by Level One Certification only.  This course is for those who wan...

The Kalana Level Three Certification must be preceded by Level One Certification only. This course is for those who want to have a more rounded practice that includes a more shamanic based theme. This is an excellent introduction into shamanism as well as a solid tool for grief and past life therapy.
Included in this course is Talking Soul to Soul - two way communications with the living and the dead. Experiencing life after death- a Soul journey. Past life regressions, Communication with beneficial spirit guides, Future life progressions. Please call to register early as spaces are limited – 808-936-6067

Kalana Hypnotherapy was created by Rev. Keala Vai Noel using her twenty five years of hands on experience to bring you the very best in training for an exciting and rewarding holistic healing career....

Kalana Hypnotherapy Training Level Two will be offered from Nov. 8-12. Classes are Wed- Friday are held from 6 pm to 10 ...

Kalana Hypnotherapy Training Level Two will be offered from Nov. 8-12. Classes are Wed- Friday are held from 6 pm to 10 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm. Level One Certification must achieved before taking Level Two. The Level Two course is for those who are already holistic therapists or those who wish to help others heal therapeutically. Participants will learn techniques such as Neural Lingual Programming for releasing fears and addictions, Re-parenting, Inner child work, Life regression and event healing, past life regression, integration of self parts to a whole, two way communication to resolve conflicts, time line therapy, release of addictions and unwanted behaviors, The Certification is $725 for this invaluable skill set. Please call 808-936-6067 to reserve your spot as spaces are limited.

Kalana Hyponotherapy Level One Training program is available  Nov. 1 thru Nov. 5 in Hilo, Hawaii.  Participants will lea...

Kalana Hyponotherapy Level One Training program is available Nov. 1 thru Nov. 5 in Hilo, Hawaii. Participants will learn general hypnosis techniques and guided visualizations that are the building tools for Level Two Therapuetic Hypnotherapy and Level Three Shamanic and Spiritual Journey work. Level One Certification is $650 and space is limited. Please call 808-936-6067 to register.

Kalana Hypnotherapy was created by Rev. Keala Vai Noel using her twenty five years of hands on experience to bring you the very best in training for an exciting and rewarding holistic healing career....

KaLaNa Hypnotherapy Training Level One July 5-10 Hawaii

KaLaNa Hypnotherapy Training Level One July 5-10 Hawaii

Level One of the KaLaNa method of Hypnotherapy prepares you for the practical aspects of becoming a professional hypnotherapist. Points covered will be confidentiality, record keeping, ethics, networking, attracting and maintaining a client base and how to provide a safe environment for your clients...

Ho'oponopono Healing and Cleansing Guided Visualization for releasing negative energy and promoting positive positions. ...

Ho'oponopono Healing and Cleansing Guided Visualization for releasing negative energy and promoting positive positions. 1pm Saturday Nov. 14 at Kapoho Crystal Grotto at Aloha Healing Women in Kapoho.Bring water and a pillow to sit on. A ten dollar donation would be appreciated. 14-4817 Kapoho Kai st in Kapoho Please call 936 6067 for more information.

Dr. Sharon Forrest taught me one of the most valuable skills I have with what most of my past Aloha Healing Women rememb...

Dr. Sharon Forrest taught me one of the most valuable skills I have with what most of my past Aloha Healing Women remember as Complete Body Alignments..She will be in Honolulu to teach this technique, plus Egyption Numerology in late February. Please go to her web page for more details.. They call her the bringer of angels and you will find out why, don't miss this chance to create miracles too!

HER HEALING HOLIDAY Our Aloha Healing Women GODDESS RETREATS GIVE YOU THIS...Airport pick up with lei greeting. Private ...

Airport pick up with lei greeting. Private room or shared bedroom, shared bath and living quarters. All inclusive except for airfare and meals. It includes- airport pick/drop off with lei greeting. We provide basic breakfast foods such as bread, oatmeal, fruits, eggs, yogurt when you let us know your food choices. The remainder of the meals are up to you and we do have a shopping day the next day so you can procure food provisions. Introduction Mo'olelo getting to tell our stories and setting the retreats intent with a ceremonial ti anklet. Group Hypnosis Sessions- Experiencing life after death- a soul journey, Talking to the living and the dead- soul to soul commuications, Reiki Masters program and certification and attunement. One past life regression. A communication with Madam Pele at the edge of Kilauea Volcano Crater with viewing at dusk with an ava ceremony. One animal totem spirit guided visualization. A healing and cleansing by the sea shores. East side water fall tour with a guided communication with a "Kumu" (teacher) banyan tree with Hawaiian Chanting. And if you have dreams you want to share we usually do that in the morning or in a private session for a small fee. You will also receive a deck of Keala Kards of life. On Wednesday we have a late afternoon tour of the Kalapana coastline and have dinner at our Puna gathering place- Uncle Roberts where there are crafts, music and great food. $1800 private room, $1500 shared room. Call 1-808-936-6067 or mailto:[email protected]. See you there! Check in is 3pm and we check out at 11 am.

SOUL TO SOUL COMMUNICATION TESTIMONY - mahalo Donna King HerrAfter my husband of 37 years died from cancer in October, 2...

After my husband of 37 years died from cancer in October, 2012, I was devastated and numb. These are common responses to such a profound loss, but I had more of a burden than most. Prior to his diagnosis in July, 2010, he had changed from the loving happy man I had married to being critical, verbally abusive (to only me), angry, and distant. Numerous attempts to talk it out only resulted in distancing us from each other further. Although there had been difficult times between us throughout our marriage, he had never been as he now was-cruel, and I knew I had to leave the marriage. But, then the diagnosis came-stage 4 metastatic disease.
Together, we pursued treatment. This became the most difficult experience I had ever endured, as I was his cheerleader, his transportation, his financial security, and his caregiver. The cancer progressed, and his temper toward me escalated. I had resolved I would never leave him, a dying man, but it took all I had to stay.
After he died I was tortured by the question of what had I done for him to detest me so, why was his temper directed only at me, and was there something more or different I could have, should have, done. I knew I would never move forward in my life without learning the answer. Sleeping and eating were almost non-existent, and I often cried from the "not knowing".
Through a series of chance encounters, I met Keala Noel. I scheduled a session with her, hoping she could help me find closure, and yet I really wasn't sure what to expect. I just thought that doing something was better than doing nothing. Once I shared my story, she suggested and explained Soul to Soul Communication. I was eager to pursue this avenue, and so the session immediately began.
Guided hypnotherapy was utilized, and Keala was accessible to me throughout the session. Although my husband's soul was resistant to coming forth, his deceased father's soul came first, scolded my husband into talking to me, and the session proceeded. When clarification was needed, Keala helped me proceed; when my husband refused to answer, she helped me find another way to proceed.
I choose to keep the content of my conversation with my husband private; however, he identified where his anger originated, he cried with me, he asked about our children and grandchild, and he apologized. Several phrases were said that were his phrases alone; on every possible level, I knew that this experience was real and that I was speaking to him.
What seemed like twenty minutes was actually much longer; and this time was spent in constant back and forth communication between him and me. Words did not exist; instead, it was blocks of thought passing back and forth between us as fast as lightening. We had so much to say, and after it was said, forgiving each other was the conclusion. As soon as that occurred I saw his spirit fly away, off to a distant star. He was gone.
Once the session ended, Keala continued to support me by giving me time and space to compose myself; she then provided a verbal summary of what had occurred by using the information I shared during the session. This final summary was extremely helpful, as there were parts that I would have forgotten.
My life changed at that moment. More tears have been cried, and I miss the man my husband once was. However, because of Keala Noel and the Soul to Soul Communication session, I have moved forward with living. I am happy, my heart is light, and people often comment on how freely I can laugh. I know that my life would not be the joyful experience that I now have; honestly, I am unsure if I would be alive today, as I was slowly self-destructing by my own tortured questions.
You can have a Soul to Soul Communication experience too, go to to find out how.

Open communication with Madam Pele will be held this Saturday. starting at 11 am and going to 2 pm at Kapoho Crystal Gro...

Open communication with Madam Pele will be held this Saturday. starting at 11 am and going to 2 pm at Kapoho Crystal Grotto at 14-4817 Kapoho Kai St in Kapoho Ag Lots. Rev. Keala Noel will lead a guided commuication with Madam Pele so everyone can get their own personal information. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Please call Rev. Keala at 936 6067 for details

Healing Crystal Grotto hosts Guided Goddess Visualizations - Akashicrecords, Healing & cleansing, Animal Totem Spirit, W...

Healing Crystal Grotto hosts Guided Goddess Visualizations - Akashic
records, Healing & cleansing, Animal Totem Spirit, Warrior Woman and Spirit guide communion, presented hourly at $20 per session. Sweat lodge and gift shop refreshments available. April 12 starting at 11am and going to 4 pm. For more information call 936 6067, located at 14-4817 Kapoho Kai St at the entrance of Vacationland going to the marine sanctuary.

Check out our new and improved combined ( you choose what you want to do) Goddess and Healing retreats. March 17-31, Apr...

Check out our new and improved combined ( you choose what you want to do) Goddess and Healing retreats. March 17-31, April 16-24
May 7- 14 and our Arkansas Crystal Mining Expedition June 4-12. Bring a friend and get shared room discount! See more at

Are you a SERIAL SEEKER??? Always looking for the next spiritual fix? Looking for the next new thing that will make your...

Are you a SERIAL SEEKER??? Always looking for the next spiritual fix? Looking for the next new thing that will make your life complete? Then you may be a SERIAL SEEKER.. join Cynthia Lamb and I on BEYOND radio this Friday Jan. 31 at 8 am Hawaii time, 10 am West Coast, and 1 pm EST at when we explore this interesting topic. — with Cynthia Lamb.

Tara Baklund the author of YOUniversal Self Care will join us on Healing What's Eating You radio this Thursday and you c...

Tara Baklund the author of YOUniversal Self Care will join us on Healing What's Eating You radio this Thursday and you can listen live at 8am Hawaii time, 10 am West Coast and 1 pm EST or listen later at

Listen to what past ALOHA HEALING WOMEN RETREATER Anjel has to say about her life now ...

Listen to what past ALOHA HEALING WOMEN RETREATER Anjel has to say about her life now ...

Anjel comes back to Aloha Healing Women and talks about her recovery from bulimia and anorexia. She talks about her life then and now and where she is headed.

Goddess Tours and Retreats show you how to play in a waterfall, and let your cares fall away!

Goddess Tours and Retreats show you how to play in a waterfall, and let your cares fall away!

Heather Rivera author of Healing the Present from the Past and Quiet Water was our special guest on BEYOND talk radio to...

Heather Rivera author of Healing the Present from the Past and Quiet Water was our special guest on BEYOND talk radio today. Listen to this great show about Past Life Regression Therapy at Take a moment ant take her survey at to help more people understand the depth of Pass Life Regression therapy. Check out her novel based on a past life experience that moves the heroine to...

Elizabeth Bohorquez joins us on for "Healing what's eating you" show in a...

Elizabeth Bohorquez joins us on for "Healing what's eating you" show in at 8am Hawaii time, 11 west coast and 2 pm EDT. Please call in to talk to her about how you come become the master of your body weight and live a happier life - 1-718-664-9653. Or listen to us later by going to our site shown here.

Do want to get rid of sugar addiction? Want to know why you might be constantly overweight even though you are "good"? T...

Do want to get rid of sugar addiction? Want to know why you might be constantly overweight even though you are "good"? Then you have got to listen to our Thursday show of "Healing what's eating you" show casing the Elizabeth Bohorquez and her work with weight management. Airing live at 8 am Hawaii time and 11 am West Coast and 2 pm EDT at or listen later to the archived session. Call in live at 1-718-664-9653

Want to know how more about DREAMS? Then join us in fifteen minutes at to...

Want to know how more about DREAMS? Then join us in fifteen minutes at to listen to Tyco Vai and I discuss his new book DREAMS=mc2 and my book Dream Analysis Handbook. Call in to talk to us live and ask questions about dreams at 1-718-664-9653 or listen later by going to the above link. We air at 8 am Hawaii time, 11 am West Coast and 2 pm EDT.

Aloha Healing Women Radio is based on the practices of Aloha Healing Women retreats which have been operating successfully since 1999. We will start with three regularly scheduled radio shows- "Healing what's eating you' is based on my holistic self help book by the same title. We will be discussing...

Tyco Vai the author the soon to be published -Dreams Equal MCSquared will be my guest on BEYOND talk radio Friday at 8 a...

Tyco Vai the author the soon to be published -Dreams Equal MCSquared will be my guest on BEYOND talk radio Friday at 8 am Hawaii time, 11 am West Coast and 2 pm EDT and you can call in live at 1-718-664-9653 or listen in at live or later.

Marni Spencer Devlin will join us live on "Healing what's eating you" radio at a new time for us at 8 am Hawaii time, 11...

Marni Spencer Devlin will join us live on "Healing what's eating you" radio at a new time for us at 8 am Hawaii time, 11 am West Coast and 3 pm EDT. Marni is the author of two amazing books - "Crawling into the light" based on her personal story recovery from addictions and "The Ice Berg Principles" which explains her theory of how anyone can change the way they think and therefore change the outcome of their life. She is an amazing woman and it captivating to listen to. Go to to hear our show live or listen in later and like our page please.

Goddesses Jelly and Jenna enjoying the Puna coast line!

Goddesses Jelly and Jenna enjoying the Puna coast line!

Rosemary Hurwitz will be our guest tomorrow on "HEALING WHAT'S EATING YOU" and she is a fantastic speaker and if you hav...

Rosemary Hurwitz will be our guest tomorrow on "HEALING WHAT'S EATING YOU" and she is a fantastic speaker and if you have ever wanted to know about enneagrams now you can find out on our show. Air time is 9 am Hawaii Time, Noon West Coast, 3 pm Chicago time and 3 pm EDT, call in live at 1-718-664-9653 or catch on, live or later!!

BEYOND radio's topic today is how to manifest what you want in your life. It's a short show with just Me Rev.Keala Noel ...

BEYOND radio's topic today is how to manifest what you want in your life. It's a short show with just Me Rev.Keala Noel and then on DREAM TIME we will be talking about what water means in your dreams. Call in live at 718 664 9653 or catch now and later at 3pm Hawaii time 6 pm West Coast 9 pm EDT.

Scott Linde the owner of  SUN POTIONS - Transformational foods will be our guest today on Healing what's eating you radi...

Scott Linde the owner of SUN POTIONS - Transformational foods will be our guest today on Healing what's eating you radio. Scott will help us understand how important the quality of our food is to our bodies and to our life. We will be talking you can use whole natural foods to feed your body so you aren't hungry for "empty" foods and calories. By eating natural foods that supply you better nutrients you will become naturally less hungry and the less you eat empty calories the healthier you will be. Call in live at 1- 718 644 9652 at 3pm Hawaii time, 6 pm West Coast time or 9 pm EDT or listen later at

Mochita Har-Levi joined us today from GREECE on "Healing what's eating you " radio at

Mochita Har-Levi joined us today from GREECE on "Healing what's eating you " radio at to talk about her personal Skype yoga lessons that you can have her do for you anywhere!!! Listen to her talk about how yoga can change YOUR life now!

Let's hear from the Goddess  Soni and Goddess Minal, how was Goddess Tours and Retreats???

Let's hear from the Goddess Soni and Goddess Minal, how was Goddess Tours and Retreats???

Soni and Minal tell you about their amazing Goddess Tour and Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Gail Kushner the author of "My Psychic Search: discovering what psychics do, what psychics know, and how they can help u...

Gail Kushner the author of "My Psychic Search: discovering what psychics do, what psychics know, and how they can help us improve our lives" will join us today on BEYOND radio. We will be talking about Intuitives and what she has learned from interviewing them. BEYOND radio airs live at 3 pm Hawaii time, 6 pm West Coast and 9 pm EDT and you can call in live at 1 718 664 9653 or listen live or later by going to

Khabir Southwick who is an Ayurveda Practitioner, Traditional Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Master Herbalist will j...

Khabir Southwick who is an Ayurveda Practitioner, Traditional Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Master Herbalist will join us today on "HEALING WHAT'S EATING YOU" radio today. Go to to listen live or later, if you want to call in live please do at 1-718-664-9653 at 3 pm Hawaii time, 6 pm West Coast and 9 pm EDT.



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