How To Add MOLTEN OBSIDIAN To ANY MW WEAPON [Bypass Lock]! 🔐 - (Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Warzone)
Create a new MW weapon build… before adding attachments to the new build, click on CAMOS, and go to ALL SPECIALS… scroll all the way to WEAPON PRESTIGE (there are 6 camos, 5 are the same)… you will see Molten Obsidian… click to apply the camo as you would with any random unlocked camo… you should then have MOLTEN OBSIDIAN applied to your MW weapon… then, simply select your chosen attachments and the camo will be part of your new build. Job done!
This glitch will get patched soon - in which case, this video will be removed. No idea if the camo will remain on the MW weapon build after patch, but use this method now before it gets patched and we’ll see what happens.