The Diet is a simple, easy-to-follow four-week program that will enable you to reach whatever goal you choose, whether it’s losing weight, becoming physically fit, or reducing the precursors to disease, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, blockage of the arteries, high blood sugar, insulin resistance ripper or all of the above. When you follow the Engine 2 Plan, you will:
*Lose body fat
*Increase lean muscle mass
*Improve your cardiovascular health
*Free yourself from the shackles of chronic Western disease
*Have fun learning how to make new, smart, and delicious food choices
*Improve self-esteem and confidence
*Be instilled with a sense of personal power, because you, and you alone, are in control of your health
*Absolutely love how you feel
The reason the program will help you lose weight is not because you will be painstakingly measuring your portions or warily watching your calories, but because you will be eating only satisfying, whole foods that are nutrient dense as well as naturally low in calories and high in fiber. It will also grant you clarity of mind and increased energy. Ask the firefighters at Engine 2: Derick Zwerneman said, “I feel clean and light.” Josh Miller told me he felt as though his “whole system has been re-booted.” And Steve Martinez commented, “My whole body and mind feel like your teeth do after a cleaning from the dental hygienist.”
Let's get plant-strong!