Negus News was started by three men who realized that the biggest issue in the BLACK community is the lack of united information. How can we unite if we are looking for the national media outlets to "define us and/or tell us" what's important to our community? We have created this website to shed a light on the propaganda that has been used to oppress, destroy, and blind us from our true identity
and our true destiny. The men believe that in order for the BLACK community to move forward, there must first be a central source of BLACK information. The name "Negus" /'nēɡəs/ is a noun derived from the Ethiopian language of Anharic. It is a royal title that denotes a "King", "Ruler" or "Emperor". For hundreds of years, a derivative of this word has been used to oppress our ancestry. Until now, we have been taught to think of the derivative of this word as derogatory, when in fact, it is truly a word of royalty and high-esteem. Our deliberate use of the word "Negus" is to destroy the ignorance that has been fed to us for hundreds of years. From this day forward, let us define our own truth, and begin the journey of OURstory, not hiSTORY. If you have information that you would like to see posted, please feel free to send it to at [email protected]. If you would like to join our team, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].