2025 Goal: Spend less time in the truck.
Something I love to do this time of year is reflect on the experiences I have had over the past year. From there make some goals on how to do better in the following year. Part of making this adventure lifestyle a reality amidst a busy life with family and multiple work responsibilities is being proactive on planning these trips and very intentional on what I do when I’m out there. Time is always quickly passing me by and every time I blink I feel like another year went by often times without having lived out the experiences I had hoped to.
In Utah this year I realized just how much I wanted to spend more time out of the truck. When I started outfitting my truck for outdoor recreation it was just so I could spend more time outside. There are so many ways to experience these amazing places beyond the truck. Hiking and exploring beyond where the truck can take you, slowing down and maybe pulling out a fishing pole or a camera and really experiencing the place you’re in. Often times I feel like we can just fly through some of these amazing places behind the wheel without really being able to fully appreciate them.