Niobrara Shale News is the sister company of the largest page for the Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas play going on in South Texas. We're dedicated to sharing news, information and resources for the Niobrara Formation. Please click the "See More" below - before posting on this page. The Niobrara formation stretches across northeastern Colorado's Denver-Julesburg, or DJ, Basin and parts of Wy
oming, Nebraska, and Kansas, and all the way up to the Montana-Canada border. Niobrara is still in its early stages of development, some compare it to the Bakken because of its huge potential and high oil content. Niobrara Shale News reports on the importance of the shale and how it affects our communities - and our nation’s quest for "clean" energy independence. This page relies on the contribution of our editorial staff as well as our fans. Please feel free to contribute, start a conversation, or share something newsworthy with us by posting to our wall. PLEASE post it on our wall and do not send us a message to post something for you - that is double work for us and we will not do it - Post it yourself - PRETTY PLEASE : )
Please do not post spam – spam will be removed. Newly opened housing and accommodation facilities are newsworthy. (repeated posts from any company promoting their business would be spam). Job opportunities in the Niobrara Shale are newsworthy. Events related to the Niobrara Shale are newsworthy - all postings (including the aforementioned categories) will be monitored for abuse by any single company or person. Discerning abuse is in the sole discretion of Niobrara Shale News editors... Promoting your business that sells used widgets not specifically related to Niobrara Shale would not be newsworthy.... If you have a press release about your Niobrara Shale related business in any business category, please post those. Press releases should be newsworthy and not simply an advertisement. Please don't contact us about jobs - we are a news agency. If you are interested in a getting a particular job, please post it on our wall. If you are hiring, please post that as well. We like oil and gas.... It's not always easy with the current administration, but we try to stay out of politics. It's hard though because the fact is, if it were up to some of the more liberal democrats - there would be no US oil...period, end of story. We support those (in both parties) who support fracking and energy independence for our country. At least with Niobrara Shale News, you know where we are coming from. The Fracking Liars:
Seems that Hollywood actors have become the experts in all fields these days. Geology and petroleum engineering can now be added to their resume. Many environmentalists are afraid of fracking because they've been brainwashed by Big Hollywood stunts and fear mongerers, (and others with ulterior motives) into believing that their water is going to catch on fire! The truth is, that while all drilling is dangerous, horizontal drilling poses no more danger to the water supply than a conventional vertical well - it's all the same at that (water table) depth. All major studies by the government, universities, and other experts prove this time after time. The well bore for both vertical wells and horizontal wells is encased in layers of steel lining and cement at the water table level - plus it's all "vertical" at that point. The extreme environmentalists are a different story. They know better and their agenda is spreading fear and lies. They fear that plentiful, environmentally friendly Natural Gas will squash the business models for Wind and Solar. US energy independence will also hurt the people that finance them…
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