
Istografia Showcasing the best artistic photographs based in Los Angeles - Hollywood. Selling Original Photos. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts and ideas.

A crowd-sourced platform for everyone to generate awareness and online collaboration to encourage collective actions. I promise that I will share everything and will extend assistance to hear your voice.

Simply Serene.

Simply Serene.

In the timeless monochrome of nature, a solitary tree gracefully stands at the side of the majestic rocky mountain. It s...

In the timeless monochrome of nature, a solitary tree gracefully stands at the side of the majestic rocky mountain. It stands as a poignant reminder that being alone can be a wellspring of inner strength. As the great American author Henry David Thoreau once wrote, 'I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.' Let this captivating black and white photograph inspire you to embrace moments of solitude, for it is in those quiet reflections that you discover your own resilience and wisdom. Embrace the power of being alone and let it be a catalyst for self-discovery and personal growth. 🌲💪✨

In the darkness of the night, a graceful swan takes to the water, its beauty illuminated by the moonlight. As I captured...

In the darkness of the night, a graceful swan takes to the water, its beauty illuminated by the moonlight. As I captured this enchanting moment, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey of life and the challenges we face. Just like the distorted reflection of the swan, we may encounter moments that distort our perception of ourselves. As the indomitable Nelson Mandela once said, 'The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.' Let this captivating image of the swan inspire you to embrace your inner fortitude, transcend the illusions that hold you back, and emerge stronger than ever before. 🦢💪✨

Step into the world of knowledge, where every corner holds the promise of inspiration. As I captured the symmetrical bea...

Step into the world of knowledge, where every corner holds the promise of inspiration. As I captured the symmetrical beauty of the library, with its strong red frames and shelves, it reminded me of the boundless wisdom that awaits us in the pages of books. Just like the library, life presents us with endless opportunities to learn, grow, and be inspired. As Albert Einstein once said, 'The only source of knowledge is experience.' So let's immerse ourselves in the richness of life, embrace new experiences, and unlock the doors to our own personal growth and enlightenment. 📚✨

In the vastness of nature, I stumbled upon a breathtaking scene that spoke volumes about the human spirit. A solitary tr...

In the vastness of nature, I stumbled upon a breathtaking scene that spoke volumes about the human spirit. A solitary tree stood tall on a hill, overlooking the tranquil sea and painting a stunning picture against the backdrop of the sky. It reminded me of the challenges we face in life and the unwavering strength within us. As the great Nelson Mandela once said, 'The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.' Let this image be a reminder that no matter how tough the journey, we have the resilience to rise above any adversity and embrace our own greatness. 🌳✨

In the grand journey of life, we often find ourselves climbing the spiral staircase of dreams, each step leading us clos...

In the grand journey of life, we often find ourselves climbing the spiral staircase of dreams, each step leading us closer to success. Just like the captivating black and white photograph I took, where the round railings elegantly reflect the light, our own paths are adorned with moments of illumination and inspiration. As the renowned author Paulo Coelho once said, 'And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.' So, let's trust in the power of our aspirations, embrace the twists and turns, and believe that every step we take brings us closer to the greatness that awaits. 📷✨

Yachts. Ssan Diego, California.

Yachts. Ssan Diego, California.

Life has a funny way of surprising us when we least expect it. I never imagined that my black and white photograph, subm...

Life has a funny way of surprising us when we least expect it. I never imagined that my black and white photograph, submitted with the simple intention to inspire fellow photographers, would be recognized as the Photo of the Month. I wasn't seeking validation, but rather just wanted to share my creative creation. This unexpected recognition serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, it's when we face our self-doubts and take that leap of faith that magic happens. As the great artist Vincent Van Gogh once said, 'If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.' So, let's silence our doubts, embrace our creativity, and continue to inspire others through our art. 📷✨

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but for me, it's not just about the words - it's about the emotions, ...

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but for me, it's not just about the words - it's about the emotions, the stories, and the inspiration behind every shot. This year, I took a leap of faith and submitted a photograph for the 'Photograph of the Month'. Not seeking validation, but simply driven by the humble desire to share and inspire others. And if my work is selected, well, that would be an incredible bonus. The lesson I want to impart is this: never be afraid to capture that shot, to embrace your artistic creations, and to fearlessly express yourself. The world is waiting to be inspired by your unique perspective. 📷✨ "



In the urban landscape, a palm tree's shadow reaches out to touch the towering building, creating a mesmerizing dance be...

In the urban landscape, a palm tree's shadow reaches out to touch the towering building, creating a mesmerizing dance between nature and architecture. It brings to mind the words of the legendary poet Maya Angelou, 'We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.' Just like the palm tree's shadow, our own journey is shaped by the interplay of light and darkness. Embrace the shadows, for they are an essential part of our transformation and growth. 🌴✨

As I captured this mesmerizing image of the deserted road curving through the vast emptiness of the desert, with cactuse...

As I captured this mesmerizing image of the deserted road curving through the vast emptiness of the desert, with cactuses standing tall on the side, I was reminded of the incredible power of perspective. Sometimes, in the midst of emptiness, we find the space to truly discover ourselves and experience pure happiness. As the renowned author Paulo Coelho once wrote, 'Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided.' So, let us embrace the open road, embrace the solitude, and find joy in the simplicity of the present moment. 🌵🚗

They say that as photographers, we should be willing to take the riskiest shots, even if it means putting our lives on t...

They say that as photographers, we should be willing to take the riskiest shots, even if it means putting our lives on the line, just to capture that most beautiful moment. But beyond photography, this sentiment holds a valuable lesson for life. Sometimes, the most extraordinary opportunities come with risks, and it is in those moments of courage that we find the most rewarding experiences. As the great Eleanor Roosevelt once said, 'Do one thing every day that scares you.' So, let us not shy away from taking chances, for it is in taking risks that we truly embrace the beauty and adventure life has to offer. 📷✨

On this Good Friday, we are reminded of the immense love that Jesus has for us. He willingly endured the pain and suffer...

On this Good Friday, we are reminded of the immense love that Jesus has for us. He willingly endured the pain and suffering of the cross, forgiving those who crucified him and praying for their forgiveness.

As we reflect on the Passion of Christ, we are called to remember that forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. It is only through forgiveness that we can experience the healing power of God's love. And yet, forgiveness can be difficult, especially when we are faced with pain and suffering.

But we must remember that forgiveness is not about forgetting or ignoring the pain we have experienced. Rather, it is about letting go of the anger and resentment that can consume us. It is about recognizing that we are all sinners in need of God's mercy, and that we are all called to extend that mercy to others.
As we meditate on the Passion of Christ, let us ask ourselves: How can we forgive those who have hurt us? How can we let go of our anger and resentment? How can we draw closer to Christ, even in the midst of pain and suffering?

The answer lies in the example of Jesus. He forgave those who crucified him, not because they deserved it, but because he knew that forgiveness was the only way to heal the wounds of sin and to restore us to a relationship with God. And he continues to call us to do the same.

So let us take a moment to reflect on our own lives. Are there people we need to forgive? Are there wounds we need to heal? Are there areas of our hearts that we need to open up to Christ's love and forgiveness?

As we ponder these questions, let us remember that we are not alone. We have the grace of God, the support of our faith community, and the example of Jesus to guide us. And let us be confident that, through forgiveness, we can experience the healing power of God's love, and be drawn closer to Christ, even in the midst of pain and suffering.

May this Good Friday be a time of reflection, forgiveness, and closeness to Christ for us all. May we be filled with the peace and love that only he can give.

Hey there, movie entertainment fam! 🎥 Netflix  FOX Paramount Pictures  Warner Bros. Pictures Columbia Pictures Philippin...

Hey there, movie entertainment fam! 🎥

Netflix FOX Paramount Pictures Warner Bros. Pictures Columbia Pictures Philippines Lionsgate MGM Studios Universal Studios Hollywood Sony Disney

It's been too long since we last worked together on an epic project. You know how much I admire professionalism and being a movie buff – Loved to collaborate with you!

With my experience in theatre ops and movie social media campaign, I've got a keen eye for what makes cinematic experiences truly memorable. And as a freelance photographer specializing in events and campaigns, I've got some fresh ideas that could take your next movie promo to viral levels:

🚀 Themed photo campaigns tied to the movie's vibe and visuals, using your studio's dope marketing materials.
🔥 Interactive social media challenges inspired by the film's themes, getting fans hyped and sharing like crazy.
🤳 Immersive fan events with themed backdrops and props, generating buzz and user-generated content galore.
📸 Exclusive VIP photo opps at advance screenings, building curiosity and anticipation among fans.

I'm stoked at the thought of dreaming up unforgettable experiences to promote your latest project. Think your studio would be down to join forces? Let's make some movie viral with our partnership!

I got all the details! Contact me now.

After seeing Elvin Perocho Vitor's name proliferating across news outlets and social media for his upcoming recognition ...

After seeing Elvin Perocho Vitor's name proliferating across news outlets and social media for his upcoming recognition by the prestigious Leonardo da Vinci International Art Award, I was grateful for the opportunity to chat with this inspiring artist and pen this chronicle of his faithful journey. ---- Let us honor Elvin’s awe-inspiring works and share this inspiration widely so that his faithful artistic vision may touch more lives.

The True Story Behind Elvin Perocho Vitor's Leonardo da Vinci International Art Recognition

A Humble Journey of Faith and Artistic Vision

I recently had the distinct honor of chatting with Elvin Perocho Vitor, the celebrated Filipino artist soon to be recognized by the prestigious Leonardo da Vinci International Art Award in Milan, Italy. It was a truly modest moment to connect with this rising force in the global art world.

Elvin's story is one of humble beginnings and an unwavering pursuit of his creative calling. Hailing from the simple town of Sierra Bullones in Bohol, Philippines, he defied personal obstacles to nurture his artistic talents. Despite being severely visually impaired with a profound disability, he steadfastly refused to allow it to impede his beloved passion for painting. With resolute determination, Elvin studied Advertising Arts at the University of Bohol, laying the formative foundation for his flourishing artistic journey.

As our conversation turned to the numerous accolades, media spotlights, and guest appearances he has garnered in anticipation of receiving this esteemed Leonardo da Vinci recognition, Elvin humbly provided an important clarification. He wants to ensure the accurate perception that this honoring is not akin to winning an award or competition, but rather an acknowledgment by the prestigious global institution of his significant artistic contributions.

However, what left the most indelible impact on me was Elvin's profound humility and devout faith that clearly anchors his life and work. In his own words shared on social media, he expressed, "Just like the biblical story of Job, I have experienced different troubles but still I praise God." This reference to the faithfully persevering Job, a figure from scripture renowned for maintaining unwavering devotion to God despite unfathomable suffering and trials, is a poignant window into Elvin's spiritual moorings.

His driving purpose transcends mere artistic expression. "My cause is just to produce art that will contribute to the art scene of Bohol and glorify God with the talent He gave," Vitor shared. His ultimate aspiration is to utilize his God-given gifts to elevate Filipino art onto the global stage while bringing honor to his beloved home province of Bohol.

Though undoubtedly appreciative of the tremendous attention and recognition, Elvin recognizes his time on earth is fleeting, resolving to inspire others by channeling every ounce of his strength and talents into his craft – an inspirational refusal to be constrained by his visual impairment. With profound humility, he fervently deflects all acclaim to God, firmly rooted in the conviction that his talents are divine gifts to be leveraged for a higher purpose.

I departed my chat with Elvin Perocho Vitor in utterly awestruck admiration - not merely for his breathtaking artistic mastery, but more importantly, his grounded, faithful perspective that guides his work and life. In an age often consumed by pursuits of material success and vapid celebrity, here stands a man for whom art is an expression of devotion - an instrument to bring glory to his Maker and his home.

The global art community has undoubtedly gained a new luminary in Elvin. But more profoundly, the world has been gifted with a shining exemplar of walking life's journey, no matter its trials or honors, with humility, gratitude and an unwavering focus on the true source of all gifts - God himself.

Let us honor Elvin's awe-inspiring works and share this inspiration widely so that his faithful artistic vision may touch more lives. We could all benefit from more role models like him.

--- by Ron Marquita-Lozano Echual

Follow Elvin's work ://

Elvin Perocho Vitor

Capitol Records in Hollywood. It was founded as the first West Coast-based record label of note in the United States in ...

Capitol Records in Hollywood. It was founded as the first West Coast-based record label of note in the United States in 1942 by Johnny Mercer, Buddy DeSylva, and Glenn E. Wallichs. Capitol was acquired by British music conglomerate EMI as its North American subsidiary in 1955.

Structure. Right from the Heart.

Structure. Right from the Heart.

As I immersed myself in nature's awe-inspiring grandeur, the rock cairns caught my eye, delicately positioned amidst the...

As I immersed myself in nature's awe-inspiring grandeur, the rock cairns caught my eye, delicately positioned amidst the massive rock formation. These humble structures hold profound meaning, representing both human presence and the resilience of nature. In the same way, they remind us that in the face of adversity, we possess the strength to persevere and withstand the storms that life presents. Stoic philosophers encourage us to realize that 'You have power over your mind, not outside events.' Embracing this wisdom, we find inner strength amidst life's challenges. 🏔️🌱

Would you like to adorn your lovely home with one of my pictures? All the images in the frames shown here were photograp...

Would you like to adorn your lovely home with one of my pictures? All the images in the frames shown here were photographed by me. I can handle the printing and framing for you using my original photograph, or you can choose your own. Additionally, I offer negative digitization services to bring your old memories into the digital age. For more information and to explore my portfolio, please visit my website at

Captured in black and white, the majestic castle stands as a symbol of strength and endurance. The graceful cloud dancin...

Captured in black and white, the majestic castle stands as a symbol of strength and endurance. The graceful cloud dancing above it adds a touch of magic to the scene. Just as the castle withstood the test of time, let us remember that strength comes not from avoiding challenges, but from facing them head-on. 'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.' - Mahatma Gandhi 🏰☁️

Nature's resilience is on full display as the white tulips stand tall amidst the lush green backdrop. They serve as a re...

Nature's resilience is on full display as the white tulips stand tall amidst the lush green backdrop. They serve as a reminder that even during the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope and beauty. 'The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.' - Walt Disney 🌷🌿

Paramount is the sixth oldest surviving film studio in the world; after Gaumont Film Company (1895), Pathé (1896), Titan...

Paramount is the sixth oldest surviving film studio in the world; after Gaumont Film Company (1895), Pathé (1896), Titanus (1904), Nordisk Film (1906), and Universal Studios (1912). It is the last major film studio still headquartered in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles.

The Culver Studios is one of the entertainment industry’s most treasured independent film and television studios. Origin...

The Culver Studios is one of the entertainment industry’s most treasured independent film and television studios. Originally built in 1918 by silent movie pioneer Thomas Ince, and located in Culver City, The Culver Studios is known for some of the most famous productions in Hollywood history, including Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane and E.T.

As the solemn domes rise above, the Cross casts its profound shadow - a poignant reminder of our fallen state as sinners...

As the solemn domes rise above, the Cross casts its profound shadow - a poignant reminder of our fallen state as sinners. Yet in this darkness, a brilliant ray of hope pierces through. For it was on this rugged Cross that the Lamb of God suffered immeasurably, taking upon Himself the weight of our iniquities.

In hushed reverence during this Holy Week, may our souls be awakened to the unfathomable depths of His love. 'He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.' (Isaiah 53:3)

As we bear our own crosses of suffering, may we find solace in the One who endured reviling, humiliation and agonizing death to set us free. For it is in surrendering to His strength that we find the power to persevere through this earthly pilgrimage of pain and sorrow.

Let this image prompt meditation on our great need for a Savior and the immeasurable gift purchased through His passion. 'Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering...and by his wounds we are healed.' (Isaiah 53:4-5)

Brick Fence.

Brick Fence.

In the stark beauty of this desert landscape, we find a powerful metaphor for life's journey. The empty highway stretche...

In the stark beauty of this desert landscape, we find a powerful metaphor for life's journey. The empty highway stretches out before us, a path filled with challenges and obstacles, symbolized by the unyielding cacti and the towering electric posts. Yet, in the distance, the mountains rise, a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

As we navigate the twists and turns of our own personal deserts, we may feel lonely, tired, and unsure of our direction. But just as this highway leads towards the mountains, our struggles and hardships are leading us towards growth, wisdom, and ultimate triumph.

In the words of the indomitable Maya Angelou, 'You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.'

So let us embrace the challenges of the desert, knowing that each step brings us closer to our own personal mountains. And when we finally reach those snowy peaks, we will look back upon the barren landscape of our past struggles with gratitude, for they will have shaped us into the resilient, empowered individuals we were always meant to be.

Would you like to adorn your lovely home with one of my pictures? All the images in the frames shown here were photograp...

Would you like to adorn your lovely home with one of my pictures? All the images in the frames shown here were photographed by me. I can handle the printing and framing for you using my original photograph, or you can choose your own. For more information, please visit my website at



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SPREAD UBUNTU [oobuhntoo]. Ubuntu is a Zulu and Xhosa word that literally means humanity. Spread Ubuntu is a crowd-sourcing platform to generate awareness and online collaboration to encourage collective actions. Part of being a responsible social media platform, is to assist in helping the world’s environmental and social problems by generating awareness and collective action.