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Momma Theologians Christian Motherhood Ministry || Reviving spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood ||

“We all have those days where we’re keeping it together, feeling great, or maybe even confident in our motherhood, and t...

“We all have those days where we’re keeping it together, feeling great, or maybe even confident in our motherhood, and then one small thing is our final straw before we collapse. That toy left out, that chore undone, that permission slip forgotten, and we are so quick to fall apart either in despair or anger and even quicker to pile the guilt on top of ourselves for our perceived failure or for our ill response. But what if our response to our shortcomings and limitations was one of worship and praise? What if, instead of shaming ourselves, we trusted that God placed that moment in our day?”

👋What stands out to you about this, momma? Let’s continue the conversation below!

- ✍️Elyssa Driskell Essay “Every Moment Worthy of Worship || Even Spilled Milk.”

✨Now on our blog ✨

We’re beginning our study on Repentance with earnestly seeking the Lord. Momma, we encourage you to take something time ...

We’re beginning our study on Repentance with earnestly seeking the Lord.

Momma, we encourage you to take something time to seek God today.

What does “seeking” God practically look like for you in your season of motherhood? How does He meet you in your seeking Him?

✨✨Join is in our free study and grab our pdf guide by dropping your email in the comments below or messaging us. We’ve got you, momma!

“We want to believe that if we give them all the love they need, all the homegrown food and hugs and the best education,...

“We want to believe that if we give them all the love they need, all the homegrown food and hugs and the best education, they’ll grow up to be decent human beings. However, something is fundamentally broken in each of our precious kids. Only Jesus can fix it, and thankfully, he specializes in saving little sinners like my son, as well as big sinners like me.

It’s tough to talk about our kids about sin, but if we don’t, we miss out on the whole point of the good news of Jesus!”

—Excerpt from our latest essay on by Christie Thomas || The Kindness of God—When Being Kind Means More than Being Nice ||

👇How are you grateful for the kindness of God that He displays towards you and your children?

👋Drop a “Read more” comment below and we will message you the link to easily read Christie’s whole essay

To be moms that day “I love you” with full depth of meaning to our children. 🤍Read more from our latest essay by our fou...

To be moms that day “I love you” with full depth of meaning to our children. 🤍

Read more from our latest essay by our founder, , on our blog today.



God cares so much about the identity and flourishing of His people that He only wants their best. 🏷🏷🏷                   ...

God cares so much about the identity and flourishing of His people that He only wants their best.


Give us wisdom, Lord, to know what idols may be clinging in our lives. Jesus, rid the idols of our hearts!💌Drop email be...

Give us wisdom, Lord, to know what idols may be clinging in our lives. Jesus, rid the idols of our hearts!

💌Drop email below or in DM to join our free idolatry study!



Day 1: What is idolatry? When you think about the definition of idolatry, what comes to mind? We live in an idolatrous w...

Day 1: What is idolatry?

When you think about the definition of idolatry, what comes to mind?

We live in an idolatrous world…yet we are called to be set apart. Let’s worship our one true God—not images, desires, things, or other gods.

💌DM us your email so we can send you your free idolatry study!

Jump in with us for day 1 of our 5 day idolatry study by



Momma, Jesus is enough. Join us as we allow the Lord to search our hearts and take away any semblance of idolatry in our...

Momma, Jesus is enough.

Join us as we allow the Lord to search our hearts and take away any semblance of idolatry in our lives. Free Instagram and email Bible Study begins next Tuesday!

Link to sign up in our profile or drop your email below.

👋Tag a mom friend to join you!


Because we are mothers who flee from idolatry. 🤍Join is as we renew our hearts through God’s Word so that we may worship...

Because we are mothers who flee from idolatry.

🤍Join is as we renew our hearts through God’s Word so that we may worship only God. Free IG study on idolatry begins next Tuesday, May 30th. Link to download our study by is in our profile.


👋Raise your hand if it’s hard to be hospitable and maintain friendships when you’re a busy momma. We hear you, mom, and ...

👋Raise your hand if it’s hard to be hospitable and maintain friendships when you’re a busy momma.

We hear you, mom, and we know the challenges of extending hospitality in the midst of motherhood. Yet, we also know the call that we have to still be hospitable, to still love others, and to not isolate ourselves.

👋What are some ways you practically walk out hospitality in the midst of your season of motherhood?

Share with us so we can glean from what you’ve learned below!

Then, head to our recent essay by on our link in our profile!

Feeling another wave of early labor contractions, I slipped on my off-brand leopard patterned crocs and set out to walk....

Feeling another wave of early labor contractions, I slipped on my off-brand leopard patterned crocs and set out to walk.
The worst thing about the last couple weeks of pregnancy, in my opinion, is not knowing when labor is actually beginning. Waiting for the labor pains to steadily come is always so daunting; you know that they could commence at any point, but you also know that they could be counterfeit or stall.
We were scheduled to be induced the next morning and I was determined to keep these waves of contractions flowing. The air was warm from the sun, yet had twinges of the crisp fall within the wind. As I waddled along our remote road, pieces of gravel began to sink into the bottom of my crocs. I shifted my feet ever so slightly so that the gravel could be in better places within my shoes. That way, I could minimize the amount of times I had to bend my swollen belly over to dump each one out.
The wave of contractions came steadily and became fierce, as I waddled up and down the gravel hills of our back-country roads for about two miles. Through each deep breathing session and cramping pain, my joy began to swell. Our fourth child would be in my arms soon.
As He often does, God brought a Bible verse to mind. Suddenly, I thought, there has to be more to this verse, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Romans 8:22, NIV).
Lord, what are you trying to teach me about your Word?
I heard the Spirit impress in my soul, “In this groaning, there is the anticipation of such immense joy. Of such immense life. Of so much more to come.”
Continue reading our founder birth announcement by heading to our links to sign up for our monthly-ish Newsletter 🤍🎉

👇👇Or, simply DM us your email or drop it below and we will add you to our favorite email list 💕

We can’t wait to return from maternity break in November to continue serving you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus in the midst of motherhood 🤍

👋Moms of multiples, what are you best newborn tips? Also, please send coffee 🤪

🚨Momma Theologians will be taking a maternity break from August-November 1st 🚨We look forward to connecting with you all...

🚨Momma Theologians will be taking a maternity break from August-November 1st 🚨

We look forward to connecting with you all in November and continuing to help you grow in relationship with Jesus in the midst of motherhood. 🤍

Until then, make sure to hit our notifications button and subscribe to our email list for updates!



“Are you truly praying for thy will to be done,” the preacher asked a rapt congregation, “Or for my will to be done?” My...

“Are you truly praying for thy will to be done,” the preacher asked a rapt congregation, “Or for my will to be done?” 

My church recently hosted a missions conference where our international and national partners shared their work for God’s Kingdom around the world. For five days, I listened to stories from missionaries and church planters about smuggling Bibles into closed countries, preaching the Gospel to those who had never heard it, and experiencing persecution for the Christian faith. I sat on the edge of my seat as they recounted God’s faithfulness to them in suffering, needs, and endurance. Their testimonies both encouraged my own faithfulness, and yet, caused some discouragement to rise up. I wondered how serving my own little community in the center of the Bible belt could make the same difference in the Kingdom of God. How could I, a mother who works in the home, make an impact on the Kingdom?

On the final Sunday morning, one of our international church planters shared an exhortation for our faith family to live on mission wherever we are. He ended with the question above, challenging whether we truly were living our lives for the Kingdom of God. He encouraged us to submit our will to the Father’s by daily praying, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

We’re all kingdom builders. In my home, my primary mission field, I often want to build my kingdom, rather than God’s. I build routines that protect my own comfort rather than provide opportunities for Gospel proclamation. I use my discipline to point to my own control rather than God’s sovereign rule. I create all day long—meals for my family, words for others, activities for my children—expecting to receive glory rather than point to my glorious Creator. I steward my home and family to establish my own kingdom, rather than to further God’s Kingdom. 

The question is not whether you and I are building a kingdom. It’s whose kingdom are we building? Because we all are part of the story of the Kingdom.

-Excerpt from Bethany Broderick’s recent essay and podcast


“As I raise my own children, I’ve become more and more grateful for my own parents.  In fact, I can think of very little...

“As I raise my own children, I’ve become more and more grateful for my own parents.  In fact, I can think of very little I wish they had done differently. Instead, I want to do a lot just like them, from small traditions to family culture and aspects of homeschooling. But there are four foundational habits they implemented that were especially formative. 

My parents modeled spiritual disciplines, read to us, taught us how to think, and demonstrated repentance. They did this in small, daily moments of faithfulness as well as after intentional planning. It wasn’t complicated, but these four areas became powerful patterns in my life that shaped me and are now shaping my parenting.”

-Excerpts from Kyleigh Dunn’s latest essay and podcast episode on

👇What ways do you desire to emulate your parents?

👇What ways do you desire to parent differently?


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✨Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways✨1. Which one of the verses above speaks most to you? Try to memorize it and use i...

✨Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways✨

1. Which one of the verses above speaks most to you? Try to memorize it and use it to protect your mind against destructive thoughts. 

2. Is there anyone you especially compare yourself to? If so, how about taking a break from following that person on social media or hanging out? Use the time apart to readjust your expectations of yourself according to God’s Word. 

3. You might not be exactly where you want to be yet, but I am sure God has already taken you a long way from where you started. Make a list of things God has done in you and through you

✨Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways✨

1. Pray the verse you memorized daily, asking the Holy Spirit to permanently mark it into your soul. 

2. Pray for the people you compare yourself with, blessing them. 

3. Pray for a deeper understanding of who God called you to be and for alignment with Him.

-Tips and takeaways from our contributor Denise Assis Dos Santos .with.christ 🤍


Read this essay in it’s entirety or listen to our podcast

Which reflective question will you think on this week, momma? 💭👇 Comment below to share your thoughts! 🤍Read or listen t...

Which reflective question will you think on this week, momma?

💭👇 Comment below to share your thoughts!

🤍Read or listen to Kelsi Folsom’s latest essay or podcast episode, “Holy Erosion: Shaping Our Families worth the Pressure of Love” to help you reflect on God’s love this week!



👋 Have you approached God like He is a cosmic vending machine before? If so, momma, you’re not alone! Let’s chat about d...

👋 Have you approached God like He is a cosmic vending machine before? If so, momma, you’re not alone! Let’s chat about dismantling this mindset in the comments below 👇

Here’s more from our guest writer, Elena Limoges , essay and podcast “Pushing Back Against Karma Christianity | God’s Promises When Difficulty Visits Us”

“When we get to these extraordinary lows, the temptation is to question God’s goodness. We have grown up in a culture that pushes a formulaic approach to our faith replete with false promises. Our belief in God begins to follow what we could call a “Karma Christianity,” which isn’t Christianity at all.  It goes something like: if we follow God, read the word daily, serve in our church, and try our best then we believe God will bless us. He is obligated to, we think, because we deserve it.

None of us would admit we view God as a cosmic vending machine who will dole out blessings if we only insert the right coins of our good works. Yet, here we are, living as though this karma ideology was the gospel truth. 

Now, there are certain comforts of fellowship if we live in obedience to Christ. We also acknowledge that poor choices have varying degrees of consequences. Still the truth remains that these good works are not a “get out of difficulty free” card. We know this, yet we cling to a deeply-held notion that God should shield us from tasting pain because we have done so many good works.”

🤍Read more on or stream our podcast wherever you listen to yours!


“Motherhood is hard. That’s not something we moms need to be told, though, because we live it every day! While motherhoo...

“Motherhood is hard. That’s not something we moms need to be told, though, because we live it every day! While motherhood is often categorized as a “thankless job,” we may still receive encouragement that we’re doing a good job or reminders that children are a blessing. But in difficult seasons, that doesn’t sink in, the encouragement or reminders of gratitude don’t  go very deep. 

Like this one, most platitudes about motherhood only scratch the surface of what the Bible has to say about children, the process of childbearing, and the significance of the womb. We only have a smattering of verses specifically about children, such as “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) and “Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward” (Psalm 127:3). But if we look at the whole story of Scripture, we will find out why children are a blessing, why having them matters—and why motherhood is so hard.”

In Kyleigh Dunn’s recent essay and podcast on , “The Womb as a Weapon | A Biblical Theology of the Womb and Childbearing,” she highlights the grand story of motherhood throughout God’s Word and how it applies to our mothering today.

Read her essay or listen to her reading of it on our podcast and be encouraged through understanding God’s Word more today!

👇💭 How does tracing childbearing through Scripture give you hope and comfort in your suffering as a mother, be that miscarriage, infertility, postpartum depression, or wayward children? 



“After a fly-over view of the whole Story of Scripture, we can see that childbearing sits under the sovereign hand of Go...

“After a fly-over view of the whole Story of Scripture, we can see that childbearing sits under the sovereign hand of God. Motherhood is hard, because of the curse, because of our own sin, and because Satan still wars against the image of God in the seed of the woman (Rom. 16:20, 1 Peter 5:8). But momma, take courage, because childbearing is blessed, and it matters for the Kingdom of God.“

Have you ever paused to consider the threads of motherhood that are weaved throughout the Biblical narrative?

In Kyleigh Dunn’s recent essay and podcast on , “The Womb as a Weapon | A Biblical Theology of the Womb and Childbearing,” she highlights the grand story of motherhood throughout God’s Word and how it applies to our mothering today.

Read her essay or listen to her reading of it on our podcast and be encouraged through understanding God’s Word more today!

👇💭Tag a friend to listen or read with you so you can discuss the practical takeaways in her essay together.



*Trigger Warning* This post is referencing miscarriage. As my friend grieved and processed her early miscarriage, she re...

*Trigger Warning* This post is referencing miscarriage.

As my friend grieved and processed her early miscarriage, she received a text saying, “It was God’s will.” The sender meant it as comfort, but my friend wasn’t sure what to do with the message. 

Whether we’re suffering or not, most of us find questions about God’s will confusing and elusive. We may be overwhelmed by the controversy surrounding this topic (1). Or perhaps we aren’t sure how to reconcile Scriptures about God’s sovereignty with those about His loving care. 

We know “all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28), but struggle to articulate whether God ordains or just permits what He hates (2). Can He be both loving and powerful? To borrow C.S. Lewis’s language about Aslan, if He isn’t safe, how can He be good? We ask these questions because we want to know we can trust Him. 

However much responsibility we lay at God’s feet, we all wonder why and how He could let bad things happen. Others address these points elsewhere, so I will not deal with them here. Today we wrestle with miscarriage, focusing on whether saying “It was God’s will” to a grieving momma is good or true.

—-Excerpts from Kyleigh Dunn’s essay and podcast “Two Truths and a Loe About God’s Will in Miscarriage.”

Read the rest on or listen on our podcast 🤍

👇💭What are some other things we can consider saying or doing for a friend who has suffered miscarriage?


Follow for content to stir your heart, mind, and soul to God

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👋🛑 Stop and take a moment to pray, Momma. Swipe through for our prayer over you, a prayer you can pray for yourself, and...

👋🛑 Stop and take a moment to pray, Momma.

Swipe through for our prayer over you, a prayer you can pray for yourself, and a prayer for your children.

OR, take this as a loving reminder to pause and pray your own words to the Lord right now 🤍

💭prayers written by Momma Theologians Contributor, Cassie Pattillo

👋Tag a momma below to share these prayers with them or share in your stories!


As I’ve shared these concepts with others over the years, questions quickly arise: But what about my family? What about ...

As I’ve shared these concepts with others over the years, questions quickly arise: But what about my family? What about children bathing together? When should I be concerned about my children seeing “nakedness”? How can I distinguish between innocent curiosity and sinful lust? And I don’t have answers to all these questions. With each household, I’d encourage you to seek the Lord and ask him these questions. But habits are formed early on. Evil images often stay with you for years, even life. And while it’s not wrong for a young child to walk into the bathroom and see a sibling’s naked body, we wouldn’t want our children to just linger there and watch. In our home, my children have been looking away from naked images since they were just 4 and 5. At 4 and 5, there was nothing “sinful” in their interactions with nakedness, but now, at 10 and 12, I’ve watched time and time again, as my children have dropped their eyes to the floor when an image flashes onto the screen or we walk through the mall. That’s what “training” does. It shapes the conscience of our children, so that as they grow older, something within them knows, I shouldn’t look at this.

Years ago, Casting Crowns released a song entitled, “Slow Fade”. In it, a line reads, “It’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings.” It’s not the first sighting of nakedness that will stumble our children, but the lingering, and the opportunity to linger or explore that will cause them to sin. When we encourage our children to turn away in these early years, we strengthen their conscience with a view that’s looking to the future.

-From “Laying a Foundation for Sexual Purity in the Early Years,” essay and podcast on Momma Theologians by contributor Katherine Pittman

👋What point resonates with you the most?

👇Let’s chat about it in the comments below




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