Seismic TV is uncensored, free-form internet-based television, with an emphasis on music, art, sub-culture, and free expression. Our goal is to offer unique, exciting, and honest original content alongside some of the web’s most popular series and personalities, building a powerful and diverse programming lineup. Seismic TV is a window into your world, and ours. The internet is a canvas for burgeo
ning talent and passionate expression and the world around us is full of people with diverse interests and the hunger to carry their passions forward. We want that talent, that drive, the expression of our generation to find a home on our network. Seismic TV is about us…all of us! The founders of Seismic TV believe that conventional television offers a limited view and narrow perspective. Our network offers more. We provide our viewers with a broad palette, creating and syndicating a variety of series including shows about music, news, culture, politics and comedy. We encourage feedback, and our viewers help to shape our content, we encourage our audience to contribute their own ideas as well and help mold the network. Seismic TV is a division of Seismic Entertainment, a music and event promotion company based north of Boston. Seismic Entertainment was founded in 2011 with the goal of helping develop and grow talent within Boston’s music/arts community. Though our focus has broadened with Seismic TV, we are still dedicated to giving exposure and support to artists and talent that needs to be heard and seen. We will continue to encourage and provide opportunities for exposure to those who are making great things happen through the arts and facilitating positive change in and beyond their community.