The show is hosted by 'Oolong Rabbit' and Lin Ai Wei, and focuses on various educational cultivation topics such as energy work, meditation, Buddhism, Daoism, Qigong, etc The show is hosted by 'Oolong Rabbit' and Lin Ai Wei, and focuses on various educational cultivation topics such as energy work, meditation, Buddhism, Daoism, Qigong (Internal/External). Lin Ai Wei speaks in a very common manner
that most people can relate with; moving past the usually perceived notions of how someone expects a cultivator to act, and expresses things in the common speech mannerisms. The show goes further into various states one realizes in their practice, misconceptions of commonly known lifestyles geared towards "spiritual wholesomeness", health, energetic medicine, philosophy, ghosts, spirits, demons, gods, immortals Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Hopefully this show can offer the listener some insight into various spiritual practices, clear up misconceptions that arise on the path, and offer a pathway for those just realizing they want to walk the path of a cultivator
Our group is based on the show, and is a platform where all those interested can comment, suggest topics as well as discuss topics of the show.