#allyouneedislove #thebeatles #helengeorgia #summer #traveltheworld #love #lovestory #John316
They had just crossed the river, now walking to cross a street for home, just a beautiful sight 💥🌟 #canadageese #travel #summer #nature #river #Georgia #hiking
Understanding that God has a better plan than ours & seeing the good in people/situations will help us go thru life with a more grateful heart ❤️ Keeping a more positive outlook in life will help us fight illnesses also!! 💥💥Proverbs 17:22 tells us that “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." 🌟💥💥 #Godisgood #life #journey #forgiveness #gratefulheart #GodsPlan #health #mentalhealth
Draw near to God & He will draw near to you (James 4:8) and you will experience His goodness ❤️ #Godisgood #mercy #forgiveness #love #TheGoodnessofGod #JennJohnson #life #journey #praise #worship #majestic #mountains #blueridgemountains #Georgia #summer
From little moments to big milestones, time is a precious gift we have🌟 Psalms 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” ✨ #GrowingUp #TimeWellSpent #LifeInMotion #TimeFlies #GrowingUp #CherishTheMoment #boymom #beach #YouthForChrist
#royalgorge #Colorado #travelingwithkids #summer #scenicviews
#newmercies #forgive #moveon #trusttheprocess #TrustGod #lifeisbeautiful #lifeisajourney
The power of friendship is also true in our lives, the book of Proverbs 17:17 tells us that “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” #sonicthehedgehog #truefriends #PowerOfFriendship #proverbs1717 #MovieMoment #inspiration #riseagain
Haven’t we all moms been there done that…? 😀🌟 #toddlermom #boymom #summer #life #boys #beach #hammocktime #naptime #moms
“Start each day with a grateful heart” Psalm 107:1 #TrustGod #grateful #gratefulheart #life #enjoylife #nature #bikelife #Godisgood #bekind
Taking time to recharge is essential for overall well-being🌟It's an investment in yourself that pays off in the long run🌟 #goodmorning #itsabeautifulday #enjoylife #littlethings #choices #life #TrustGod #nature
God’s mercies are new every morning 🌟 Lamentations 3:22-23 #TrustGod #hope #life #havefaith #keepgoing #trusttheprocess #gratefulheart #thankfulgratefulblessed #Godslove
Everything is a process, you may not know your future, but God does, trust Him. #TrustGod #trusttheprocess #havefaith #hope #life #keepgoing #KnowGod
God is never early, He is never late, His timing is perfect for your life. #TrustGod #keepgoing #life #hope #faith
#Mandisa #waymaker #TrustGod #promisekeeper #miracleworker