Andrew Murphy

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Andrew Murphy Andrew is an Australian videographer who specialises in creating cinematic productions for businesses and brands to help grow them through quality content

As a freelance videographer aiming for $10k a month, increase your outreach efforts.More messages mean more potential cl...

As a freelance videographer aiming for $10k a month, increase your outreach efforts.

More messages mean more potential clients.

Aim for hundreds, even thousands, of conversations to ensure you get results and learn along the way.

Followers are cool…But being able to help a bunch of those people directly is even better 🔥

Followers are cool…

But being able to help a bunch of those people directly is even better 🔥

Want to get 3 video clients in 30 days, Guaranteed?Registrations close for our latest cohort in a few hours!

Want to get 3 video clients in 30 days, Guaranteed?

Registrations close for our latest cohort in a few hours!

I Will Help You Get 3 Video Clients in 30 Days So You Can Add $3-9k of Recurring Revenue To Your Video Business

If you want to scale, you can’t be manually quoting every job you do 😭

If you want to scale, you can’t be manually quoting every job you do 😭

Drop your countries flag in the comments 🇦🇺Keen to learn where my engaged audience is from 🔥🔥

Drop your countries flag in the comments 🇦🇺

Keen to learn where my engaged audience is from 🔥🔥

Different platforms for different uses…Who is the same?

Different platforms for different uses…

Who is the same?

Batch produce content and stay ahead 💪🏻

Batch produce content and stay ahead 💪🏻

Data is everything when making decisions.If you can remove the emotion it becomes much easier 🙏🙏

Data is everything when making decisions.

If you can remove the emotion it becomes much easier 🙏🙏

Most creatives don’t ask nearly enoughBe proud following your passion and let others help you

Most creatives don’t ask nearly enough

Be proud following your passion and let others help you

Build. Improve. Scale 🥳

Build. Improve. Scale 🥳

Don’t be afraid to go against the grain sometimes.It will all work out in the end anyway 🙏

Don’t be afraid to go against the grain sometimes.

It will all work out in the end anyway 🙏

Do you have an offer?I notice when people don’t have a clear offer they use a lot of big words to try hide it.As soon as...

Do you have an offer?

I notice when people don’t have a clear offer they use a lot of big words to try hide it.

As soon as you have a clear offer, it’s way easier to market it.

“I make videos” is not an offer 🫠

Perfect weekend combo 👌Relaxing after a day of adventure with my two besties and playing some minecraft dungeons on Nint...

Perfect weekend combo 👌

Relaxing after a day of adventure with my two besties and playing some minecraft dungeons on Nintendo switch 🥳

I use to really struggle to slow down and take time to relax and it ended up with me burning out.

I think there is definitely times when you grind like crazy and make s**t happen

But I’ve also learned that taking a step back can sometimes show the path to the next 10 steps much clearer

Rushing into situations or decisions when I am stressed or under pressure never ends well

Hope your having an awesome weekend 🔥

When I first started as a freelance videographerI literally had no idea what I wanted to do...I didn't know what kind of...

When I first started as a freelance videographer

I literally had no idea what I wanted to do...

I didn't know what kind of videos I wanted to make.

What style of videos I wanted to make.

I literally had no idea.

And if you're in that situation right now, It is the best place to be in

because you have no restrictions to what you can and cannot do

Once you start figuring out, a bit of your style or the kind of videos you like

you sometimes get pigeonholed into that and it makes it hard to actually break out.

But now look, that isn't very good practical advice to help you get started.

So my advice to get started Is

try a lot of different things and just keep trying until you figure out what you want.

Like every single time you make a video

change one thing

make a slight change to see if it makes it better or worse.

And then if you keep doing that over and over again

you're eventually going to get to the stage

where the content you're making is really aligned with what you want to do

because you've tried so much stuff and taken that stuff that doesn't work

and kept all the stuff that really works for you

I absolutely hate that I feel like I have to have a fancy setup like thisto make videos to get the information across th...

I absolutely hate that I feel like I have to have a fancy setup like this

to make videos to get the information across that is in my head to help you get closer towards your goals

but in reality

it doesn't actually really matter.

If I was giving you good advice and it was a

really s**tty iPhone video

but the advice was insanely good

and it helps you actually get towards, making your first $1000 or making your first $10,000 or getting your first client

You're not going to care whether it's shot on

a cinema lens

or a cinema camera

They're fancy things to have

but the information is what you should be focusing on

and if you're currently stopping yourself from making consistent content online because you feel like you don't have the gear

take a step back and focus on just making content

regardless of what the setup is

and just get into the habit of consistently making content to post online.

And for me, I know that if I take too long of a break, it is insanely hard to start again and get that momentum.

And if that is you right now, all you need to do is get over that first hurdle.

You just need to get started

and then just make sure that you don't stop

and then you won't come back to this place where it's so hard to get started again

This zero dollar gear tipwill make your portfolio look like a million bucks.Now look, I get it, you want this really nic...

This zero dollar gear tip

will make your portfolio look like a million bucks.

Now look, I get it, you want this really nice gear to get this certain look to make your portfolio look as good as it possibly can.

But an even bigger problem is the fact that you don't have a portfolio to begin with.

And if you spend all your time and energy focusing on what gear I'm going to use to just start making the portfolio, you would literally just never start.

Like it's better to use your phone, to use whatever you have.

To start taking the steps to get closer towards your goal.

And I've so been there, look at all this gear behind me.

I've bought so much stuff and I thought it would help me get me closer towards whatever my goal is.

But here's a bit of a newsflash.

Clients hire you because you get them a result, not because of a certain look of a video.

And if you can take a step back and figure out what kind of videos you want to make and the output or result that's going to get for your client

that'll help them get results which will give you more money to afford more gear.

Are you undercharging for your video work andscared to lose clients by raising your rates?Watch this.what if you're alre...

Are you undercharging for your video work and

scared to lose clients by raising your rates?

Watch this.

what if you're already charging but you're not charging the rates that you would really like to be charging for the video work that you're doing?

this is one of those nerve wracking stress filled times where you're like

I want to be charging more because I feel like the work that I'm doing is worth more

but I don't want to also lose clients by charging too much.

And although this is a problem, a bigger problem is that if you're thinking this way

it's because you aren't having enough conversations on a more consistent basis with the people you wanna work with.

Because think about this right if you were chatting to 10 potential clients a week and you were like

i want to double my rate and someone says no

who cares you've got nine other people that you can chat to

And that'll give you the confidence to start to charge more.

And then when you are ready to charge more

do it incrementally.

You can charge 10, 20, 30 percent more until people start saying no on a more consistent basis.

And then that allows you to figure out where your pricing is in the market

Struggling to land your first client as a freelance videographerI've got the perfect strategy for you.So firstly, I know...

Struggling to land your first client as a freelance videographer

I've got the perfect strategy for you.

So firstly, I know exactly where you're at.

I've been there and it freaking sucks.

But the thing is

you have to start expanding the way you think about going about things in your business.

When you come up against a video challenge, you think about how to fix that problem.

You need to do the same with getting clients.

If we want to get more clients, we have to chat to more people see if they need or want our services.

And there are so many different ways of doing this like you could literally

go into a phone book, go into your Google Maps

and just find local businesses pick up the phone and call them

But I know you're not gonna do that because it freaking sucks

like honestly who wants to sit there

calling hundreds of businesses and getting rejected over and over again

that sucks And I know you don't want to do that

but here's the thing

if you want clients you have to start conversations

start in your inner circle, right?

Ask them the question

do you know anyone who's interested in what I do?

And then use them as a stepping stone to start getting in front of more of the right people

that you want to start that conversation with

If you're starting to get a few clients here and there as a freelance videographer...but you're starting to get overwhel...

If you're starting to get a few clients here and there as a freelance videographer...

but you're starting to get overwhelmed and stressed with how to actually keep Everything organized

let me help you.

When I first started working with clients

there wasn't really a system that I would use to make sure that everything was cohesive and that everything was actually getting done for our clients.

And this is fine for your first, five, six, seven clients

but as soon as you start to bring on more and multiple at the same time

this is where that system just absolutely breaks down.

So what you want to do is you want to sit down and build some sort of end to end system that you can do repeatedly

for every single client that actually makes sure that everything gets done.

And this can be as basic as a Google Sheet Doc with checklists on it.

And then as each step gets done, you just make sure that you tick it off.

Because without a predictable and repeatable system, you get very lost very quickly.

And I know you're going to get insanely stressed if you don't do this.

If you're a freelance videographer and you want to get your first five clientsthese are the three steps I would follow i...

If you're a freelance videographer and you want to get your first five clients

these are the three steps I would follow if I was in your shoes

Step one figure out exactly what service you want to provide to your customers

it doesn't have to be like a perfect plan.

You have to understand what you're going to provide

or what you're going to sell to people to provide value.

Step 2 is figure out the pain points or the problems that your service is actually solving for your customer

if you're making videos for a business, for example, is it to help them

get more customers

generate more revenue

build their brand online

figure out exactly why they would need your services in their business.

Step three is start with your inner circle

so start chatting to your family. Start chatting to your friends.

And just ask them

do you know someone Who would be looking for the services I provide

and the amazing thing about friends and family is they're more willing to help you out.

They're more willing to go, I'll give you a try, I'll recommend you to someone because they want to see you succeed.

So focus on these three steps and they'll definitely get you towards your first five clients as a freelancer.

So when you're first getting started as a freelancer, it f*  sucks.Like you have no idea what you're doing...You don't k...

So when you're first getting started as a freelancer, it f* sucks.

Like you have no idea what you're doing...

You don't know how to make money...

You need to make money cause you probably just quit your job and you're trying to do this full time.

You literally have no idea where to start.

And honestly, this is the thing that I hate the most, seeing people trying to pursue their passion as a videographer, as a photographer, trying to do this Freelance and they just don't know where to start.

They just have no guidance, the first 12, 18, 24, 36 months is literally just winging it.

And if that's you, right now, you're in that exact situation.

Focus an ungodly amount of time on figuring out how to market your brand and then how to sell your services because if you can't do those two things, you literally don't have a business.

You cannot sustain yourself if you can't market your business and you can't sell your service...

It doesn't matter how good you are at making videos, or taking photos...

If you can't sell the services you provide, you will literally be scratching your head in 3, 4, 5 years time wondering why you're in the exact same spot you are right now.


In this episode, Flynn Graham, founder of Wildkind Studio and Andrew Murphy dive into social media content strategies for businesses. They touch on their shared passion for understanding other people's stories and deriving insights from there. They discuss the common mistakes businesses make with so...


In this episode, we delve into the process of becoming a successful freelance videographer. We dissect the journey into five critical steps: 1. Identifying a niche and building a portfolio 2. Using marketing and networking 3. Mastering sales to convert leads into customers 4. Enhancing knowledge to....


This podcast features Andrew Murphy, an agency owner and videographer, as he shares his journey of becoming a successful professional videographer from being a self-taught hobbyist. Primarily sharing his insights, he advises on how to approach videography as a business, the importance of honing skil...

Videographers: I’m curious about this as a new program to test…If I offered to show you how to get 5 new clients using a...

Videographers: I’m curious about this as a new program to test…

If I offered to show you how to get 5 new clients using an automatic booking funnel

✅ In under 30 days.
✅ With less than 45 minutes of work/day.
❌ Without relying on referrals to come in…
❌ Bartering on “price” with cheap clients you don't even want to work with

AND without pigeonholing yourself into weddings and real estate…
So you can wake up Monday morning NEVER having to worry about where your next client is going to come from.

Would you take me up on that offer?

This would be a BETA test — which means you get access before anyone else at a 50% discount (in exchange for helping us iron out any kinks)… and you get EXTRA 1-1 support from me.

Here’s the catch: I’ll need a short testimonial from you after the program sharing how well you did…
And of course, any feedback on the program to make it even better (in return you’ll get access for 50% off).

So far I’ve done this for my own agency, scaled to $30k/ month, and generate 100+ leads per month on autopilot.

How will it work?

Basically, we’ll hold your hand the entire way and give you a simple step-by-step process to follow.

You’ll get access to our own private Facebook & Instagram ad copy templates, DYF video production proposal, sales scripts, funnel templates (never intended for the public), and examples that make it as easy as possible.

All you have to do is follow the steps we show you and spend 30-45 minutes a day following up with leads and closing deals.

You won’t even have to think about what offers or ads to create. We’ll tell you.

Then within the week, watch dream clients start filtering in & booking calls with you.

I’ll even guarantee the results and work for free if it doesn’t work.

But since this is a test, I’m looking for just 5 clients to do this with before we start actively promoting this and raising the price.

Would you take me up on that offer?

If you’re keen on taking part, comment below "Clients" and I'll reach out with the details.


I'm looking for 5 videographers who want to get 5 new clients in the next 90 days

Comment "5" for more details


These are my ladies...


Wait for the last one... 😵🥴️




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