Video Optimized for Facebook and Instagram Ads
Here is another video I created for my marketing friend.
Optimized Facebook and Instagram Video for Small Biz
This video was created for a friend of mine who operates a mobile marketing firm that specializes in advertising businesses using window stickers for cars and trucks.
This ad is going to be used for Facebook and Instagram. Check out the video and let me know what you think.
Flat Fee Home Listing Video, I Created.
Check out this cool video I created, it was for my Agent friend who is disrupting the real estate industry by listing homes and charging a one time up front fee. He says he can save homeowners $1000's when they sell. He works in Tucson so if your selling in Tucson check out his website at
Facebook 15 second optimized ad video
Dawggin' It - The Infamous Army of 1 Band
Dawggin' It by the Infamous Army of 1 Band. Just a quick video to their jamtrack Dawggin' It. Hope you enjoy!
Facebook Biz Page Cover Video
Facebook cover for a flooring store in Canada
A Musical Trainwreck - TANGIE
🎼Better get your raincoat the musical trainwreck provided by
The INfamous Army of 1 Band🎶
Brief Landing Page Video
Just a quick landing page thank you video
Something different - Tangie
Tangie is the name of the backing track, courtesy of The Infamous Army of 1 Band.
Extended video for Small or Local Business
An extended video that can be used on a landing page, page, website, or any other creative way you choose.
Facebook optimized video ad
Facebook optimized video ad.