Cairo Acting and Casting Studio - C.A.S and Actor's Bootcamp

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Cairo Acting and Casting Studio - C.A.S and Actor's Bootcamp Coaching and casting Egypt and Internationally. NEXT CAS INTENSIVE ACTING WORKSHOPS STARTING!! 3 levels+ coaching,improv,scenes,+skills.

لورن جيفري مدربه التمثيل الخاصه والكاتبه / المخرجه من هوليوود حيث عملت و تعمل مع ممثلين مثل مايكل مادسن، الراحل جيمس جلدفيني، ايلين ريان، وعملت مع فرانسيس كوبولا، ليو بن، إريك ستولتز، نيكولاس كيج وغيرهم في استوديو الممثل.وهي تعمل حاليا في مجال التدريب والتوجيه وكتابة السيناريو ما بين باريس ولوس أنجلوس والقاهرة مع الحفاظ على اتصالاتها في هوليوود.
تتشرف لورن بتقديم دورات احترافية فى اعداد الممثل أه

داف الدورة : •التعرف على أسس ومبادئ التمثيل . •التدريب علي قراءة السيناريو. •التدريب علي كيفية التحضير للدور التمثيلي . •التدريب علي الوقوف امام الكاميرا (تليفزيوني \ سينمائي . . موضوعات الدورة : •وظيفة الممثل و كيفية الاداء التمثيلي . •المواصفات العامة والخاصة للممثل المحترف . كيفية التحضير للكاستنج والمشاهد المطلوبة للاختبارات •القواعد الأساسية عمليا ونظريا. •تجارب تطبيقية علي اشهر النماذج العالمية لتدريب الممثل علميا. يمكنكم مشاهدة مشاريع التخرج لدوراتنا السابقة على قناه اليوتوب (G.A.S)

Lauren (Lu) Unger-Geoffroy is a private acting coach and writer/director from Hollywood where she works with actors such a Michael Madsen, James Galdofini, Eileen Ryan, and has worked with Francis Coppolla, Leo Penn, Eric Stoltz, Nicolas Cage, Crispin Glover, Max Gale, John Reno and others. She studied method acting technique with Lee Srassberg, Jeff Corey, at the Loft with Peggy Fury, the Actor's Studio. She has conducted many workshops and "actor's bootcamp" in the USA and France and now Egypt- It is her method of training in "deep" acting, real emotional access, sense memory and other techniques, real reactions, character development and transfer, physical reality, movement, improvisation, and other special workshops, "laughter", "killing and dying", "fear factor", "love acting", "ensemble acting", "working with a camera or audience", "fighting for film" and others. She came to Cairo in 2008 and has been coaching actors, writing scenarios and last year acted in a tv series in Egypt "Ma2moun w Shorukaa" with Adel Imam. During the revolution, she worked as a journalist and wrote a series for which was nominated for a Pulitzer. She began writing scenarios for Egypt. She is currently acting, coaching and directing and screenwriting, between Paris, Los Angeles and Cairo, maintaining her Hollywood connections. She has had actors in every group who have gone on to get work in Television and cinema, some have become extremely successful. Actors from star professionals to beginning actors love her coaching, and have had breakthroughs in their technique in her workshops and done their best work with her - as well as had a great creative time. Anyone lucky enough to experience her technique will have to work hard, she is tough, but they will be thrilled with the result, and enjoy the whole process. It is also an opportunity to understand "Method Acting", the technique of Hollywood cinema acting. This is the style of realistic "internal acting", which makes a true actor, and is at the level of performance that is required for international cinema. Intensive workshops will be an adventure into your potential and a discovery of your deep acting talent. The groups are small enough so that everyone will act and be coached in scenes at each session. Individual attention is given. Career counseling at the end.

Hello Actors ! Lauren Lou Geoffroy will return to Cairo in September to work with her favorite stars and professionalsAN...

Hello Actors ! Lauren Lou Geoffroy will return to Cairo in September to work with her favorite stars and professionals
AND will give
2 new special 4-week intensive acting workshops! for 10 talented people-
2 groups, levels 1, 2 and professional.
28 September 22 october
1)Making it Real:
Emotions, Movement, Rythm and Flow
2) Improvisation and coordination
3)Making it great
4)casting fire
5)best work for the camera
6)your acting to the next level...Hollywood level! we will coach, shoot and evaluate all your performances for your training and for your showreel

4 weeks 2 times per week.
starting 28 September in Maadi.
Fees 8600le.
Send a WhatsApp to +201277714347
with your name, age, and experience level in acting.
+Private sessions possible.

Hello Actors!I am Lauren Lou Geoffroy, international acting coach, director and casting director from Hollywood.  I will...

Hello Actors!
I am Lauren Lou Geoffroy, international acting coach, director and casting director from Hollywood.
I will be in Cairo, accepting only 5-6 talented actors to work with in a special intensive workshop project.
We will work intensively on perfecting acting skills and will explore the range of possible roles through scenework and acting practice.
We will shoot scenes for training and for your showreel.
I will cast from this group for a short film which we will shoot at the end.
I will work with each one individually on their acting and casting.
Each one will become a member of Global Acting Studio and Cairo Acting Studio and will have first castings for our own productions and access to other castings and opportunities in Egypt and internationally.
If you believe you have talent and are interested in joining this special intensive group, I will need to meet you next week to select you.
If selected you will have 2 required sessions per week and 1 optional session for 4 weeks in Maadi.
Some sessions will be with the group, some 1 on 1.
Some sessions can be online if necessary.
You will arrange your schedule each week with me and your scene partners.
You will be evaluated on your skills and reliability.
We meet at my studio in Maadi and we will shoot some days on location.

Each person fees are 9000le. This includes all of your videos, photos, training and personal coaching and career counseling.

I will see people starting Friday 14 June. Final teams will start after Eid el Adha.

Send by WhatsApp 1)your name 2)your age 3)your experience level in acting.


Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson stated that they barely spoke a word to each other on set of "The Lighthouse" (2019), and were too exhausted to hang out together after a day of shooting because filming was so physically demanding due to the miserable weather conditions. While Pattinson stayed at a normal hotel with the rest of the film crew during the shoot, Dafoe lived in a little fisherman's cottage in solitude. On set, on the other hand, Pattinson would tend to eat and stay by himself during filming breaks, while Dafoe stayed with the crew. Both stated that they liked each other very much as soon as they had their first real conversation a few months later.

Pattinson's accent is based on a very specific area of Maine farming dialect, while Dafoe's is the jargon of Atlantic fishermen and sailors of the time. Director/writer Robert Eggers was very precise about the actor's accents and line delivery. He would, for example, give instructions to "say the second sentence of your third line 75% faster."

The cast and crew filmed under extreme weather conditions: freezing temperatures, cold Atlantic water, intense winds, snow, rain and no protective flora on the Forchu terrain kept them exposed to the elements throughout the shoot. Three Nor'easters blew across Cape Forchu during various stages of the production. Much of the film was shot in real weather elements, so rain and wind machines weren't needed most of the time, with director Robert Eggers stating that "the most crazy and dramatic stuff was shot for real." The crew had to film the scene where Pattinson's character goes into the sea at night when the weather settled down, because they were afraid they might lose him to a riptide.

Pattinson had an unusual approach to psych himself up before emotionally extreme scenes. Eggers states, "Sometimes he'd beat himself in the face so bad. Or when it was raining through the cottage roof, Rob was drinking the rainwater in-between takes. He also spun around in circles a lot, that was helpful for him. Or he'd stick his fingers down his throat to make himself gag, stuff like that." Particular the scene where both characters are drunk and Dafoe lies on Pattinson's chest, he "was sticking his fingers down his throat (before the take). Willem gave me a look as if to say, 'If Rob f*****g pukes on me...'"

Pattinson's and Dafoe's facial hair was all real. However, Pattinson had to dye his mustache dark because he's naturally dark blonde. (IMDb)

Happy Birthday, Robert Pattinson!


this is the whole song friends - cruel hearted woman, lord protect you baby, remember samson and delilah, slideshow, video soon.. louna, paris lunaparis, lun...

Hello Actors! Update!Lauren Lou Geoffroy will be back to do another intensive Hollywood Method Acting workshop project f...

Hello Actors!
Lauren Lou Geoffroy will be back to do another intensive Hollywood Method Acting workshop project for 8 selected Actors with talent.🫵🏻🎬 as well as private sessions.

The workshop will begin 28 September
In Maadi.
2 sessions per week.
4 weeks.
Scenes and roles to explore and refine your skills to your greatest potential...showreels and casting coaching.

You will receive:
*Training, *practice, *scene work, *techniques, *casting training, *tricks from Hollywood to be more amazing🔥 on camera🏆, in castings.
*personal career counseling.
*All scenes coached- Arabic, English and French -
*Shooting scenes; Provas and finals shot for training and use in show reels

Fridays and Saturdays 3-6pm
Thursdays and Sundays 7-10pm Depending on your team.
Fees: 8600le.

Contact us now by WhatsApp +201277714347 to book your appointment 🎬 Give your
1) name 2)age 3)experience level in acting, and your Messenger contact. We will contact you quickly

(Lauren Lou Geoffroy is also accepting private coaching clients and work on individual roles and projects for professionals.)

Hello Actors.I am Lauren Lou Geoffroy. I am still taking very small groups of talented people as well as private clients...

Hello Actors.
I am Lauren Lou Geoffroy.
I am still taking very small groups of talented people as well as private clients for intensive acting coaching to bring your acting to the next level. .
The next 4-week intensive workshop cycle will begin October 23 or 27 depending on schedules.
4 weeks 2 times per week in Maadi.
Scenes and training in Arabic, English or French.
Fees are 285$usd or equivalent in egp (currently 8800le ) for 4 weeks including training, coaching and shooting of your scenes.
It is not theory, it is ACTING.
I am currently in Hollywood, returning to Cairo October 20.
I will need to speak with you online.
I will be working with professional actors and will choose a few talented new actors for another team.
The groups will be limited to 4 or 5 people per team, so:
quickly send by WhatsApp
*your name,
*your age,
*your experience level in acting
to +201277714347.and we will reply quickly to book your appointment.


“Let it be clearly understood that no man need hesitate to challenge me because I am a woman, or think he will be called on to show me any consideration for that reason. I grant no favors and I certainly ask none… I hope someone who desires to sustain the reputation of his s*x will challenge me before I get to be an old woman and give the ‘new woman’ another chance to prove she is the superior of man.”

Ella Hattan (1859-190?), known as “Jaguarina,” was one of the greatest swordswomen of the nineteenth century, and perhaps of all time. As America’s champion fencer, and proficient in the use of the foil, broadsword, rapier, dagger, and Bowie knife, Hattan would defeat more than sixty men in high-profile combats on both horseback and on foot; more than half of whom were fencing masters. In 1903, she recalled:

"A woman always labors under a disadvantage in any athletic tournament. Being a woman, she has to do twice the work any ordinary man would have to do to prove ability. In my case the audiences always seemed to take it for granted that there was a certain amount of gallantry on the part of the man fencing against me, simply because he was not fencing with one of his own s*x. If any point was in doubt and was finally allowed to me, the spectators were sure to say; 'Oh, he’s gallant, and has allowed her that point.'
That was why I always put forward my utmost efforts to beat an opponent so hard, fast and decisively that there could be no possible doubt as to my superiority. Some of the scars I carry on my face, sword arm and body show conclusively how much chivalric consideration was shown me because I was a woman."

After retiring around 1907, Hattan completely disappeared from the public record. To this day, her ultimate fate remains a mystery.


A violinist played for 45 minutes in the New York subway. A handful of people stopped, a couple clapped, and the violinist raised about $30 in tips.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. In that subway, Joshua played one of the most intricate pieces ever written with a violin worth 3.5 million dollars. And two days before he played in the subway, with again not many people appreciating his skills .

Joshua Bell sold out a Boston theatre, and the seats averaged about $100.

The experiment proved that the extraordinary in an ordinary environment does not shine and is so often overlooked and undervalued.

There are brilliantly talented people everywhere who aren’t receiving the recognition and reward they deserve. But once they arm themselves with value and confidence and remove themselves from an environment that isn’t serving them, they thrive and grow.

Your gut is telling you something. Listen to it if it’s telling you where you are isn’t enough!

Go where you are appreciated and valued.


Opening Hours

Monday 15:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 15:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 03:00 - 22:00
Thursday 15:00 - 22:00
Friday 14:00 - 22:00
Saturday 14:00 - 22:00



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