This page is to raise awareness about the tiny circle of people who are systematically turning channels originally mandated for education, fine arts, history and humanities into FREAK SHOW reality tv channels. Nancy Dubuc is the reality tv show queen, and she controls A&E and History Channel now. She is filling up channels that claim to be history and fine arts with stupid trash. The corporate eli
te at Hearst Corporation and ABC-Disney must approve, since they continue to promote the anti-intellectual assault and obviously seek to make a mockery of fine arts, educational, and historical programming. They do sometimes produce historical programming, but the productions are substandard. Money is being wasted producing shows about dog training, lumber jacks, truck drivers, pawn shop dealers, garbage pickers (not exaggerating!) etc. These obnoxious corporate as****es have ignored momentous discoveries in archaeology, history and anthropology in exchange for shows about space aliens that pretend to be documentary. They have produced some good series, but they just replay those once in while now, when the criticism gets really harsh after they play ghost stories and pawn shop deals non-stop for weeks at a time. They also make documentaries about corporations that are PR pieces for the corporations, ignoring gross violations of the law by same. And a history of American Labor? HA! They won't touch that. They won't even air documentaries by Frontline. Finally, PLEASE REMEMBER that the cable channels, satellite channels, telephone lines, and broadcast channels for television, radio and the internet BELONG to We the People, and these companies that pretend to be "owners" are in fact OUR TENANTS who lease OUR AIRWAVES.