"I Think Therefore I Am"—what a laugh! It's an assumption with more holes than the logic of paying extra for jeans that look like a bear has shredded them. Believing our whole being is just about thinking is like betting your life savings on a three-legged horse because you like its name. It's like saying, "I snore; therefore, I must be a symphony conductor."
Beliefs like this have a powerful hold on generation after generation. We have all become heavy thinkers because we think we'll die if we stop thinking. Our minds assemble 24-hour news channels, spewing out a mix of breaking news, old reruns, and commercials for stuff we don't need. This endless flood of mental junk mail clogs our inner peace, turning quiet moments into an open-air market where everyone tries to outshout everyone else. Heavy thinking is the modern plague. If thoughts paid rent, we'd all be filthy rich.
I love thinking, it is fun and it helps me stay alive. But we have to bear in mind that thought is the ultimate shape-shifting trickster, with tools like logic, imagination and emotion at its disposal. One moment, a thought is a solid object; the next, it vanishes, leaving behind a puff of emotional smoke. It can pretend to be a hundred types of YOU. It can be the dagger in your back in one scene and the bandage for your wounds in the next. No wonder we're all walking around spellbound, tripping over our minds like clowns on their shoelaces in a slapstick routine.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go chase down a thought that is trying to escape—it owes me a lifetime of rent.