This will be a 432Hz Based label, get used to it.. We like Fibbonacci and the New Beat formula; 33rpm+8%=360Hz..... Go figure.
With this page i'd like to find artist who are willing to make a record togheter. solo artists these days have to pay quite an amount of money if they want to bring out a record of their own. So i had the idea of a group of artists getting in on the pay in for a record. Together this will be cheaper and as i am no big label with big managers who get a bigger piece of the pie, we could all share the costs and offcourse equally share all the revenues too. I figure this something anyone can do, u don't even have to be an official label for this. So no official obligations, no contracts, just fair play and grouping. Anyone can do it. And i bet a lot of people are already doing this. Afterall a 1000 euro for 100 vinyls, is not cheap, so why not create a record with some like minded people..? For most of us, this is a hobby afterall, no official job, just play.
Offcourse there are also ways to get your records around the world, for this i was thinking of the blockchain and/or doing some e-commerce online and paying facebook adds. If anyone is already aquinted with these techniques and willing to contribute we are open for suggestions. ;) I've added myself to steemit and smoke.io, artlist.io is next and have been study'n and searching, reading and following webinars for the past year and a half, and i've already found some very interesting oppurtunity's for this label and all it's music.
I hope the patience will be wurth it, i've already talked to quite a bunch of people who are already making music and learning about New Beat....
Some of them where making New beat, and didn't even have a clue it was a style of it's own.
Or dare i say that New Beat was the 'father' of all Techno.. Just like u have 'mother' Acid House in the US, Europe had a root cause for the existence of Techno.. New Beat which actually came from New Wave, was founded here in Belgium. And back then Dj's here in Europe, had a formula to create their own grooves and flows by turning the records down to 33rpm+8%=360Hz.. Back then people felt this sounded way bigger and better produced, in short it made the bass boom as everyting was pitched down. Generaly speaking people like bass more then high pitched sounds..
But what meant all of this for me and music in general? Hmm? It's a bit of an enigma.
For me this all seems like a sign from above; 360Hz.. Hmm a record is 360°.. the circle seemed round. Might've been a crazy irrational thought, for me it seemed like i needed to tell the world about this. Dj's afterall always came up with new styles and grooves. They where the creators of many new influences in electronic music.
So after comming in contact with the 432Hz tuning and sound healing, which is all quite normal when u'r a mouth harp player who realises that his mouth cavity is the reason why his instrument sounds. I got interested in Verdi his choice of using 432Hz with his opera singers. As i entered the rabit whole deeper i came across many crazy assumptions, which sounded way more irrational then my own thoughts about it. Along the way i had this idea of calculating the New Beat formula as the story behing New Beat made me believe the hype which existed around New Beat it's DJ formula could hide a clue. And if u calculate it, which i did with some help from some people of the New Beat scene here on facebook. U'll come up with a pitch at 359.9Hz to be exact. So not exactly 360Hz but real close.. Like barely perceptible, close.. Which again looked like a sign of some kind.. or at least to me. I have to admidt at this time i was still very depressed, yet it was like seeing he light at the end of the tunnel.. ;) Microtonality... was my next clue.
Looked at some very intersting youtube video's on all of this, from microtonality to sound healing. And saw some very good examples about it, even heard some very profound statements from people who've been working with this for years and years. And also found out that throat singers from Siberia fx (like one half off the world, and many people in India like Ravi Shankar fx) when using other instruments will always tune to 432Hz.. Why? Well i geuss this has something to do Fibbonacci.. the organicaly growing code which is not only found in every creature and plant on earth but is a universal law.
What does this all mean..? And can i still use 440Hz recordings if i want to be part of this label..?
U don't have to do what i tell u to.. it's obvious for me now to use 432Hz because i like the idea of having my tuning of my synths to have some vocal quality to it.
Allthough i now do believe that the sign i was given, allthough might not be that obvious to u, still it's obvious to me to believe it is. I mean 'the father off all techno seemed to speak to me in strange tongues'.. lol
But offcourse u can use 440 too, as music in general works in microtonality's..
And if u do decide to works in 440Hz we can always mention the old DJ formula on the record, and put the Hz of every track next to it on the back cover. Then people will experience how a record back in the 80's and 90's sounded like.. Nice.. and very delish ;)
Afterall it's still your ear who tells u it's wright..? U'r the creators.. If it works for u why would it be anything wrong with it. It's a choice... Synths do have fine tuning k***s, and it's not like we never use them wright. ..? That's microtonality folks. Use it and be wise, i'd say.. :D Oh and maybe i can add that is pointless to bash a 432Hz based song or artist.. It's all microtonality.... Wether u use 440 or 432Hz.. It's all the same. Just keep in mind to keep the whole song in pitch, what ever a DJ does to it, could eventually destroy the whole pitch anyways, so who cares???
Make Music and Techno Shamanisme.. :p, not war ;)
Cheers Thru5th
For more info or some FREE downloads;
https://soundcloud.com/thru5th (FREE GRABS, Go grab some free mouth harp samples)
Mouth harp and sound-design are my main occupations while making music.. All the rest is One Big Exp