Inkebooks offers a professional eBook conversion service that allows you to publish any eBook in different formats, including Amazon Kindle format, Sony reader format, iPad and iPhone format. The Inkebooks unique eBook Conversion engine can convert from any file type to any eBook format. Most publishers and authors do not have the time or expertise required to produce a well formatted, flowing eBo
ok. With 30 years experience in publishing, we know that they are usually too busy writing and publishing books to also become proficient in eBook creation. With so many formats and devices available, knowing what to do and how to do it becomes just that much harder. The Inkebooks in-house team specialise in handling the eBook creation and design process, from manuscript in Word to delivery and eBook distribution to online bookshops like iTunes, the Sony Store, the Kindle store, Kobo and many more. We convert books into the two most popular eBook formats: Amazon Kindle and ePub. We thoroughly test and validate the finished files using industry standard software, checking any internal links and ensuring images display correctly. We will also make sure that the overall layout of the eBook is compatible with all the popular eReaders. The end result is a well designed and formatted eBook.