TEST FM Uncommercial radio hub, record label and community of artists, producers, djs and music lovers based



Emil Mirzoev—sound enthusiast, dj and vinyl collector with ever evolving territories of sound explorations from electro-acoustics and world music to experimental electronics and bass/dub music. Curato

всем привет! на этой неделе я буду админом тг канала (https://t.me/testfmradio), так что давайте знакомиться меня зовут ...

всем привет! на этой неделе я буду админом тг канала (https://t.me/testfmradio), так что давайте знакомиться

меня зовут Егор, но вы можете знать меня как Shorlax. так уж вышло, что музыка - главная страсть в моей жизни. со временем это превратилось в работу в магазине пластинок, а затем и в диджеинг. в этом году я начал свое шоу Daydreaming на Kiosk Radio :)

параллельно с этим я с подросткового возраста нахожусь в перманентном поиске своего звука, следствием чего является сотня разных демок на моем жестком диске.. когда-нибудь я обязательно выпущу свой лп, но пока что вы можете ознакомиться с моим творчеством тут:

основная ск страница, где можно найти большинство моих миксов, а также мои разные зарисовки под именем tandreh

также пара проектов с моим участием:
Ayan Joy - совместный проект с моим другом Филиппом, родившийся, не побоюсь сказать, еще в Новосибирске

импровизационная группа muunno. незабываемый опыт взаимодействия с прекрасными музыкантами. очень надеюсь, что порадуем вас скоро материалом наших прошлогодних сессий

что вас ждет на этой неделе? много-много разной музыки и мои рассуждения! свой канал я веду крайне хаотично, но для test fm, обещаю, буду стараться :)


Автором нашего телеграм-канала на эту неделю стал Егор Щербота, чей музыкальный бэкграунд формировался в гитарной музыке: играл метал в группе Warona, панк в «Петле», подростковый рок в Karla Homolka и дрон в Damba. Коллекционирует странные кассеты — треть из них это церковная музыка. Выступал с диджей-сетами в Изиче, kiki, Грибоедове, вечеринках крюк, на эфирах Kivach Rado и TESTFM.

В электронике любит слабую долю, брейки, трайбл-мотивы и индастриал. Исследует жанры, как правило находящиеся на периферии внимания клубного слушателя: фольклор, outsider music, блэк-метал, данжн-синт — и освещает их в своем канале.

канал Егора: https://t.me/glazsrukamy
канал TESTFM: https://t.me/testfmradio

https://on.soundcloud.com/rkwUYGlad to share a second episode of False Awakenings Loops with Umresh. Here you'll get an ...


Glad to share a second episode of False Awakenings Loops with Umresh. Here you'll get an arthouse in the world of mixes. It could easily be the soundtrack to Safdie brothers movie or something similar.

False Awakenings Loops show aims to create a series of audio narrative essays focused on topics like love, dreams, sleep, life, and death. Each track in the compilation serves as its own story or chapter, contributing to the overall narrative. Through the art of mixing, the music itself becomes a language, conveying complex themes and emotions.

Glad to share a second episode of False Awakenings Loops with Umresh. Here you'll get an arthouse in the world of mixes. It could easily be the soundtrack to Safdie brothers movie or something similar

The 16th issue of our mix series was recorded by Chaotic Discord, known for his meticulous selections in DJing, producin...

The 16th issue of our mix series was recorded by Chaotic Discord, known for his meticulous selections in DJing, producing tracks, running his own vinyl record label, Tsarskoe Selo and cozy channel dedicated to this slice of music

You will meet a rare vinyl stranger. https://on.soundcloud.com/gDeSV

Календарь TESTFM 2024В этот раз мы пошли следующим путем. Предлагаем вам распечатать его самим. Дизайн задуман так, что ...

Календарь TESTFM 2024

В этот раз мы пошли следующим путем. Предлагаем вам распечатать его самим. Дизайн задуман так, что смотрится хорошо на любой бумаге: от обычной офисной до дизайнерской. Календарь состоит из 4 частей, каждая в размере A4 — комбинируйте как хочется. В общем, можно проявлять фантазию (шлите фотки).

Дизайн: Nastya Gintsyak
Стоимость: 300 руб / 4$
Формат: PDF
Купить: t.me/testfm2024_bot

С наступающим и новым годом, друзья! Физически мы не вместе, но нас объединяет память, музыка и какое-то будущее.


This time, we took a different path. We suggest you print it yourself. The design is intended to look good on any paper, from regular office to designer. The calendar consists of 4 parts, each in A4 size—combine them as you like. In general, feel free to use your imagination (send the photos to us).

Design: Nastya Gintsyak
Cost: 300 rubles / $4
Format: PDF
Buy via t.me/testfm2024_bot (if you have no Telegram — text DM)

Happy New Year, friends! Physically, we may not be together, but we are united by memory, music, and some kind of future.

PREMIERE: Zongamin — My DarlingFlee Project, Ored Recordings

PREMIERE: Zongamin — My Darling

Flee Project, Ored Recordings

Ulyap is a village in the Caucasus, where one can find an enormous number of accordion and harmonica players. “Ulyap Songs: Beyond Circassian Tradition” represents an attempt to document ancient bard



False Awakenings Loops show aims to create a series of audio narrative essays focused on topics like love, dreams, sleep, life, and death. Each track in the compilation serves as its own story or chap

PREMIERE: Lyra Valenza — Reverie (posh isolation, 2023)https://on.soundcloud.com/Ek9fe“I Am Here Now, When Will You Be H...

PREMIERE: Lyra Valenza — Reverie (posh isolation, 2023)

“I Am Here Now, When Will You Be Here Again?” collects 28 contemporary voices, from or with connection to the music landscape of Copenhagen today.

In 28 songs and more than two hours of music ”I Am Here Now, When Will You Be Here Again?” presents a multitude of expressions. An empty holiday retreat, a portrait of a season’s end. Echoes of emotion, laughter in the background, someone cried here too. Sandalwood scent or patchouli, rain pools gathering on the piled up daybeds, it is colder now. If the storm comes, i’ll let myself get carried away too. I am here now, when will you be here again?

The compilation is presented digitally and as a limited set of cassettes out late October “I Am Here Now, When Will You Be Here Again?” is the newest addition to a lineage of Posh Isolation compilations…”

“I Am Here Now, When Will You Be Here Again?” collects 28 contemporary voices, from or with connection to the music landscape of Copenhagen today. In 28 songs and more than two hours of music ”I Am

PREMIERE: https://on.soundcloud.com/B9Pt2After releasing his sophomore album ‘Quiet Bloom’ in 2020 Minais B is ready to ...

PREMIERE: https://on.soundcloud.com/B9Pt2

After releasing his sophomore album ‘Quiet Bloom’ in 2020 Minais B is ready to unfold his next musical chapter. An album of delicate, instrumental music that revolves around loss, longing and love.

On ‘The Ghost Duets’ Minais B weaves together the realms of the inner and outer worlds, seamlessly blending organic sensibilities with programmed patterns. Through the the ethereal notes of synthesizers and the rhythmic resonance of homemade percussion, Minais B crafts mournful moments that encapsulate the intricate duality and ecstatic solitude of the individual.

The idea of the duet is a continuous theme. A saxophone plays with its own ghost, an electric keyboard sings on top of a river and synthesizers chat, sing and yawn in duet with each other, sometimes melancholic, other times joyful and uplifting. At times it feels like humming along with your loved ones and at other it feels more like humming along with yourself.

The album is released via Minais B’s own imprint Anyines, known for supporting the experimental galaxies that the local scene embodies, with releases such as the acclaimed ML Buch sophomore, ‘Skinned’ and the iconic Jura debut ‘Formality Jerne-Site’.

Artist: Minais B
Release date: 19th of October 2023

After releasing his sophomore album ‘Quiet Bloom’ in 2020 Minais B is ready to unfold his next musical chapter. An album of delicate, instrumental music that revolves around loss, longing and love.

This month Jacaranda welcomes Undervann — music enthusiast, collector and DJ. For a couple of years he hosted his own in...

This month Jacaranda welcomes Undervann — music enthusiast, collector and DJ. For a couple of years he hosted his own independent radio called BUDKA.

“I’ve listened to a lot of Vitaliy's DJ-sets in the past years and witnessed how his selection of tracks develops. Now it's time to share his talent with all of you.

This mix is packed with UKG music of all sorts. Vitaliy used to live in London, which definitely makes him know the drill, innit?” ~ Andrey Lipa.


В субботу 9 сентября пройдёт первое мероприятие udacha office session. В камерной студийной обстановке располагающей к э...

В субботу 9 сентября пройдёт первое мероприятие udacha office session. В камерной студийной обстановке располагающей к экспериментам, импровизации и свободному выражению своих мыслей и идей, друзья и соратники лейбла поделятся своими музыкальными находками.

Вы услышите и увидите в действии живые выступления Влада Добровольского, группы Zdehvedo Gob, а так же ди-джей сеты от P_sh, Ownstate и Fita.

Начало трансляции 9 сентября в 19:00.

"Please welcome: the third episode of Jacaranda!I am honored to announce that this mix was hand-picked and recorded by a...

"Please welcome: the third episode of Jacaranda!
I am honored to announce that this mix was hand-picked and recorded by a friend of mine — n9n9. Being a huge fan of his for a long period of time I am delighted that his mix is now streaming on TESTFM.
It is Vasya Kondrashov who stays behind this stage name. He is a talented electronic musician (his latest project Lust Customer, for example, is absolutely top notch) and a valuable board member of Yerevan-based club BAN which was closed due to police outrage.
We have almost 61 minute of perfect selection of mid-tempo bass and broken music on our hands. It is most likely that you will be blown away to another universe. Should I remind you to come back? I am not so sure." ~ Andrey Lipa, the host of Jacaranda show.


VA2The second compilation with tracks of our friends.In this collection you will find a synthesizer mantra from Sa, tool...


The second compilation with tracks of our friends.

In this collection you will find a synthesizer mantra from Sa, tools for apocalyptic meditation from Xram Yedinennogo Razmuwlenuja, some split dub echoes in a Thai spa salon from Ayan Joy, a dramatic soundtrack to life in emergency loop from qwqwqwqwa, a lullaby for adults from Denis Riabov, impressive debut in musical form by contemporary artist Digital Je aka Artem Briukhov, farm dub electronica from Luuch, philosophical ambient from Dear Stream, religious sampledelica from Krayeved and improvisation from ft, Tsyo, Victoria Gorskaya which takes you to mountains at least.

So far Bandcamp only.
The earnings will direct to a humanistic charity.

Many thanks to all the participants and supporters.


This number fifteen episode was recorded by lutin, whom you may know from our broadcastes and her "gradual change of ple...

This number fifteen episode was recorded by lutin, whom you may know from our broadcastes and her "gradual change of pleasure" EP that was released on our label in April and has been provided on streamings recently. Nika Maurer – her name in real life – is an independent Russian electronic musician creating music in different genres. Her two main projects are lutin — weird dub experimental electronica and Lost Helmet — raw post-industrial sound with broken rhythms. In this mix she combined the sound of both projects. On that note we leave you with the mix and recommend to keep an eye on her music activity.


On Sunday, Ertad meets TESTFM in Tbilisi, visiting artists of the record label Laskar and friends of the radio. This tim...

On Sunday, Ertad meets TESTFM in Tbilisi, visiting artists of the record label Laskar and friends of the radio. This time we enjoy the music and raising funds for Volunteers Tbilisi

boo project (live) — stream
ricaai & DJ milipizdruchka (live) — stream
Denis Shembel (live) — stream
Future Past Opportunities — stream
J.Stealth b2b Txeo

Sunday, August 27th
Entrance 10 GEL

All profits go to charity foundation 💛💙

Technical and friendly support by Not Radio.

Watch: youtube.com/testfm

This mix is a game of fascinating juxtaposition. The goal of the game is to assemble a coherent story from the contrast ...

This mix is a game of fascinating juxtaposition. The goal of the game is to assemble a coherent story from the contrast of hyper-emotions, a playful groove and cartoon sound overlay. Spinning it in a circle, it will help to blur the familiar sensual stereotype, focus on the context, see it in details and reconstruct it to focus on new accents that will excite creative energy. Take a ride on this emotional swing!


Well, this is the new episode of Jacaranda show. No need to buckle up, just let the tangled route (which is up to 160 BP...

Well, this is the new episode of Jacaranda show. No need to buckle up, just let the tangled route (which is up to 160 BPM) lead you from the deepest point of Big Bear lake to the highest point of Mount Baldy in less than an hour with TEST FM airlines.


For the 13th mix of the series, a subtle music collector Murdergallery treats us to a gorgeous trip to depth of yourself...

For the 13th mix of the series, a subtle music collector Murdergallery treats us to a gorgeous trip to depth of yourself. To presence. It might pull you out of the superficial threads of life and probably take you to the most faraway corners of your essence and memories. Find the time and place to get this experience in full. No tags here. It’s just therapeutic.

listen to: https://on.soundcloud.com/tpDEY

Pavel Mordovin

Introducing a new monthly radio show called Ay Papi Issues.In this issues vip client and uvd tsao are sharing the bright...

Introducing a new monthly radio show called Ay Papi Issues.

In this issues vip client and uvd tsao are sharing the brightest edges of modern dance music from Central and South America. Extremely feminine and avantgarde, flamboyant and provocative, ghetto-born and roots-blending – it doesn’t pay much attention to so-called "good taste and the acceptable" and now it’s probably one of the biggest sources of ideas changing the global electronic music.

The first episode is delivered by uvd tsao. It is about finding rhymes between south america electronics and other genres, which can seem completely different at first but turn out to have something in common: their ghetto origin and not being too serious about themselves.


https://on.soundcloud.com/gAhhQWe've joined a new monthly radioshow in our schedule, it's called Jacaranda and will be h...


We've joined a new monthly radioshow in our schedule, it's called Jacaranda and will be hosted by Andrey Lipa, dj and collector, 1/3 of De Kat Memwa, who recently moved to Los Angeles.

His word on the show:

"Jacaranda is a name for the tree which was brought to Los Angeles from South America in the end of the 19th century. It is hard to find a neighborhood which doesn't have its own purple alley these days. This fact makes the jacaranda tree one of the symbols of the city alongside the countless palms, the one and only Hollywood sign and the messy Venice beach.

In this mix series I would like to explore broken, crumbled and non-obvious dance music with the help from my friends. You can expect a wide-range journey with its primary goal to make you twitch somehow.

The first episode includes the tracks I was collecting for the past 9 months after leaving my hometown Moscow. They made it with me through all this strange, anxious and unpredictable time. This is 135-145 BPM mix which mostly consits of broken beats and bass music. Hope you will listen to it over and over again".

"Jacaranda is a name for the tree which was brought to Los Angeles from South America in the end of the 19th century. It is hard to find a neighborhood which doesn't have its own purple alley these da

В первый открытый вечер резиденции Aks Sado её участники представили свои заготовленные и импровизационные работы. Экспе...

В первый открытый вечер резиденции Aks Sado её участники представили свои заготовленные и импровизационные работы.

Экспериментальные формы электронного звучания обнаружили себя в формате улья — коротких живых сетов от резидентов.

Колыхание фазовых сдвигов, переливы гранулярного синтеза и гулкий басовый дрон приобретают значимые коннотации в контексте отчаянного военного кризиса, что выходит на новые круги эскалации в эти дни. Это музыка утраты и исхода, но вместе с тем – это звуки надежды на солидарное движение жертв империализма.

Каждый и каждая спасающаяся от агрессора имеет возможность свидетельствовать, чтобы влиять на тех, кто прославляет войну либо отмалчивается в страхе. Искусство и музыка существует лишь в моменте публичности, поэтому пусть их сила ясно говорит о сложности нашего времени и глубине его противоречий.

Этот небольшой концерт мы преподносим в качестве скромного жеста взаимности по отношению к гостеприимному Узбекистану, что принял и обогрел тысячи гонимых, как это было и впредь.

Это видео является записью трансляции, которая состоялась 25 ноября 2022 года.

Смотреть на ютубе, ссылка в био


11 track album

Hi there! TESTFM team has landed in Belgrade and is ready to gather radio friends, hug all and, of course, record.The fi...

Hi there! TESTFM team has landed in Belgrade and is ready to gather radio friends, hug all and, of course, record.

The first Balkan broadcast will be solemnly held in the friendly .winebar, which specializes in natural Serbian wines and, like us, reflects the spirit of the community. This Saturday, three friends and long-term residents of the radio are waiting for you with one unprecedented special!

Danya — an adherent of dance minimalism and an accomplished resident of the main Belgrade clubs, is one of the few who explores the controversial genre of minimal tech and finds something interesting there

Lack of Cheetos aka is the founder of the musical and creative association presents a colorful collage of rare finds and surprises of different genres

а gastronomic figure and co-founder of the Prosec bar has been broadcasting her author's Le Farang show, dedicated to the rare pearls of the Asian music scene on TESTFM for six years and symbolically recorded the 9th episode in her bar

A rare case when the co-founder and curator of radio is on the decks. Under the pseudonym DJSAAAD, he will collect a musicophile selection of balearic, eurohouse and eurodance from the depths of discogs.

This Saturday, from 19:00 to 00:00

Vidimo se!

Hello from Belgrade dear music lovers! We're now at Fields RS recording some acts to stream them after festival. It has ...

Hello from Belgrade dear music lovers! We're now at Fields RS recording some acts to stream them after festival. It has two days left, so don't miss it. All information provided here .music

See u there & here.

The week before Fields Festival starts in Belgrade, Andrey Morozov invited Serbian Walkman alchemist Vladimir Lenhart ak...

The week before Fields Festival starts in Belgrade, Andrey Morozov invited Serbian Walkman alchemist Vladimir Lenhart aka Lenhart Tapes to his left/fields show on TESTFM. Short about Lenhart from The Wire: “Lenhart operates between tape turntablism, improvisation and live performance, often with traditional Balkan singers. Of late, he closely works with ethnomusicologist and violinist/vocalist Tijana Stanković, who – as she says over this joint call – enjoys “the juxtaposition between the filthy noise coming from the tape recorder and these gentle, beautiful songs.”

His latest release to date, "Duets", keeps on a cheerful and noisy immersion into the traditional motifs by revisiting the loops and using the guest vocals, including Svetlana Spajić, a musician, ethnographist, and a curator of Fields.

"It is my choice of Balkan finest music in 2023, many of the artists are my collaborators that I am working with, some of them are just pearls that I am fan of. Various genres: from impro, local traditions, to metal, punk and electro underground". ~ Vladimir talks on this mixtape.

To listen to the mix and get info & tickets — click link in bio

Also in a few days we'll announce our broadcast schedule from Fields. Keep your eye on it.

PREMIERE. The Udacha label might have been away for a while but is now back with a vengeance. First up for this return i...

PREMIERE. The Udacha label might have been away for a while but is now back with a vengeance. First up for this return is a new long player by the mighty fine Kurvenschreiber quarter, which is made up of Sergey Komarov, Vlad Dobrovolski, Ilya Sadovski and Alexey Grachev. These sound artists have been excelling in their field for some 10 years now and use synths as well as found sound objects to create their work. Magnetic tape loops, various instruments, pre-recorded loops, shortwave radios, transformers and much more give rise to this unique record which mixes up Boolean jazz, kurventronika and post-rock.

Listen to:

The Udacha label might have been away for a while but is now back with a vengeance. First up for this return is a new long player by the mighty fine Kurvenschreiber quarter, which is made up of Sergey

This mix we've got from Roma Nemov, a DJ who knows how to surprise, hypnotise and make you dance eventually. Just press ...

This mix we've got from Roma Nemov, a DJ who knows how to surprise, hypnotise and make you dance eventually. Just press play to take this trip.

Link in bio

PREMIERE. An intriguing and revealing hypnotic immersion from the enigmatic duo JUNA."Archetipo" explores the landscapes...

PREMIERE. An intriguing and revealing hypnotic immersion from the enigmatic duo JUNA.

"Archetipo" explores the landscapes of the unconscious.
The word "persona" in Latin means mask: thus the personality, the scenery of the ego, is transformed into a theatre of archetypal images, merging word and music, like a rhetorical figure, a synesthesia. The aesthetic-musical research is a poetic-sound journey into the psyche, to tell and celebrate it.

It will be released on Serenades on May 5.

Listen to: https://on.soundcloud.com/8YDyZ



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