"Green Mouse Studios") is a Small Family-Owned animation production company in Jackson, Michigan, which produces animated films in the classical hand-drawn cartoon style. Cartoons"
Michael and Bancy's goal is to help America bring back the nearly departed "Disney" style of hand-drawn animation, after being inspired by James Lopez's hand-drawn animated steampunk film entitled "Hullabaloo", to mains
tream audiences, as things were in the animation glory days of the 1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Although Michael and The Pure Michigan Screen Cartoonists guild are planning to recreate the hand-drawn animation style of the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, we intend to make family entertainment films in a child-friendly way without any offensive content in animation, (for example; such racial stereotypes and and other uncensored cartoon controversies (including the use of gun violence) are all not part of Michael's future cartoons) in order to teach and discourage children with special needs -- such as Autism and Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD) from a young age to help prevent such problems in the world. In short, Michael and His Team aim to bring a new hope of a sense of humor (and, yes, a sense of creativity) for hand-drawn animation outside The Disney Studio's very own and also outside other American animation studios but, this time, The "Bancy and Company" Cartoons will be released in theaters as pre-show entertainment before each of your favorite classic family-friendly movies from the 60s to Today's family-friendly movies under future distribution contract with Warner Bros. in the near-future