Titusville, PA's original No-Budget film company, co-founded by Tom Colbert (post Galaxy Films) & Michael Todd Schneider (pre Drone Video & Maggot Films),
working years 1996 to 2000ish, Tom Colbert solo run since 1996. Irv Moore (AWESOME), Bobby (Bobb) Hart, Eric James (pre Wounded Man Prod), Michael Schneider and Tom Colbert. (1996, cast: Michael Schneider, Tom COlbert & Irv Moore)
, cast: Bobb Hart & Tom Colbert)
The Horn
(1996, cast: Bobb Hart & Tom Colbert)
The Horn
(1996 Ludwig Von Mix, cast: Bobb Hart & Tom Colbert)
The Kranny
(1996-98, cast: Bobb, Mike, Craig George, Jason Kinnear, Lisa Turnball & Tom)
Bloodless Fun
(1997? cast: Tom, Bobb and Mike with Rhonda & Jadian Gray)
The Kranny Trailer
What Lurks Outside The Bathroom Door
(1997?, cast: Tom Colbert & Ace the cat)
Sorry Bloody Sorry
(feature - unfinished)
I Know What You Were Last Halloween
(1998, Bobb Hart & Tom Colbert with Tim Lewis, Darrell Foote & Michael Schneider)
What's That? (Red Ball Entertainment, 1997?, cast: Michael Schneider, Bobb Hart & Tom Colbert)
Natural Causes
(1999?, cast: Eric James, Tom Colbert & Bobb Hart)
Lock Jaw
(1999, cast: Bobb Hart & Irv Moore)
The Boundary (feature - unf, part cast; Tom Colbert, Irv Moore, Bobb Hart, Wade Thomas, Jamie Andrusky, Stephen Silvis with Michael Schneider)
Chromebaby Trailer
(with many diff music track versions)
(feature 1999-2010 with wound man prod & maggot films, cast: many)
(1999? cast: Nate King, Robbie Biltz & Tom Colbert)
Psycho Cup
(2000 cast: Eric James, Michael Schneider & Tom Colbert)
Night of the Procrastinating Dead
(2000 cast: Eric James, Tom Colbert & Rich Atha)
BFP is in limbo at present, time will tell, if more will come .. thanks for all the support, past present and in the future?...
Note: the website link is to the neglected site, not really updated for eons, but still has lots of BFP related info, photos, surprises, other actors info, old news and maybe some forgotten fun and even My Crepitus and the Campy Creep ... (JNC,HFH,TC)