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Soham Majumdar Google Helped Me with Overused quotes.


*বিষয় : বাংলা ছবির ইন্ডাস্ট্রি নিয়ে কিছু সংকট, কিছু তর্ক ও সমাধানের ইচ্ছে।*

প্রথম :
আজ সকালে টেকনিশিয়ান স্টুডিও তে বাংলা ছবির, টেলিভিশনের পরিচালকরা ফেডারেশন এর সিদ্ধান্তের সামনে কিছু প্রশ্ন রেখেছে। বহুদিন ধরেই রাখছে, আজ ভঙ্গিটা মুভমেন্ট এর। তার, কিছু, বেশকিছু,অনেক কারণ রয়েছে।

*এই মুভমেন্ট এর গোড়ায়, আগায়,সামনে, পিছনে, ডানদিক, বাঁদিক, কোথাও সিনিয়র, জুনিয়র সহ সমস্ত রকমের টেকনিশিয়ান, সিনে শ্রমিকদের স্বার্থহানি র এক ফোঁটা উদ্দেশ্য নেই। বিষয় সেটা নয়ই। বিষয় - পলিসির।*

দ্বিতীয় :
বিষয়টা বনাম বা ভার্সেস এর নয়। যে ভার্সেস সবচেয়ে বেশি জনপ্রিয়, রাজনৈতিক তরজার, পলিটিক্যাল রঙের, তার নয়, বিশ্বাস করুন না করুন, নয়। বিষয়টা একই পরিবারের মধ্যে। পরিবারটা বাংলা বিনোদন ইন্ডাস্ট্রি। তাই যে কোনো রাজনৈতিক বনাম এর, অন্য যে কোনো "বনাম" এর বাইরে এই আলোচনা। কিন্তু বললেই তো আর হয়না। বনাম নিয়েই বেশি আলোচনা হবে। "এরা বনাম ওরা", এই মর্মেই আলোচনা হয়, কারণ তাতেই লাভ হয় বেশি, মজাও হয় বেশি। তাই ঐটাই চলতে থাকে। আর কোনো সমস্যার সমাধান হয়না। তাতে বিপদ বাড়তে থাকে গোটা ইন্ডাস্ট্রির। অভিনেতার, পরিচালকের, ফোকাস পুলারের, ট্রলি সেটিং ভাইয়ের, ইলেকট্রিশিয়ান এর, হেয়ার ড্রেসারের, মেক আপ আর্টিস্ট এর, সহকারী পরিচালকের, লাইটের কর্মীদের আরো সকলের মুখ কালো হতে থাকে।

তৃতীয় :

পরিবারের কারো শরীর খারাপ হলে ডাক্তার টেস্ট করাতে বলে। পলিসি নিয়ে যদি প্রশ্ন ওঠে, তাহলে সকলে বসে সেই টেস্ট গুলো করে নেওয়াই উচিত কাজ। যদি সত্যিই গনতান্ত্রিক ব্যবস্থা বজায় রাখতে হয়, তাহলে সবার মতামত নিয়েই চলতে হয়। শুধু ভোট নয়, মতামত। সুইচ টিপে ভোট দেওয়া নয়, মতামত। কথায়, লেখায়, বলায়। এবং সকলের। পরিচালকের, ট্রলি যিনি ঠেলেন, তার, লাইট যিনি লাগান তার, একসঙ্গে।
এবং সকলের একসঙ্গে। যদি তারজন্য নেতাজি ইন্ডোর লাগে, লাগুক। ময়দান লাগে,লাগুক। ব্রিগেড লাগে লাগুক। পয়সা খরচ করে সবার মতামত শোনা হোক। বোঝাই যাচ্ছে প্রস্তাবটা আবস্তব দিকে চলে যাচ্ছে। কারণ এতদিনের যে নিয়ম তৈরির ব্যবস্থা তাতেও সমাধান হচ্ছে না। বাওয়াল এর ভিউস, ট্র্যাকশন, কমেন্ট বেড়ে চলেছে আর ইন্ডাস্ট্রির সব কর্মীদের, বিশেষ করে যারা অল্প অর্থ রোজগার করেন,তাদের কপালে চিন্তার ভাঁজ বেড়েই যাচ্ছে।

বাংলা ছবির স্বাস্থ্য ভাল নয়, এটা পার্সেপশন নয়, সত্যি সমস্যা, তাই এর সমাধানও পার্সেপশন দিয়ে হবে না। সত্যি সমাধান দিয়েই করতে হবে।সেখানে ক্ষমতার লাফালাফি দেখালে হবে না, ভোট গুনলে হবে না। এটা রাজনৈতিক সমস্যা নয়, রাজনৈতিক কায়দায় এই সমস্যার সমাধান হবে না। সমস্যা বিনোদন শিল্পীদের, তাদের কাজের পরিবেশের, তাদের সম্মানের। তাদের মানে সকলের। যিনি মূল ভূমিকায় অভিনয় করেন, তার, যিনি জল দেন, খাবার দেন,তারও।

চতুর্থ :

ফেডারেশন এর সিদ্ধান্তের জেরে গোটা ইন্ডাস্ট্রি যেভাবে এক বড় আসন্ন বিপদের দিকে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে,সেটা নানা রকম ঘটনা দিয়েই বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া যায়, বাইরের বিজ্ঞাপন না আসা, বাইরের ছবির কাজ না আসা, পাশের দেশ, একই ভাষার কাজ এখানে না আসা, এসবেরই পথ সরু হতে হতে বন্ধ হতে চলেছে। আজকের বেশি টাকা কাল যদি শেষ হয়ে যায়, তাহলে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে বিনোদন শিল্প বলে আর কিছু থাকবে না। এটা রকেট সাইন্স নয়, কঠিন অঙ্ক নয়। একটু মাথা খাটালেই বোঝা যাবে।

*আবার একটা অনুরোধ, এটা বিনোদন শিল্প। চেনা ভার্সেস এর ন্যারেটিভ দিয়ে মিটবে না। মন খারাপ হয়ে যাচ্ছে সবার। মন মরে যাচ্ছে। এইভাবে চলতে থাকলে, ৮০ সালের পর আবার সেই দিন আসবে, যখন নতুন এ সি স্টুডিও গুলো আবার গুদাম হয়ে যাওয়া ছাড়া আর পথ থাকবে না।*

আঞ্চলিক ভাষার বিনোদন ভালবাসা, ঐক্য,সম্মান, আলোচনা ছাড়া বাঁচতে পারে না। প্রয়োজনে সাময়িক সংঘাত হোক, কিন্তু সকলে আরো বেটার পরিবেশ, বেটার অবস্থায়, সকলের জন্য বেটার অবস্থায় পৌঁছতে পারি।
*সকলের জন্য।*

জয় বাংলা ইন্ডাস্ট্রি
জয় বাংলা।

Peace is barely an option. Students have died. Yes let that information settle in. Students have died.

Peace is barely an option. Students have died. Yes let that information settle in. Students have died.

Just a reminder that all the walls with mirrors may be useful to this glory day.

Just a reminder that all the walls with mirrors may be useful to this glory day.

Running. Everyone is running. Some slow, some a little fast. Stopping to think? Well not really. Yes there goes the poet...

Running. Everyone is running. Some slow, some a little fast. Stopping to think? Well not really. Yes there goes the poetry out of the way. It has taken a rickshaw to Neverland, where presumably a lot of ideas and thoughts are marinating in the sun wearing black shades of wisdom. Wonder whether birds fly in Neverland, wish we could send a message, that we are actually again getting ready for a thousand minds to clash and for a thousand flowers to bloom.

Tumi amaar shohor. Amaar theke jodi dureo shore jaao, taholeo amaar shohor thaakbe. Kolkata tomaaye ektai onuridh tobe, ...

Tumi amaar shohor. Amaar theke jodi dureo shore jaao, taholeo amaar shohor thaakbe. Kolkata tomaaye ektai onuridh tobe, beshi dure shore jete diyo na. Phire dekha ta boddyo shohoj, phire asha ta tototai kotheen. Ami jaani na tumi kothaye acho ekhon, kara ache okhaane ekhon, ki bikri hochhe okhaane?
Shunchilaam onek gulo notun rong eshe juteche, torun projonmer laal, purono ra shob komola kinba shobuj. Kolkata ei bhul bojha bujhite, nijeke haariye phelo na please. Tomaaye onekei bhog korlo bote, kintu Kolkata tumi amaar shohor i thaakbe.

Chaalchitro Ekhon, an ode to Mr Mrinal Sen, an ode to my ever so beloved Kolkata. I have said enough. .dutt just take a bow, bhalo laagche na, just take a bow.

Maybe in the next one.

Maybe in the next one.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️I beg everyone to OPEN their eyes. Let’s not turn this page of history into a hopeless one.

I beg everyone to OPEN their eyes. Let’s not turn this page of history into a hopeless one.

While I start to write this, first of all I must admit that sometimes writing something right after watching a piece fee...

While I start to write this, first of all I must admit that sometimes writing something right after watching a piece feels like a rebound relationship, you never would know if you got it right. Well that is most things in life anyway. So first of all there is a heavy pain that I am currently recovering from after watching this show which truly, deeply and madly talks about love and submission of many forms. It is borderline dangerous if I may say so as to how I could relate or be scared of many moments that are so accurately depicted in this show. More than performances and story-telling, my heart just went out to the numerous people who perhaps are scared of dreaming a little cause of all the “sugar” they might be forced to spill. I often wondered about my own politics and experiences in such scenarios, I don’t know whether I always took the right stand, but surely I am learning to know what is right. Coming to the sheer brilliance of the text, my god, the life of , I am hopeful that your story not just embarks a journey for new story tellers but also of the millions who go through what you went through. The sheer performances of all the actors ranging from Jessica Gunning to Rava Mau, to each and every department. I genuinely haven’t felt so full and yet so empty in a long long time. It does scare to dream a little, but then there is no other way that I know. So watch this show Baby Reindeer to know a little more. Streaming on Netflix.

There is recently an audio that is doing the rounds quite a lot, something I have heard and re-heard quite a lot over th...

There is recently an audio that is doing the rounds quite a lot, something I have heard and re-heard quite a lot over the years. Hopefully the meaning of it changes everytime with each passing phase.
“Mujhe yeh sab kuch nahi chaahiye, nahi banna hai mujhe bada, mera dil toothna nahi chaahiye bass”

Every year it seems like some form of old wisdom gets reinforced and by the end of the year you again forget it. Thank y...

Every year it seems like some form of old wisdom gets reinforced and by the end of the year you again forget it. Thank you for all the lovely messages and all the not so lovely ones.
Dukaan is also out in the theatres, try and catch it :)

This photograph was taken on the first day of our shoot of Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video ( which was known as Happy Teach...

This photograph was taken on the first day of our shoot of Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video ( which was known as Happy Teacher’s Day at the time ). Super nervous as always to start something new. I guess you always think about an infant while starting something creative and then you handle everything with care and compassion. The cradles soon turn into tables and chairs and then an open field of exploration. Oh how I love my job. A friend had once said that we are paid to play dress up and correctly so. Thank you for all the love you guys are giving the film and my character. Wish to churn out even more complex brains in front of you. Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video is streaming on Netflix for the ones who are yet to watch.

“We are trending at  #1 in india and top 10 in 6 countries and ranking No 9 globally in Non English category with 900k v...

“We are trending at #1 in india and top 10 in 6 countries and ranking No 9 globally in Non English category with 900k views in JUST 5 days.”

Well this information was fed to me by some very able people in our team and I never would amount just the number of views as the paragon of success but genuinely a measure for the acceptance of this film in which we all put our heart to. Thank you dear audience for making this journey worthwhile as we had set out to deal with a complex issue. Thank you for giving us this chance to showcase our film. Thank you for telling this story.

Missing a lot of people in this picture. Thank you for showering so much love to our film Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video. ...

Missing a lot of people in this picture. Thank you for showering so much love to our film Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video. It feels humbling to get all your messages. Whether it has been for Shiva, Anand or Siddhant you, my dear audience have always given rather showered me with so much love. I promise you that I shall always be honest with my craft, even at times if I falter with some story selection, I promise to never be dishonest with it, for you to ever feel that way about me. Bohaut log aaye aur gaye, but your love shall always be there 🫂

I heard they were giving detectives away on a platter. Might as well stand by the time.

I heard they were giving detectives away on a platter. Might as well stand by the time.

Sun Soaked Playlist

Sun Soaked Playlist

Becoming Anirban started in the year 2020, when I got a random call from  stating how she feels that I should test for t...

Becoming Anirban started in the year 2020, when I got a random call from stating how she feels that I should test for this part. I could never thank you enough for too many things in my life right now( I love you and Batru ). I still remember my first video call with Sir, as that was the age and stage of zoom calls, and how the first thing he told me is that this is a film on a battle that needed to be fought, from then on I have just been thoroughly charmed by the man. His clarity of thought just amazed me, apart from his skill of making a tale look so believable. I remember reading books and watching tonnes of videos on cryptography as my character was that of a cryptographer, but it was the sheer conviction of Raja Sir, that made my preparation worth remembering.
Coming to the workshops for this film, I felt the table reads with the entire team gave us a unified sense of purpose where we were all battling to achieve whatever is best for the film and ofcourse my co-actor , with whom I embarked upon a journey for the second time, the first time being in Dhamaka. Needless to say that I am a bigger fan of the person, as having the kind of attitude she has could only mean that she is meant to be where she is at this moment.

Although we didn’t share scenes but certain conversations about films and acting in general was enough for me to know that we had a strong anchor with and to lead the journey of the film, and strongly supported by the likes of so many actors especially and . There was this invisible umbilical cord connecting all of us.

Thank you so much Sir for creating Anirban and making me a part of . Thank you , and Debu da for being absolute legends in your space.

Special thanks to and , you know I love you guys ❤️

Expecting that white ball to hit your face 😂Come on India 🇮🇳

Expecting that white ball to hit your face 😂

Come on India 🇮🇳

শুভ দীপাবলী | Happy Diwali 🪔

শুভ দীপাবলী | Happy Diwali 🪔

Haters would say I posed for this. 😏

Haters would say I posed for this. 😏

I have used my icloud memory for unnecessary pauses in life which often asks me to upgrade my storage. Hence posting tho...

I have used my icloud memory for unnecessary pauses in life which often asks me to upgrade my storage. Hence posting those pauses helps me delete them unceremoniously.

Sajini ko pura sheher dhoondh raha, dekho mein e bolaa tha woh idhar hi hai.

Sajini ko pura sheher dhoondh raha, dekho mein e bolaa tha woh idhar hi hai.

Pour-Over Love.

Pour-Over Love.

Never been about one liners, take some time, walk the drift. Lay it all out there. Take what you need preach little less...

Never been about one liners, take some time, walk the drift. Lay it all out there. Take what you need preach little less.

Jewellery .official
Styled by .joshii
Style team

My strongest pillar. First day first show in Kolkata. Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video out in theatres. The ticketing link i...

My strongest pillar. First day first show in Kolkata. Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video out in theatres. The ticketing link is in my bio.

Thank you for turning   into a VIRAL sensation! 😍We're filled with gratitude as it shines brightly in this stellar const...

Thank you for turning into a VIRAL sensation! 😍

We're filled with gratitude as it shines brightly in this stellar constellation! 🙏✨

Go watch with your family now, in theatres near you! Link in bio.

.online .ash*toshhh

Jo roke, jo t**e usko bolo ek hi baat; tujhya  ! 🎶😎Song out now! 🔥 Watch here -  releasing i...

Jo roke, jo t**e usko bolo ek hi baat; tujhya ! 🎶😎

Song out now! 🔥 Watch here -

releasing in cinemas on 27th October 2023.

.vyas1 .agdekar

👉🏻 SUBSCRIBE to Zee Music Company - Movie - Sajini Shinde Ka Viral VideoMusic - Tanishk Bagchi and Swager BoyLyrics - Swager Boy and...

Today marks the date when Durga Ma comes home after destroying all the evil. Similarly all the Asurs should be identifie...

Today marks the date when Durga Ma comes home after destroying all the evil. Similarly all the Asurs should be identified in the real world and met with the outcome they deserve. We couldn’t have found a better reception of our trailer, if you haven’t seen it please do watch trailer now

Releasing in cinemas on 27th October, 2023.

.online .ash*toshhh

I often wondered how come we associate the term dump while it signifies a few moments that were captured. Now I realise ...

I often wondered how come we associate the term dump while it signifies a few moments that were captured. Now I realise that it is usually said due to the lack of finding a better caption to encapsulate it all.

Well I could have bought a few more things if the conversion rate was a little more subtle. A colonial hangover is never...

Well I could have bought a few more things if the conversion rate was a little more subtle. A colonial hangover is never too bad. London you were bittersweet.




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