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The Public Source - مصدر عام In-depth and uncompromising journalism in the public interest | إعلام مكرَّس لإنتاج صحافة معمّقة وغير مساوِمة لخدمة المصلحة العامّة

In 1915, as World War I was raging, and the Ottoman Empire was collapsing, the Entente Powers (led by Britain, France, a...

In 1915, as World War I was raging, and the Ottoman Empire was collapsing, the Entente Powers (led by Britain, France, and Russia) began secretly negotiating the future borders of the Middle East.

In 1916, the Sykes-Picot Agreement was announced. It divided all the Ottoman provinces outside the Arabian Peninsula into nominally independent areas, with limited self-rule, under British and French imperial control.

The 1923 Paulet-Newcombe Agreement redrew borders, transferring villages from French Mandate Lebanon to British Mandate Palestine, leaving residents displaced without moving as the borders shifted beneath their feet — eventually stripping them from the land they called home.

To this day, these residents continue to fight for their right of return.

Learn how they’ve preserved their memories and read some of their stories — passed down over generations, in “Stolen By a Map: The Haunting History of Lebanon’s Lost Villages.”

Reporting by Dana Hourany
Photos by Rita Kabalan

[The Long Read] “Where do we go when we search for Palestine?”For writer Sumayya Kassamali, it is Beirut. What is it abo...

[The Long Read] “Where do we go when we search for Palestine?”

For writer Sumayya Kassamali, it is Beirut.

What is it about this city, its history, and its people that keeps the struggle for the liberation of Palestine ever-present?
Kassamali takes us along her heartfelt journey in search of Palestine.

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]في المشهد الحادي عشر، تستعيد المصوّرة وقف إطلاق النار يوم ٢٧ تشرين الثاني. "ظننتُ أن كا...

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]
في المشهد الحادي عشر، تستعيد المصوّرة وقف إطلاق النار يوم ٢٧ تشرين الثاني. "ظننتُ أن كابوسًا سينتهي مع وقف إطلاق النار عند حلول الساعة الرابعة فجرًا. في تلك الليلة، لم أميّز بين غارات الحمرا والغربية والضاحية. صادفتُ بيتي في ذلك المربع الأحمر المشؤوم، لعنت كل مرّة مررت عليه بسرعة خوفًا من غارة أقصى ما يمكنها فعله أن تقتلني في بيتي! ولكن كيف ستكون العودة؟ كيف أضمّ الأرض كلها في قلبي؟" تكتب فاطمة في مذكراتها.

كتابة وتصوير فاطمة صلاح جمعة

الرابط في السيرة.

في هذه الترجمة العربية المجتزأة من ورقة أعدّها الباحث البرازيلي وأستاذ العلاقات الدولية برونو هوبرمان، بعنوان: "لماذا لا...

في هذه الترجمة العربية المجتزأة من ورقة أعدّها الباحث البرازيلي وأستاذ العلاقات الدولية برونو هوبرمان، بعنوان: "لماذا لا يكون اليسارُ اليهودي البرازيلي مناهضًا للصهيونيةَ؟ سياسات اليسار الصهيوني بوصفه حرس الثورة المضادة في البرازيل"، يراجع الكاتب تاريخ التفاعل بين الصهيونية واليسار في البرازيل خلال قرن من الزمن، ويحاجِج أنّ اليسار الصهيوني الذي لطالما قدّم نفسه كمجموعة تقدمية متضامنة مع الشعب المضطهَد في فلسطين والبرازيل يشغل عمليًا موقع الجهة الاستعمارية المضادة للثورة بوجه السياسات التحرّرية لليسار الجذري.

بحسب الكاتب، يعمل اليسار الصهيوني على دعم "الفلسطينيين المعتدلين" باعتبارهم "ضحايا التطرّف"، ليقوّض البعد الكفاحي في الطروحات النضالية حول فلسطين لدى اليسار العالمي. يبرّر اليسار الصهيوني دوره كحارس للمجتمع اليهودي ضد التطرف المفترض لليسار العالمي الذي يدعم المقاومة الفلسطينية، وذلك عبر إلقاء اللوم على المقاومة الفلسطينية "المتطرّفة" بحجة تخريبها المبادرات التآزرية ما بين مختلف الأقطاب السياسية المعنية بالقضية.

كتابة: برونو هوبرمان
ترجمة: فاطمة فؤاد السمان
تحرير: ساسين كوزلي

الصور من الأرشيف الوطني البرازيلي

[Syria's Freedom Incomplete Without the Disappeared] On December 11, around 40 bodies were found in a morgue at the Hara...

[Syria's Freedom Incomplete Without the Disappeared] On December 11, around 40 bodies were found in a morgue at the Harasta Military Hospital, northeast of Damascus. Under Bashar al-Assad's regime, these bodies — retrieved from the infamous Sednaya Prison, nicknamed Syria’s “human slaughterhouse” — were typically stored at the hospital before getting transferred to mass graves.
Following Assad's fall from power after a 24-year dictatorship, the victims’ remains were moved to al-Mujtahid Hospital. The bodies, wrapped in white shrouds and plastic bags, showed clear signs of torture. Among them was Mazen Hamada, whose identity was confirmed by his brother, Fawzi Hamada, through photographs.

Hamada, a 33-year-old oil company technician, was abducted in 2011 for filming peaceful protests. After enduring years of imprisonment and torture, he was released and fled to Europe, where he sought asylum in the Netherlands. In exile, he devoted himself to seeking justice for victims of the Assad regime, exposing its atrocities through conferences in Western capitals, interviews, and documentaries. Over time, however, his mental state deteriorated and he was coerced by the Syrian state to return home in 2020. Despite assurances of safety from the Assad regime, Hamada was forcibly disappeared shortly after his return. His family believes he was killed just days before the fall of the regime.

On December 12, hundreds of Syrians gathered in Damascus to mourn martyrs of the Syrian revolution. In al-Hijaz Square, the mourners chanted in honor of Hamada and carried photos of martyrs and forcibly disappeared individuals, including Ali Mustafa and Yathreb al-Zahuri. During the funeral procession, people also demanded justice and accountability for the missing, estimated at around 130,000.

Syrian activist Wafa Mustafa, whose father was forcibly disappeared in 2013, expressed shock over the desperate measures people were taking to locate their loved ones. "Files and documents in prisons are being destroyed and damaged,” she said in an interview with France 24.

Mustafa criticized the absence of international organizations with the "resources and the mandate to protect these documents.” Instead, she said, families of the missing are being forced to turn to unverified accounts on social media platforms to seek information about their loved ones.

Mustafa stressed that Syria's freedom is incomplete if the detainees are left behind.

(Photos by Naël Chahine/The Public Source)

During the Nakba, Zionist militias invaded and occupied over 400 Palestinian towns and villages, displacing their reside...

During the Nakba, Zionist militias invaded and occupied over 400 Palestinian towns and villages, displacing their residents. Among them: seven villages historically part of Greater Lebanon.

Mahmoud Hourani is originally from Tarbikha, one of the seven villages. In this photo essay, he shares his family’s story of decades-long resistance— from surviving curfews and displacement to fighting for recognition and the right to return.

Photos by Rita Kabalan.

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]في المشهد التاسع، توثّق المصورة عملية إنقاذ الجرحى وانتشال جثامين الشهداء بمواكبة من ال...

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]
في المشهد التاسع، توثّق المصورة عملية إنقاذ الجرحى وانتشال جثامين الشهداء بمواكبة من الجيش اللبناني عقب العدوان الصهيوني على منطقة البسطة في العاصمة اللبنانية، فجر ٢٣ تشرين الثاني، ٢٠٢٤. استهدف العدوان شارع فتح الله، حيث انطلقت منه الشرارات الأولى للمقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان، ولا تزال جدرانه المزينة بصور السعداء.

كتابة وتصوير فاطمة صلاح جمعة


[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] People didn’t wait for the sun to rise. As the cessation of hostilities took effect at 4 a.m., celebratory gunfire erupted, and thousands of displaced people began returning en masse to their homes in Dahieh, the southern suburbs of Beirut, and to the South, the Bekaa, and Baalbek-Hermel.

Despite the immense losses, the deep scars, and the understanding that the weeks and months to come will be spent grieving, this day nonetheless represents a pivotal moment in Lebanon's history. Today, the spirit of the people remains unbroken, adamant, and ready to rebuild all that Israel has destroyed.

A banner hung across a damaged storefront echoes a sentiment of valiance felt by many Hezbollah supporters: In the name of God, we will certainly be victorious. Signed, Nasrallah.

Written by Livia Bergmeijer & Tracy J. Jawad.
Photos by Marwan Bou Haidar.

Just hours before a highly anticipated, but not yet finalized, ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel, Israeli f...

Just hours before a highly anticipated, but not yet finalized, ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel, Israeli fighter jets carried out a series of strikes in Beirut and its southern suburbs.

A residential building in the densely populated district of Noueiri, Basta, was struck without prior notice, killing seven people and injuring 37, according to the Ministry of Public Health. The attack completely leveled the four-storey building, which was primarily housing the displaced, according to the National News Agency. This is the eighth attack on Beirut proper and the second attack on Basta in three days.

Shortly after the strike on central Beirut, Israeli military spokesperson Avichay Adraee posted 20 forced displacement notices on X for Hadath (3), Haret Hreik (10), Borj al-Barajneh (2), and Ghobeiry (5), marking the largest such warning issued by the Israeli military.

Around 30 minutes after the evacuation warnings were posted, Israeli occupation forces proceeded to carpet-bomb Dahieh.

Photos by Marwan Bou Haidar.

FEAR had already gripped their hearts. For the past month, ever since news of massacres in nearby villages began to spre...

FEAR had already gripped their hearts. For the past month, ever since news of massacres in nearby villages began to spread, the residents of Tarbikha had been sleeping outside in a field. Fatima Hourani's husband, Deeb, and the other men took turns guarding the village at night.

Nothing could have prepared them for what came next.

Reporting by journalist Dana Hourany.

Yesterday, Al Jazeera journalist Hossam Shabat was injured in an Israeli double tap strike on a Gaza home, where he had ...

Yesterday, Al Jazeera journalist Hossam Shabat was injured in an Israeli double tap strike on a Gaza home, where he had rushed to report on the first airstrike. Shabat says he was deliberately targeted in the second airstrike, and he has reason to believe so.

Last month, the Israeli military issued what can only be described as a kill list of six journalists working in northern Gaza.

Despite the heightened dangers facing the six publicly targeted journalists, they have remained steadfast in their duty to cover and report on the increasingly horrifying news coming out of northern Gaza.

This is how the journalists and their media network, Al Jazeera, responded at the time.

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]في المشهد الثامن، توثّق المصوّرة عمليات الدفاع المدني في إخماد النيران وإنقاذ الضحايا ع...

[مشاهد من الحرب بعدسة فاطمة جمعة]

في المشهد الثامن، توثّق المصوّرة عمليات الدفاع المدني في إخماد النيران وإنقاذ الضحايا عقب الغارة الإسرائيلية التي استهدفت قلب العاصمة اللبنانية في شارع مار الياس التجاري والمكتظ سكانيًا مساء الأحد ١٧ تشرين الثاني، ٢٠٢٤. إن الغارة التي "ضربت الحواس"، كانت قد استهدفت متاجرًا للأجهزة الالكترونية والبطاريات والعطور سريعة الاشتعال، وامتدّت ألسنة اللهب النار بين المحال، من مبنى لآخر ومن طابق لأعلى حتى بلغت السماء.

كتابة وتصوير فاطمة صلاح جمعة

[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] NNA correspondent Ali Hussein Daoud, who had been reporting from Nabatieh under rel...

[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] NNA correspondent Ali Hussein Daoud, who had been reporting from Nabatieh under relentless Israeli airstrikes, has now been displaced after Israeli warplanes struck close to his home.

Despite his resolve to stay, the escalating violence and destruction made displacement inevitable. Now in Saida, Ali reflects on the pain of leaving behind a life built over decades, as he and his family struggle to find a sense of security away from their roots.

Journalist Layla Yammine continues to follow up with Ali and share the harrowing reality of forced displacement in south Lebanon in this “Urgent Dispatch From Nabatieh.”

Lebanon's residents are facing immense psychological strain as Israel's war against them is compounding their daily stru...

Lebanon's residents are facing immense psychological strain as Israel's war against them is compounding their daily struggles and deepening collective trauma.

“The Zionist entity is attempting to intrude on people’s minds, their sense of self, and their safety in their own reality.” —Lebanese psychoanalytic psychologist Lara Sheehi.

In “Symptomatic Steadfastness: Politicizing Trauma with Lara Sheehi,” Sheehi explores how we can be “both symptomatic as a practice of our humanity and also refuse to let oppressive systems force despair down our throats.”

Interview conducted by editorial assistant Nour Nahhas.
Photos by Marwan Bou Haidar and Fatima Joumaa.

دأبت فاطمة جمعة المصوِّرة وصانعة الأفلام، ابنة تراب قرية حومين العاملية ومن أهل ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية، على توثيق مراسم تش...

دأبت فاطمة جمعة المصوِّرة وصانعة الأفلام، ابنة تراب قرية حومين العاملية ومن أهل ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية، على توثيق مراسم تشييع الشهداء في جبل عامل والضاحية طيلة عام من انطلاق جبهة الإسناد لغزة مرورًا بيوميات الحرب على لبنان منذ اتساعها واشتدادها منتصف أيلول الماضي.

"ماذا بعد أن نرى؟ ماذا بعد الصورة؟ أسأل نفسي فيما نشهدُ شتاتًا عميقًا لهول ما رأيناه في غزة، ماذا يعقب الرؤية؟ وما الذي يتوجب علينا فعله بعد أن نرى؟ لا أملك إجابة، لكنّني أعلم أنّ من يقتصر عمله على الرؤية، دون سواها، لا بدّ أن يعميه المشهد..." تكتب فاطمة فيما توثّق تشييعًا تلو الآخر، ونزوحًا يتعبه نزوح.

كتابة وتصوير فاطمة صلاح جمعة.


[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] On Monday morning, dozens of Sudanese women — some of whom are recognized by the UN...

[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] On Monday morning, dozens of Sudanese women — some of whom are recognized by the UNHCR as refugees — protested in front of the agency’s headquarters in Jnah, Beirut, demanding safe evacuation to an intermediary or host country.

Protest co-organizer Kolshi Angilma said shelters, including schools across the country that opened their doors to the displaced, have been turning her and other Sudanese migrants away. Some Sudanese migrants sought refuge in Beirut, hoping the UNHCR would come to their aid — but so far, to no avail, another protestor says.

Photos by Zeina Hariri.
Written by Christina Cavalcanti.

[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] On October 3, an Israeli airstrike targeted a residential building in Beirut’s dens...

[Dispatches From the Lebanese Front] On October 3, an Israeli airstrike targeted a residential building in Beirut’s densely-populated Bachoura neighborhood, killing nine members of the Islamic Health Organization’s Civil Defense crew, including two medics.

The attack also damaged the Bachoura Cemetery, a historic site nearby. Images of shattered gravestones circulated widely, worrying families in Lebanon and abroad whose loved ones are buried there.

Journalist Tracy J. Jawad spoke with those affected by the destruction, and drew parallels between the Israeli military’s indiscriminate Gaza Doctrine and its war on Lebanon.

[يوميات الحرب] منذ العام ١٩٣٧، خبر العامليّون الاعتداءات الصهيونية المتكررة على لبنان، ويعلم أهل البلاد أنّ المعركة القا...

[يوميات الحرب] منذ العام ١٩٣٧، خبر العامليّون الاعتداءات الصهيونية المتكررة على لبنان، ويعلم أهل البلاد أنّ المعركة القائمة لن تكون الأخيرة، فهي حرب مفتوحة حتى زوال الاحتلال.

لكلّ منّا ذكرياته مع هذه الحروب، إلا أنّ هذه الذكريات لا تتكرّر كما هي، بل لكلّ حرب أوجاعها وأحداثها وخساراتها. يروي الكاتب والشاعر العاملي محمد ناصر الدين بعضًا من ذكرياته خلال فترات متباعدة من الحروب المتتالية على امتداد ٤ عقود من الزمن.

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