Please 🙏tell me I’m not alone here…I mean, no, I’m not going to pour myself a glass of wine 🍷at 7 AM. But 7 PM. …. That’s a different story.It’s red wine season with all these cool 🍁temps. I am always looking for new cabs or Pinot Noir to try. Have one you love that doesn’t break the bank? I’d love to hear. Life is about balance. So don’t worry. I’ll be hydrating first. How about you? #joinme #winelover #momlife #joshcellars #apothic #moderation #balance
As if the end of the school year isn’t hard enough. Tack on graduations, birthdays, the emotions of one of your babies, leaving for college and spending every weekend traveling for sports.
I know so many if you are going through so many of these things too.
So catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror this morning, I wasn’t surprised to be completely scared of my own reflection. 😪😵😱
The exhaustion has set in. So much so I considered going to lay back down. Skipping a Monday morning workout.
This is when I remind myself all the reasons I WILL do this. This May trigger some thoughts for you so you will do the same.
1. Jayde, at 14 years old agreed to play two extra lacrosse games in 100° temperatures to help out a team that didn’t have a goalie. After game 4 I could see she was exhausted. I asked her if she wanted me to see if we could find the team a different Goalie. Her answer to me was “no mom, I promised them. I wouldn’t bail now. I’ll be OK. I can do this.”
And she did.
2. Colin, my son got a last-minute request to do a woodworking job just a few days before graduation that they needed in a few days. I told him not to commit to anything he couldn’t pull off right now. It seemed like a bad plan that he was taking that on based on the week he had ahead. His response “I can do it mom. I’ll be able to get everything else done.”
And he did.
As much as they don’t realize it, I know their persistence, effort, and dedication is part of who they are now.
My kids have always been my WHY.
When they were little. I wanted them to see the value of self-care. About making a commitment and sticking to it. I wanted to be sure I was being a good example for them. To be sure I was practicing what I was preaching.
Years later….. here I am. Showing up. Even when I dont want to. And little do they realize …..they have been the ones inspiring and motivating me.
Go back to your “WHY”. Remind yourself who’s watching an
“I don’t need a group. An extra community. Any new friends. I just need to get motivated, to get myself healthy again.”
Yep. I hear that constantly. In fact, I said those words myself.
I mean, we know how to get healthy. We know we need to go to exercise and eat better. We just have to do it! We don’t need some accountability group or random people sharing about their workouts to inspire us. We know just what to do.
………Or do we?
Let me tell you what.
You don’t know what you don’t know. 💥
When my husband had to start working nights that no longer gave me the freedom to go to the gym first thing in the morning; l thought I could do it on my own, at home 🏡, with ease.
I was dead wrong. 😱😕
I tried. I did some workouts. But I got distracted. I would randomly stop to switch the laundry🧺, go check another email📧, or listen 👂to a voicemail.
So I finally took the plunge. I signed up for a 30 day accountability group. Not only did we have to show up daily and share. We even got on a zoom call and all just got our workouts done at the same time. Like showing up for a class
I sure as heck wasn’t able to switch the laundry now. And ironically, I completely fell in love with that accountability group. And although I wasn’t searching for new friends, I’ve made some amazing ones.
10 years later, I run my own team zoom calls in the morning. I run private accountability groups to help people that are stuck just like I was. And I show up in your inbox when I see you not showing up for yourself.
This is why our community continues to grow. This is why we see change. And this is truly what fills my cup.
Today is the last day to join our June Boot Camp. And our July Boot Camp will be a new program test group. Talk about transformation possibilities. You simply just need to get out of your own head thinking you can do this on your own. there’s little magic that happens in our group. And we will welcome you with open arms.
Losing weight over 40 doesn’t have to be so hard.
Stop cutting calories.
Stop doing so much cardio.
Here’s 4 things you can do RIGHT NOW to help with those hormone symptoms.
1. Stop stressing. Easier said than done. I know. But stress; mental or physical increases cortisol which = BELLY FAT. Think hard about what’s stressing you. Will it matter next week? Next month? If not. CHILL OUT!
2. DITCH that high impact cardio. That’s adding stress to your body. Lift weights!!! You won’t get bulky! Muscle burns fat and as we get older we are LOSING muscle. Build that up!
3. Add more lean protein to your diet. Very often women are cutting too many calories and not getting enough protein. You need the fuel. You need the protein to support those muscles!
4. Supplement as needed. I added in some key supplements and I saw a change in DAYS! Do you know what you actually need?
Need tips? Need to know where to start? DM me.
It’s time to ENJOY LIFE AGAIN. Laugh. Dance. Love your body for what it’s capable of and stop wondering “HOW”. Let’s go! #recoverywarrior #recoveryrocks #mentalhealthrecovery #traumarecovery #eatingdisorders #momstrong #fitandhealthy #fitkids #corporateidentity #fitnessreels #fitnesscommunity #momswhoworkout #fitnessformoms #fitandhappy #corporatelogo #fitnessaddict #fitlife #fitnessgirl
#disorderedeating #recoverywin #recoverywarrior #recoveryrocks #mentalhealthrecovery #traumarecovery #eatingdisorders #momstrong #fitandhealthy #fitkids #corporateidentity #fitnessreels #fitnesscommunity #momswhoworkout #fitnessformoms #fitandhappy #corporatelogo #fitnessaddict #fitlife #fitnessgirl #hateit #tootiredtocook #toolazytocook #hate #nohate #selfhate
Calling all half-assers 😂😂😂 and those that have been “busted”
You know the group of us that eats really really well one day and then self sabotages the next. 😩 and wonder why we can’t just “drop a few pounds”?
Maybe we’re working out 🏋️♀️regularly but not following any plan or going all in. Just simply checking it off✅✅✅✅ a list.
We’re the ones that committed to getting healthier before summer yet here we are, staring 😳at summer ☀️🌞👙
Well, I’ve got something for you: …….and for me!
Starting Monday, June 3, we have a FREE 🆓sugar 🍭🍰🍫detox group kicking off! This five day group will just be focused on reducing refined sugar. Although day one and two are tough you will be shocked how good you’re feeling by day three. 🎉🎉🎉
AND ONE WEEK LATER…..on June 10, we will be officially kicking off a 30 day Boot Camp so we all feel awesome by Fourth of July! 🇺🇸🎆
This group will follow a specific fitness program.
👉30 minutes a day.
👉four to five days a week.
(All fitness levels welcome)
It will be focused on water 💦
consumption by daily check-ins (you may be shocked to know how much drinking water can help in weight loss)
It will be focused on nutrition. 🥗🥝🍉🍅🍌🍓You will be able to pick between three of our plans.
1. A Portion control plan
2. A plan that’s specific to emotional eaters
3. A a gut health program.
Recipes will be shared to support all plans.
And of course, we will all have a daily indulgence with our shake recipes! New combinations or even dessert recipes if you’re not up for drinking a shake.
We will be keeping this group private and small because I am committed to every single person getting results.
And ….if this goes like my last group that means everyone should be dropping between 4 and 16 pounds.
This is your time to go all in.
To stop making excuses.
To actually feel strong and confident.
To put down all th
Are you living with energy and passion or are you in survival mode?
Are you taking care of yourself mentally, physically and financially or are you just trying to get through each day?
There are so many things in our lives that we cannot control. But maybe it’s time to focus on the ones we can.
I show up here on social media every day to remind you the importance of self-care. To remind you that it’s not about walking a runway it’s about being able to walk with your grandkids one day.
It’s about showing your kids, the importance of self-love and self-care, even on hard days.
It’s about throwing on a bathing suit, embracing the body that kept you healthy, no matter its size and being able to play with your kids and one day; their kids.
Life changes on a dime.
Tomorrow could be totally different.
Are you making the best of today?
Drop a 🙌 if you’re rocking your best life?! #fromhome #workfromhomejobs #workoutfromhome #shopfromhome #momofteenagers #momentsoflife #teenagerposts #officialtwinmom #momofateenager #momofgirl #momentoftruth #momsofinstagram #momof2 #momentsofmine #teenagers #bestofmom #fitnessformoms #fitandhappy #corporatelogo #fitnessaddict #fitlife #fitnessgirl
#disorderedeating #recoverywin #recoverywarrior #recoveryrocks #mentalhealthrecovery
The answer is 3!
It’s spring. 🌸🌼
Which means it’s lacrosse 🥍season.
It’s also the end of a school🚌 year.
And….graduation time. 🎓
That means…I miss my girlfriends #toomanykidevents
So when I’ve had a 🔥 HELL 🔥week….i MAKE THE TIME for a quick glass of wine 🍷and a a funny ass video with my girls.
Just a few minutes of silly can do wonders for your mental health! So CHEERS 🥂to a FRIDAY night after a long ass week. And hugs to all my momma friends that will be cheering for their kids on the sidelines all weekend long like me! Hoping you have some kick ass friends to have the laughs with between the games. #findyourtribe
#sing #laxtime #momlife
“You are bordering on being overweight. If you gain 15-20 pounds we could get you on some weight loss meds”
Ummmmmm….SAY WHAT???
The doctor told me this yesterday. A few years ago, this would’ve destroyed me.
I mean, let’s be honest. No one really loves getting on that scale and that’s the first thing they have you do.
But that number does not define me.
That number….Does not measure muscle. And does not completely determine health.
I’m down a Jean 👖size because I am losing by lifting weights.
My blood pressure and blood 🩸work is perfect.
I am a girl that loves her cocktails, 🍷loves her popcorn, 🍿and loves the fact that I no longer obsess about a number on the scale. And that is truly my hope for all of you.
Healthy, balanced, and joyful. That comes in many sizes. #wellness #overweight#alwayscold #keepingitreal #fitandhappy #corporatelogo #fitnessaddict #fitlife #fitnessgirl
#disorderedeating #recoverywin #recoverywarrior #recoveryrocks #mentalhealthrecovery #tootiredtocook #toolazytocook #healthateverysize #learntocook#traumarecovery #homeawayfromhomezine #makemoneyworkingfromhome #moneymaker #m
Short answer: heck yes 🙌
Longer answer: yes! Many times when we think we want to drop weight we eat LESS. And for many women we are under eating. The diet culture has unfortunately trained us wrong. But I finally figured out that food is not the enemy.
Carbs are not the enemy.
I can absolutely help you find the right balance within your nutrients to help you actually burn fat! Very often that means you might need to be eating a little more!
My weight loss and wellness group during pre and post menopause group is going strong! I’d love to help you too. Simply dm me or comment with BALANCE and I can give you the details and help you find the magic 🪄too!
#disorderedeating #recoverywin #recoverywarrior #recoveryrocks #mentalhealthrecovery #traumarecovery #eatingdisorders #momstrong #fitandhealthy #fitkids #corporateidentity #fitnessreels #fitnesscommunity #momswhoworkout #fitnessformoms #fitandhappy #corporatelogo #fitnessaddict #fitlife #fitnessgirl #hateit #tootiredtocook #toolazytocook #hate #nohate #selfhate #hatersgonnahate #cookeryphoto #healthateverysize #learnto