U.M.G: See The UnScene; as a record label, we strive to support the real, self expressive music in it's purest form. We believe in spreading love, light, and healing through vibration of conscious vocalists. We provide a stress free work environment for artists who believe in true and original hip hop music. We dream of a record label that can achieve success, without having to sell ignorance or t
he glorification of material possessions. Our goal is to drop knowledge through hip hop as a form of poetry...for anymore information please contact: Luis R Figueroa Jr @ 1-718-200-8824, text me ah message & I'll get back to you asap. K.O.F http://koflabs.com/ KnockOut of the Future
Adi Madan (A.K.A Deetch), Cordell Martin (A.K.A Mr. Cozgrove), Spencer Gallardo, Danny DeMedio, Dwayne Bowser (A.K.A Knowaru)
K.O.N.D - Flow Doctors
Corey Erdel (A.K.A ZigZag Man), Chris Mellor (A.K.A CFM)
Ricky Comuniello (A.K.A Rap al Dente)
O'Neill Fernandez (A.K.A 5Face), Branden Mulqueen (A.K.A Hands)
High Society(UnpluggedMusicGroup)
Luis Rafael Figueroa Jr (A.K.A R,G.P A.K.A RahDaGod A.K.A GePoet)
The MoveOnMovement https://www.facebook.com/DaGodRah
Producer: Anthony"The Mad Scientist"Masone
DJ KennyKush http://soundcloud.com/djkenkush
Tommy Handler: Film director & editor. Clifford Innocent: photographer
Steve Fox Inforzato: Street team director / promoter.