Gather around for yet another gruesome 4 hours of black metal and other spells polluting the Fargo/Moorhead airwaves. However this marks the end of the 4 hour reign. I will return to my normal 2 hour shows every Saturday, after today. The show today is a bit special, doing two full album playthroughs, some vinyl and some brand new black metal. Covering all the bases today. Don't miss the madness...
Tune in right now on 95.9FM. Also available for live streaming on our site here https://radiofreefargo.org/ ONLY on KRFF 95.9 Radio Free Fargo.
Lately I have been over indulging in the South Korean black metal band, Sad Legend. So for the final 4 hour onslaught, figured play both of their full length albums. Kicking off the show with the 1998 debut full length album "Sad Legend" released by the label, Hammerheart Productions. Excellent stuff here, quite different from the follow up, which I have for you all next....
Stay tuned, plenty more up next...a